When did you realize evolution is liberal bullshit?

When did you realize evolution is liberal bullshit?

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When you take the Bogpill you figure out the True Story

Prove it.



who is he?



Being a man and being alive sucks.

When I got my degree in creationism.

That girl is above the age of consent in most places.

> just pointing out the obvious.

Kys you retarded leaf faggot


when i found out i was lied to about space and a round earth

we are a creation not an accident like the jews want us to think


Canadian jailbait, you say?

When did you realize this post was bait?

You made this thread yesterday.

Muh dick

"Creationism is religious nonsense. We've proven again and again that Spontaneous Generation is absolute bullshit and all lifeforms are the result of Evolution."

"So how did Life on Earth begin?"

"Spontaneous Generation."


Lots of squats

That girl looks fully developed faggot

You're fucking retarded. We are just parasites destroying our host. The force will eventually restore balance by destroying us and dinosaurs will once again rule the earth.

When did you realize that every single "When did you realize" thread is bait?

Right girl definitely gets BLACKED

Both of those girls are ready to breed and probably tight as fuck. That's evolution, men are attracted to young and healthy women of child-bearing age.

Oy vey

I'd pay a sheckle to watch that happen as long as she was creampied.

Imagine being the high school chad who fucks that


Would bang and not even feel guilty about it, no matter their age.

As long as I'm not facing felony charges my conscience would be clean. Wouldn't even tell her or pull out before blowing it either, just "whoopsiedaisy"

It isn't though.

fuck off, retard

About ten mins ago

Shit I'll take the felony

For the Big Bang to have happened, according to the simple cause and effect principle, something outside of our single point highly dense unborn universe had to have set it into motion. This unknown force does not have to abide by our laws of physics, time, or any other set law that exists within our universe, because it existed outside of our universe. I believe this "unknown force" to be have been God.

On macro evolution, the arrangement of our universe, and the complexity of our laws of physics and position in our galaxy that allows life to thrive, it is all so perfectly fine tuned that it is mathematically impossible to have happened by chance. To say that life developed complex systems that respond to different types of stimuli that previously couldn't even be detected by the organism just by random evolution over time is almost asinine. Genetic coding in our DNA is so impressive that there is no way that we developed organs that pick up light such as our eyes and organ systems that work together such as the nervous or digestive systems simply by chance. That's like slamming on your keyboard billions of times until eventually you get a working operating

DNA is a genetic code that builds a working and living organism.

Open up a command shell on your computer, type in a bunch of random commands in a line and hit enter. No syntax error? Unlikely, but if not save that line of code. Now do the same thing repeatedly and when you receive a syntax error, go back one line and try random commands again. Do this billions of times and come back to me when you have an operating system with a full web browser and Team Fortress 2, with full AI

As long as it was unsupervised probation or something and not hard time lol.


Just now wtf I know for a fact all species were created at the same time now

good lorddddddd

when did you realize that the op is a inbred retard?

Reminder that micro evolution and adaptation are not the same thing as the theory of the origin of life


>I believe this "unknown force" to be have been God

Simulation theory could be true, God is such a specific term. I prefer creator.


what would be the difference between an ultimate programmer and a God?

when you realize animals are the ones who went trough evolution. humans were placed here the way they were designed

>For the Big Bang to have happened,
>according to the simple cause and effect principle,

The big bang was the beginning of time itself, as far as scientists are able to glean from the data we have.

You can't ascribe "cause and effect" to such a phenomenon. You are taking earthly knowledge from +13.8 billion years , and ascribing it to a radically different situation that existed fleetingly at +.0000000000000000000000000000001 seconds.

This is extreme hubris, to think that the same philosophical principles will apply to a radically altered physical landscape.

this shit copypasta assumes evolution is completely random, which it isn't, now fuck off

Do you really think this is a good ass? Say compared to this one?

so evolution isn't the theory that random mutations and natural selection developed life the way that we see it today?

Odds of abiogenesis: 1 in 10^450 (per Marcel E. Golay; other estimates are even worse)
Odds of evolution by mutation/natural selection to the complexity level of a modern mammal: 1 in 10^3,000,000 (again, Golay)
Number of atoms in the universe: 10^80
Number of potential chemical reactions since the Big Bang: 10^120

If this universe were a sim you could run it 10^100 and still not expect to see first life.

If first life was seeded on every habitable planet as early as possible after the Big Bang, NO planet would ever see evolution to the complexity level of a mammal. Habitable zones simply cannot last that long and that's bound by the laws of physics governing stars.

Michael Denton has computed even worse odds than Golay. Randomness cannot account for the genomes we're observing and sequencing.

