Explain to me why Americans don't want regulations in selling guns or gun control...

Explain to me why Americans don't want regulations in selling guns or gun control. Being it that the drug cartels use American gun mostly, it would be in the benefit of both the US and Mexico if the US restricted selling guns a little bit more, or at least made an effort to avoid guns being sold to the cartels

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If we had the same gun laws as the USA, I would guarentee that our violent crimes would decrease dramatically.

>Mexicans abuse the system of the country above them

>This is America's fault

Get fucked Pablo, the wall will be built with the blood, sweat and tears of six million hombres.

>A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

Reading is hard innit

>With no guns the cartels cant be effect-.

Umm, honey, no.

>Being it that the drug cartels use American gun mostly
Citation needed
Also what you are describing is illegal, guns purchased that make their way to mexico for illegal purposes is arms trafficking, I wish Obama and Holder did not do that through the ATF but, Trump will probably do that.

I don't think Mexicans are the ones trafficking guns
At least not primarily

>Being it that the drug cartels use American gun mostly, it would be in the benefit of both the US and Mexico if the US restricted selling guns a little bit more, or at least made an effort to avoid guns being sold to the cartels
top kek
What is Fast and Furious

>Explain to me why Americans don't want regulations in selling guns or gun control.
Gun control only affects law-abiding citizens.

>no true mexican

They will be still existing, but at least they will not be as lethal

Surely it's impossible to buy a fucking drill press in Mexico.

>Also what you are describing is illegal, guns purchased that make their way to mexico for illegal purposes is arms trafficking
Well, no shit, Sherlock

We don't alter our behavior because of subhumans

Yes, I know it's the Washington Post but still works

Do you like smelling your own farts?

with every new piece of legislation controlling the sale and ownership of firearms by the public, the government gets more power, eventually leading to total fascism when only those in power can have firearms. Besides, criminals can always get guns from the black market.

>Typically, it appears that criminal organizations in Mexico rely on straw purchases in the United States to acquire guns legally and then funnel them southward.
I suggest doing something about your own country's border security.

>Fast and furious
Yeah, I mean, like doing it in not a retard way

So the answer is to expel all illegal and criminal Mexicans back to their own country and shoot on sight anyone caught trying to cross the border?

I'm all for it.

Sounds like a mexican border security problem to me man.

you realize you have just admitted gun control cannot work against the cartels right?
guns and ammunition are banned in Mexico.
We are going to build a wall that will help.

You can shoot all the scum that thrives in your country
It's kinda depressing how most of the sicarios are more equipped than the police and some parts of the military.
I'm from Sinaloa and sometimes they don't even hide them.

The point is, people who want stricter gun laws in America have facilitated the trafficking of American guns to Mexico in order to cause more deaths in Mexico to strengthen the case for more regulation here. You've been tricked.

However, if the problem in Mexico is that guns are being taken across the border illegally, that is a Mexican problem. It's your side of the border. Protect it.

That your country is so fucked that you beaners would rather blame it on us while moving here illegally, then fixing your own problems at home still confounds me evey day.

Because fuck you, spic.
"Shall not be infringed," means just that.
Deal with it.

Why would a nigger want to build when they could just steal what you already built?

Not the point Juan.
You let this happen to yourselves.
The people of your country are either too scared or are lazy to make a positive change.
don't blame us.

The cartels get a large amount of their weapons from corrupt police and military officials. Neighboring countries are even more corrupt and just directly sell to them. The trafficking from the US was Obama and his cronies intentionally helping narco strawmen smugglers increase the violence in your country so that he could ban our guns. Because gun control works so well just look at Mexico.