I like Putin and the Russians more than I like my fellow American leftists, liberals and Democrats.

When we were at war
When we were at war
There everyone used to think about their
Beloveds or about their wives
There everyone used to think about their
Beloveds or about their wives

And I could certainly think
And I could certainly think
About the times when I looked at a pipe
In her blue smoke
About the times when I looked at a pipe
In her blue smoke

Like when she lied to me sometimes
Like when she lied to me sometimes
But the his girl's heart gave love
to someone else for a long time
But the his girl's heart gave love
to someone else for a long time

But I didn't think about them at all,
But I didn't think about them at all,
I just smoked a pipe
with bitter Turkish tobacco,
I just smoked a pipe
with bitter Turkish tobacco,

I just shoot bullets faithfully
I just shoot bullets faithfully
hoping to appease my pain
and to set a limit to our hostility
hoping to appease my pain
and to set a limit to our hostility

When we will be at war,
When we will be at war,
to meet the bullets flying
on our black horse
to meet the bullets flying
on our black horse

But it looks like death it's not for me
But it looks like death it's not for me
and my black horse
carries me away from the fire again
and my black horse
carries me away from the fire again

Other urls found in this thread:

pure cringe, you treasonous faggot

Even when Russians placate the muslims because Islam's one of their state backed religions?

I Choose Putin and Russia over these fucking culturally marxist traitorous leftist cucks.

If you think about it, the people who are frothing at the mouth against the Russians are the same people who hate Trump supporters.

And for the same reasons - the majority of Russians are White, Christian and conservative, just like the majority of Trump supporters.

It's only natural if those people in the US start liking the Russians better than their "compatriots" who hate their guts.

every time i watch this i imagine that it's raining while she is singing this

i don't know why,it's weird

She's so pure and perfect
Cucked cultures will NEVER know what it's like to have a wife like this

Russians hate and laugh at you americans and after electing trump who sucks putins dick they laugh even harder..
Sry m8 but you got baited from them

Strange times indeed that I, a blonde hair blue eyed German American feel like I have more in common with Russians than I do my own ancestors homeland.

Germany you are so fucking cucked, there is no hope for you.

You are already lost to us.

You might as well lay down in your graves and wait for the Muzzies to kick the dirt over you and shove the "Refugees Welcome" sign into the ground as a tombstone of cultural suicide.

T. Increasingly anxious 'New German'

Divide and conquer. Half of the US hates the other half, regardless of which half your talking about. Thats what happens when you let in too many immigrants who dont look or act like you, they aim to take your land and power

that's all you have? cute...
Get over it russia will never be your friend

Tell me the story of this video

That's... a very strange translation.
I understand now why you guys think that Russian culture is depressing.
It's a solemn song, meant to be sung in the eerie early hours in the trenches or deep at night during the wars. But it doesn't that THAT depressing in the original.
We have a strange tradition of existential "white poetry", which survived and still prospers today though.
Artist typically add some ambient noise or simple slow beat and read strange and somber stuff always slightly off-beat, matching meaning to the beat, but not words themselves.
Hard to describe really. I can post some examples / translations of it here, if you are interested.

I long for a slavic beauty

I agree and I watch that every other week or more. Makes me feel better.


>Cucked cultures will NEVER know what it's like to have a wife like this

Together Fellow Caucasian.

Together we will drag these fucking primates kicking and screaming to the stars.


Trump + Putin


Come Home Caucasian Man

> wanting to get cucked by Russia

There is room...for one more...among the stars....Japanese bro...


That was the cringiest shit I've seen in a while. Please remove yourself from this mortal coil.

>pure and perfect
I have news for you, kid...

Wanna go for a ride?

Come Home Jap Man

Merkel is a stupid stupid woman. send her to gulag

That fucking movie. My first arthouse experience.
It has nothing to do with the original book written by Strugatsky brothers, btw.
Book was a projection of failed "romance of science" ideals that were prominent in the 60s and socialism in general.
The ending of that book is depressing AF, btw. Broken and tired hero asks for a ""HAPPINESS FOR EVERYBODY, FREE, AND LET NO ONE BE LEFT BEHIND", knowing that the artifact will not grant his wish as he imagines it.
Good book, but why does every single Russian book has to end in tragedy :

I like the russian navy's camo


Slavshit in portland, haven't met a single russian male or female that was anything but pro Trump. Slavs are getting a kick out of all the leftist shitheads crying over Hillary's loss.

There is no need to fool ourselves with happy endings.

>oh look, is another Russia shill episode

this FSIN-girl. She is studying at the prison warden.
The lowest caste among law forces. Her whole future career is built around a rotten hole to check prisoners.

I hope you get liberated

I think it did have a happy ending.

The artifact room fulfills your inner most secret desire.

I think that the STALKERS desire was for his daughter Monkey to be happy.

In the end, the black dog follows him back home from the zone, and monkey has a friend who will play with her, a playmate. And it is an unusual dog from the zone, like she is.



Too bad, we are hivemind and we are all classical liberal here.

> notice gentoo in background

The most degenerate thing about this flag is that it`s fully made out of celestial body symbolics. Even colors represent sun and sky (aka "peaceful sky").

Isn't that the one that was in interracial porn?

This movie has completely different plot.
It shares it's scenery and atmosphere of "Zone" with the original, but characters and storyline are different.
In the book, there was a strong narrative that "golden orb" can grant any wish, but there is always a catch. One of the main characters was an ugly, evil man and he asked the orb for a beautiful children, since he knew that his genes will surely fuck up their looks.
He gets his wish, but when his kids grow up they become rotten and hate him with a passion. His daughter becomes a prostitute, despite being extremely wealthy and his son wants nothing but death upon his father.
The core of that book is the idea, that if you take any ideal, any wish, no matter how noble or good it is, and try to make it a reality it will always come out wrong in the end. "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions", essentially.
Red (stalker) wanted to make his wife happy, despite knowing the risk of bringing his child into the world. It ended up in misery and suffering for all of them.
Rich guy wanted his children to be better then him, but in the end, he just wished for himself to be more appealing. And he ended up with his offsprings loathing him, despite providing them with everything.
Science team wanted to bring structure and order to the zone, get rid of stalkers and anarchy they caused. And when they succeed, "magic" of the zone dissipated, turning into a mundane and business-like "factory of miracles".

also, i hear he has the best prostitues, but would like it if woman didn't have to turn to prostitution because of governmental, society and economic pressures.
I say we make a trade deal to make it easier to make honest wives out of their women.



It was lookalike, gogi.

>I love da yids, especially the ones with poor posture

wow really?

I wonder how humanity would be without the natural tendency to conflict. Would be dealing with strong AI and mars bases right now if WW2 and the cold war never happened? If Germany was just a bit less imperialist and if communism as an ideology never prospered?

And this is why women do not belong in the movements. 95% of them are just attention whores