I can't tell you with certainty that our universe was created. (Though it's starting to look that way from quantum physics. It's starting to look like a sim.) But I can tell you, with mathematical certainty, that life in this universe is not random. Life from some other universe came here, seeded life, and upgraded it multiple times (Cambrian explosion for one).

Randomness plays a part in gene expression and shift. But the evolution we witness is within the bounds of genetic programming. Essentially whatever created us created a genetic search algorithm for adaptation. But that algorithm cannot create entirely new features. Sherpas near Everest have evolved higher tolerance for cold and thin air. But they will never evolve wings to just fucking fly around the mountain ranges no matter how many billions of years pass.

It doesn't add up.

Its not just her ass

Its her whole body

oh my

evolution is the change in the frequency of alleles within a population over time. Natural selection is not random unless you think all living things randomly reproduce.

God is spiritual and magical. Ultimate programmer would imply an extremely advanced civilization.

Are you the same guy from the last thread? What is the issue with speciation if you grant adaptation mutation and reproductive isolation?

Evolution is just a theory, this isn't something you can possibly examine and analyze in one lifetime if it was true.

what if the child consents tho?

Probably not. Have you ever been to high school? She dates the HS Chad or is most likely lesbian like half the volleyball team tends to be

Fuck, why are they always American? Why can't we get some European evolution deniers?

Children can't consent to something they don't understand

Spiritual and magical are subjective terms, in relation to our universe and understanding.

The issue in speciation is the development of complex organs and systems, the development of meiosis and sexual reproduction simultaneously alongside of sex organs, and the transcendence of class and genus which is inferred from the theory of common ancestor. I've mentioned before that we "developed" organs and systems that detect and interpret stimule such as light or sound that was previously unknown to the organisms

>Atheist fedoras think this happened randomly

Reeeeee in highschool there was a freshman chad who would fuck three senior cheerleaders who looked like her at once after football games.

Please tell me where you got the pics, name please

Also, it does not definitely insinuate an advanced civilization, it could very well be a timeless and metaphysical lone force

Remember everyone: if it doesn't match to your opinions, blame it on the liberals

>it could very well be a timeless and metaphysical lone force

Yeah I know but I'm just saying it's possible. I know God and creator is pretty much the same, I'm just nitpicking.

tfw leafs haven't been holocausted yet

Wait what thread is this?

Yes it was probably me in the other thread

Now it's gonna be a brap posting thread faggot




May the asses in this thread bring to attention the redpills as well. Godspeed anons


>yuckmouth muslim retard can't comprehend natural selection



>Slowly the flies that had semi brown spots on their wings were selected for no apparent reason and those spots were eventually narrowed down to an almost perfect image of an ant/spider

sure mein nigger

Make every step count

>bug with pixel of dark pigment does well, reproduces, and passes the gene on
>17 generations later another adds some more dark pigment, reproduces, and passes this on
>the process repeats itself until there are PERFECT murals of insects displayed upon the wings of the ancestors just because random dark spots started appearing through genetic mutation and happened to be in the half of the chromosome that was used during sexual reproduction instead of just random dark spots all over the fucking place


stop that simulation shit, it's so obvious God is behind it

id post the large brarrbp copy pasta but i dont have it

when I realized blacks were mentally identical to whites

>most likely lesbian like half the volleyball team tends to be
Nice to see that we share that tradition

do want


sorry, I did not write that post but kept it as a copypasta because it BTFO the random theory. I did however write the other one where I stated that I believed it to be God

Will brap posting be the hottest meme of 2017?

I realized it when there was no real science attached to it. It's not even a theory at this point; the best it alludes to is an "anecdote". The anecdote of evolution.

One cannot apply mathematics to it and make it work. The age of the earth and known universe makes a gradual process not work within the time allotted. Plus, the chances of proteins arranging themselves into the simplest cell is on the trillions of trillions chances that the correct sequence and SHAPE of the proteins is so ludacris it's impossible.

The empirical evidence requires a vast amount of mental gymnastics in plausibly in order for the evidence to even look like it works. Plus there are numerous fake evidence that's been repeatedly debunked: piltdown man, etc. And today the fossil record shows species suddenly appearing and disappearing - no real transitional species are found. Charts with 4-7 animals isn't enough. There needs to be at least tens of thousands of transitional species in-between.

Even Darwin's co-author of Origin of Species, Alfred Wallace, said the theory failed.

It's a fairy tale.

brr..... brrrrrrrr.....



>atheists believe this was an accident

what a good doggo :')

Yeah okay Satan

Already seems to be


Hi Satan

One last bump in hopes I'll be refuted


All true and verified. Thank you!