When I discovered Sup Forums I had my eyes wide opened for me

when I discovered Sup Forums I had my eyes wide opened for me.

realizing the amount of fake crap I was digesting from TV ever since I was a child was not an easy process, but a process that changed my life completely. And it's all because of you guys.

some people might call us fucked up, but I call us my family.

Thank you for being Sup Forums.

I love you all

And who would be surprised at a Dane loving other men?

love you too user

Love? Did you say, love?


love you too

Wtf is this?

Love the truth and those who bring it!

Hate the liars and the thieves.

Kill them at all opportunities.

Physically and Metaphorically.

wish i'd had this place when i was younger along with all the "alt right" stuff in general. back in my day, you were stuck with stormfront and weird newsletters that were probably just fed honeypots to get addresses. *shakes cane*

>that pic

I was a bleeding heart liberal about 12 years ago. I would have called myself a progressive leftist if that term was around back then. Maybe it was, but I never heard it.
Then I got out into the real world after school and got a trade and slowly became more and more centrist by the day.
Then I found this place and Hitler did nothing wrong.

Did anyone else have Sup Forums type leanings and suspicions in their teenage years but never found words to express them with?

Praise Kek, brother.


as soon as i went from a 100% white private school to a public high school. nothing redpills you faster, other than rape, maybe (unless you're swedish).

i'm gonna bless this thread with repeated digits


Same to you my friend. I wish you and your country the best.

Take care, Danebro



I could express them perfectly but I felt terribly alone, I couldn't find anyone else who agreed with my views

I'm here to shitpost for you, my nordic brother.I love you..I love you all.!!!

I actually came across a European ethnocentric board that discussed racial anthropology about 6-7 years ago by looking at actress pictures to fap to, I shit you not. I reverse searched one and came to a thread where they were classifying people into subraces based on facial characteristics. Looked into the study and found it fascinating, even though it may not be (((scientifically))) provable. What I did get out of it though was a stronger appreciation of heritage and culture. I rolled my eyes at the Neo-Nazis and paganists there but developed a real reverence for European history.

Then I started really questioning the destructive, revolutionary, nihilistic messages in the music I was listening to and began the slow redpill process. Had instinctively known "Imagine" was deconstructive and dangerous even in preteen atheist phase, but I didn't start connecting the dots until finding Sup Forums a couple years ago.

Praise kek!

I love you more

>I actually came across a European ethnocentric board that discussed racial anthropology
that sounds really familiar. you remember the name of the forum? there was one i went to for awhile that discussed this sort of thing and had far more serious conversations about european culture and history than the rest. i think it was named after a goddess if that helps.

think for yourself at the end of the day.

its just both sides ruthlessly cherrypicking our realities.

the first thing that comes to mind is that it made me very critical, I look at all sides of an interesting story and don't accept the first thing that comes along the way. This in turn helped me with my argumentation process when I discuss with someone about an issue that is on the table at the moment. Looking at all sides of everything makes your brain look at all possibilities and in time you learn how to combine relevant information to form coherent arguments that make the discussion interesting and worth spending your time on.

Skadi, Anthroscape, and TheApricity

Most people were pretty blackpilled so I tuned them out, but knowing that the study of racial differences was suppressed for political reasons made me angrier at the liberal narrative.

>helped me with my argumentation process

agreed, nothing makes you a more skilled debater and orator than going 10 v 1 every time since no one is ever on your side

get out of Europe while you still can

We will clear his name

>then I found this place and Hitler did nothing wrong

My Brother.

Hail Victory

>Hitler did nothing wrong
he lost

>everyone secretly nodding in agreement

>lost mayme

No cunt. We all lost.

This,his loss will probably mean death for our race and culture if we do not rise up to fight....

He was completely delusional and not only led to the destruction of his people, but in his failure he only made the Jews stronger and made their conquest of the world easier.

Love you too, red Sweden.