He was supposed to drain the swamp. He conned us and we fell for it

He was supposed to drain the swamp. He conned us and we fell for it

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off shill

Really Makes You Think (TM)

>He conned us and we fell for it
He didn't even start

>Nine's full of four's

Nice full house, senpai

its ok, he probably will either be impeached or assassinated soon. He did con us and anyone who says other wise is a blind plebbittor, a true Sup Forumsack can take criticism about something, these new thedonald fags are ruining this board.

Because you never understood the meaning of Drain The Swamp in the first place.

Hopefully he can drain the CIA swamp.

in 3 days will be the start of the draining. evicting king nigger and his family.

billionaires know best, the common man like us really shouldn't be in charge

Where do frogs live?

>straylia flag
This is not about The Great Emu War. Fuck off.

You need to look deep inside yourself.

>He was supposed to drain the swamp
I never believed it fully, even though I still support him.

Think rationally here. He is a fucking businessman, not a white nationalist. He is just going by the easiest, most rational and simplest solutions, but nothing is rational about being a libcuck, so he chose not to be libcuck, but it doesn't mean he is gonna gas the kikes like Sup Forums thinks of him.

>phoneposter pic
Nice try shill


Lifelong Trump supporter here, and as much as I hate to say it, I agree with OP. Trump was supposed to change Washington, but now he's let Washington change him. I should have voted for Hillary instead.

This. Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.

wow. an entire thread sponsored by the CTR. Neat. well at this point perhaps the corrupt CIA.


he's not even president yet.

Look at his cabinet picks faggot.
No one here listened to me so fuck you.
He's so obvious I don't know how anyone was fooled in the first place.

just move to a nigger/spic filled city you'll be voting Hillary in no time. 63% of Hillary votes were niggers and spics, you know the people who live in cities.

Obama got more white votes then hillary.. lol

>these new thedonald fags are ruining this board.

This. This board has become /r/The_Donald 2.0. The worst part is these fucking redditors infest the other boards and act like fucking redditors there too.

>Look at his cabinet picks faggot.
I did

I never actually believed in him but he's still better than Clinton.

>anyone who doesn't support the genocidal maniac King Nigger is a bad person
You need to look deep inside yourself retard. Open your fucking eyes.

you can take the REEEEEEdditor out of the circle jerk, but you cant take the circle jerk out of the REEEEEEdditor

they are like niggers

you understand he isnt president yet.

fucking faggots. Seriously, I can't wait for the death squads to start up.

we're the jews now that's why

>Points out the corruption in his admin.
Guess that means we're shills.

Where are people drawing these conclusions from when he hasn't even taken office yet.

Dude your responding to your own posts..Dont you know how this board works?

Old Sup Forums would have dropped him as soon as he shilled for Israel

Attn: Don't give replies to Concerned Shilling threads. That is all.

why are you falling for such obvious bait? How fucking new are half of you people?

>New guy at CTR

Trump's nominee for education secretary to Bernie's free college " Nothing is ‘truly free’ "
Bernie Sanders BTFO


>Captcha: Jesus

I wonder (((who))) could be behind it all?

You need to look deep into the receiving end of a shotgun barrel

>your responding to your own posts
Dont (sic) you know how the English language works Drumpfkin? I knew you we're all idiots, but this is a new low.

He's to be pitied more than anything else.

You concern trolling is noted, CTR.
This honestly reminds me of when Regan was elected. He was seen as an outsider and a joke at the time of his election with similar predictions of failure by the Democrats and the press.


Yep, Sup Forums has become a Trump safespace where criticism isn't allowed. Literally plebbit-tier faggotry.

Shut up you hypocritical kike.

You fucking shills, he isn't even President yet.

so people actually get paid to shill bullshit positions in order to control the narrative of the conversations on random Mongolian throat singing forums? God im here for free...

>he refilled the swamp with the same psychopaths
what the hell did you expect? those fuckers control everything and everyone

>bu bu bu he was supposed to be our savior n shiieet
seriously, did you have a choice?

>not understanding how id works
Goddamn newfag shills. One thing to keep in mind. You don't change Sup Forums, Sup Forums changes you.

No one fell for anything. Even if he is a sellout he's still an obvious better option. Can't compete with the family that started the migrant crisis.

Give it time. Sup Forums changes everyone who comes here. Redditor, CTR shill, it matters not. They are all forever changed by this place.

There is no going back.

r/the_Donald was started by Sup Forumsacks and remains a Sup Forums proxy you retard. It's probably still 75% /pol users

Sup Forums has never been a safe space. There's no up voting or down voting or censoring. The ideas you put forth must withstand the crucible of public ridicule. And in the end, all fluff and dietrus is burned away in the crucible of ideas here and you are left with the hard, unalloyed truth. Your effect on this place is transitory at best. Many shills before you have discovered this. You come here, thinking to change Sup Forums. But the end, Sup Forums remains immutable, and it is you who are changed.

Welcome to Sup Forums. You're here forever.

Been going on since before the primaries ended. It kind of runs in waves, though. This place gets swamped when something major that they want to distract from goes down. This is just a general demoralization thread.

That's so BS. The mods there are kiked as fuck.

Ain't even in office yet fucking kike

>No one here listened to me so fuck you.
>He's so obvious I don't know how anyone was fooled in the first place.
What about his cabinet picks? You falling for the "but dey's billionaires" meme?


I just find it hilarious that someone is PAYING people to come here to have the redpill shoved down their throats.

old /pol would done (insert dividing topic here) differently!!! oh no redditfags and newfags and all you fags with your fag ideas please leave!!!

No. It's more like you faggots keep leveling unjust criticism at a person for how they do their job when they haven't even started working their first day, which completely fucks over your credibility to anyone with any brain cells.