Scientific consensus is that race isn't real. Why do you keep pushing pseudo-scientific garbage?

Scientific consensus is that race isn't real. Why do you keep pushing pseudo-scientific garbage?

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Because you're not fucking white, now get over it.

I can literally see race. Science makes itself weaker by saying shit like this.

Verschissener Neger du bist nicht weiß bitte bring dich um DANKE DU NEGER

Race is real in the sense you as an individual is real. It's an identity crisis thing.

>Scientific consensus
What scientist says there's no race?



Scientific consensus is worth jack shit if the scientists can be bought.

Basically this. Social concensus show us this. Unles BLM and all that shit doesn't exist



That's a sociologists consensus and they're not scientists.

t. scientist

Sure, race isn't scientifically real.

But culture is undeniably real. Culture is what matters most, and culture is tied to race.

>Sure, race isn't scientifically real.
Are you fucking stupid? Do you think any scientists deny biology & evolution?

>Scientific consensus

Consensus is neither necessary nor sufficient to scientific conclusion.

but i can distinguish niggers from whites with just my eyes, weird

If race isn't real then why are you talking about it?

It's not the scientific consensus...

im sorry i laughed. fucking niggers.

quite opposite is happening nowadays, unfortunately
I want to torture that guy and devour his soul for that

I hate niggers so fucking much. Our ancestors were too soft. We should have murdered every last fucking one of them.

Of course not but you won't be able to argue with the lefties that way, they'll always bullshit it and make stuff up.

So, race IS real

Race is just a consensus label. Since everyone is different in some way I can say no person is of same race.

Because we are all the same in the exact same way, and if we had the same culture we would be exactly the same and the same color too.

If you've met someone of a different race, you know they're different. Not saying I agree with racism, but sexes and races behave differently and that's a fact.

dude niggers need to be put in their place. They act like fucking animals with zero thought process. I used to be really liberal but ive come to realize that they are so sub human mentally.

You are wrong.
Real scientists are very aware that races exist.
Only SJW agenda pushing shill "scientists" ignore facts. News Highlights of the Week&utm_content=01&utm_campaign=GEN News Highlights of the Week_20170114

Ignoring the truth does not make lies real but cause only problems.

Everyone behaves differently. Some just prefer to behave in packs.

>Scientific consensus is that race isn't real.
Fact check: FALSE!

>Race is just a consensus label. Since everyone is different in some way I can say no person is of same race.

We have very distinct differences, like our brains function differently, our skulls are different, we have different skin.

A pitbull or any huge dog is closer linked genetically to a chiwawa, than a black person is linked to a white person

"Scientific consensus" is that species isn't real. Because they changed the semantics, everything from the simplest bacteria to most complex animals are simply assigned identifying numbers based on genetic analysis.

Well memed

What are you? Some kinda materialist? You think anti-matter is different from matter?


I am a separate race from everyone else on this planet.

>(((Scientific consensus)))

Fuck niggers. Kill every last one of these savages

If you treat a tree different than you treat a human you are a fucking monster.

Tree's are living things and they equal in every way to the humans.

Race is as real as dog breeds are

>Scientific consensus is that race isn't real.

Species doesn't actually exist anymore.

Tree's are actually the exact same as us. We are just organisms. Are you some kinda spiciest buddy? You think organically matter be different huh? You should be fucking shot m8.

REMEBER GOYS avoid fat eat da sugar/corn subsidies.

Also trust the mental health my brother charges 200 dollars an hour for, who cares if we can not replicate our tests

"Science Agrees with us.

It depends how you define consensus. If you ask scientists what they believe, you'd find out race is not real. If you managed to find out what scientists actually believe, race would very much be real. The threat of ruining your life is a very good motivator for political correctness.

Try getting a bone marrow transplant without telling them your race.

It's very real, and there are physiological differences, stupid arg.

>these buildings
>these cars
looks like france. No wonder you can't approach cats anymore without them running for their lives. Now it's imprinted in their genes sprint away from bipedals.

The confusion arises from lefty lunatics who change the definition of race. Race from a purely looks perspective is undeniable and anyone who says otherwise needs a lobotomy. I hate you niggers who contort words to fit an agenda so much.

>each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.
>physical characteristics
e.g. a slanted eyed gook vs a bug eyed nerdic, a black skinned somalian nigger vs a pale anglo, etc...

How can differences between humans be real if our eyes aren't real

Every atomic element is the same

And humans are not atomic. Neither are atoms, interestingly enough.

They are unique, sure.

But you can't classify them into different groups, that would be racist.

Like wtf science going around labeling some of them gass, some of them metal, like wtf. Science be racist yo.

because you are dumb nigger


>Scientific consensus

so Black Lives Matter doesn't exist you nazi shitlord?

So you don't use the term "human race" then I presume?

>I don't exist
god job science

>races don't exist
>racism exist

pick one

These dogs are closer linked genetically than human races.

Get a bone marrow transplant from a nigger then if you're so sure, buddy :^)

Your point being?

Check his flag again Adolph.

They look very obviously different, don't they?

They might have different qualities about them, wouldn't you say?

Doesn't any 2 dogs look different? They are still dogs not?

Absolutely, every 2 dog is different.

What the fuck, it's 'Mankind' or the 'Human species'.

Yeah would you say Pitbulls are more similar to other Pitbulls, or are they more similar to Chiwawas?

You need to go back, Jorge.

>Caucasians and Africans are not diffrent races but Homo sapiens and Neanderthals are tottaly le ebin diffrent
How old were you when you grew up from (((science))) Sup Forums?

Perhaps he's one of those rare white Argentinians. If he's not, he should just get a bone marrow transplant from a white - end result should be the same, it being rejected and him dying.

>Scientific consensus is that race isn't real.
Unless your science is medicine, forensics, archaeology, genetics...

Are they not "dogs"?

Is this Chiwawa more similar in appearance, behavior & personality to other Chiwawa's, or is it more similar to Pitbulls?

Women's studies is the only one that matters nowadays. There are so fucking many of them that scientific consensus might actually be that race doesn't exist.

>how female takes a photo
Every... fucking... time... I can't... Why?

>rare white Argentinians
They're called Uruguayans.

They look like dogs, and behave like dogs, so they are "dogs."


Are Greyhounds better at running than the other dog breeds (dog races) ?

It's arbitrarily defined but absolutely real.

>They look like dogs, and behave like dogs, so they are "dogs."
This just in, niggers are chimpanzees! As demonstrated by an SJW!

Wasn't an option to pick.

Also they neither look or act like dogs.

that's a big dog

Can a Chiwawa beat a Greyhound at running?

For Canadians.

>Can a Chiwawa beat a Greyhound at running?
It sure can. They have simply been taught to believe they can't. It's all in their education and unconscious biases of their owners.

Will this dog win, if you put him in a Greyhound race?

Exactly, Finland gets it.

Lol, more like as demonstrated by racist.

>Scientific consensus is that race isn't real.
false. that is an indefensible statement.

>Reply to Thread No.107642980
Are you dumber than me?

We socialized the Chiwawa's to be cute & cuddly.

If race isn't real then why do different races react differently to certain medications?

Why is our genetic makeup inextricably linked to culture and behavior?

Probably not

>cute & cuddly.

hahaha I think you are more like dog, so I'm a speciest.

>(((scientific consensus)))

Dogs are actually as intelligent as humans so that's a very racist thinking right there.

>Different breeds of dogs have different predispositions and behaviors

>Different breeds of cats have different traits and behaviors

>Different breeds of birds have different traits and behaviors

>Varying species of monkeys and apes have different ingrained behaviors and instincts


Idiots have demonized anyone trying to research race and get them blackballed and fired. The scientific method ITSELF, much less the scientific community has been strangled and garroted by politics and outside pressures.

It's why there are no active studies that aren't shouted down in regards to transsexuals right now as well.

>1 post by this ID

Oh funny, the major issue with the first 'head transplant' surgery is about race.

Oh but races do not exist. Let's choose a body of a black man and kill the patient.