Check your privilege

Everyone's familiar by now with the SJW argument that society is a hierarchy of privileges based on gender, race, sexuality etc, with white hetero men at the top and black lesbian women at the bottom.

What's the proper response to this? Do you personally a) accept their premise, and think that that's a good thing, and you deserve to be at the top,

or b) do you turn their argument around and argue that white men are at the bottom,

or c) ???

I just don't talk to SJWs. Anything you say get's put down as 'mansplaining.' At the end of it, you'll walk away frustrated having accomplished absolutely nothing.

Does anyone actually engage SJWs who try to rank people? I assumed it was them circlejerking over videos of white men being told to "check their priviledge" insisting the SJW just BTFO the white man.

SJWs will die out.. Trying to win the victim award is to much of an incentive with social media. Also how can white woman play the victim so much and often?

Not one feminist has actually proven her statements to be true with proper support.

I've yet to see a feminist argue actual facts in her patriarchy rethoric.

Lol of course I don't actually engage them, I have much better things to do, I meant like an intellectual response to their arguments in my head.

I don't know if SJWs can die out when playing the victim is so lucrative politically.

>or c)

I argue everyone have equal access to the labor market and education. Even if someone is coming from disadvantaged background, will power and determination can bring them success.

If they are still lagging behind it's their fault.

Meritocracy bitch.

I have privilege because my ancestors worked hard to make a society that would benefit themselves, being white.

our societies have so little overt sexism and racism that now they're resorting to pointing at "systemic" forms of discrimination. plus the words "sexist" and "racist" have been devalued so much from recent overuse that they're practically meaningless, so new terms are required to keep playing the same game.

it's basically another tribalism, couched in Marxist terms:
>the only reason successful people are successful is because they exploited others
>so now we need to put our fingers on the measures in order to rebalance the situation

the problem with privilege is how it ignores other more pertinent attributes. wealth, position, beauty, intelligence - all these are attributes that are found in all races. not just white people have them

the same goes for the qualities that disadvantage people: relative poverty, stupidity, ugliness, being nobody - it's not like some only women and non-white people have these

it's a racist term that hasn't even the patina of rational, imparital creation. it's a bludgeon to use on whitey to get more from him than they've earned, fundamentally.

you know in south America, where they imported more slaves than anywhere else, the blacks are still obedient and submissive cause Iberian alphas wont take any of this shit and all the multiculti colonial guilt ideology doesn't wash there honestly go travel there the blacks will rip on u more for being a gringo but wont say shit to a Brazilian Portuguese descendant cause they know the difference in our psychology

All other things being the same, my life would probably be harder if I were a black woman.

>I assumed it was them circlejerking over videos of white men being told to "check their priviledge" insisting the SJW just BTFO the white man.

Honest question. How do those fucks even find each other anymore? Every possible SJW term you could be searching in the internet will guide you to materials that actually bash SJWs. It's like CTR coming here to shill and get redpilled instead.

c) Black solidarity is the worst thing to happen to blacks: having common cause with the losing party in every contest makes you a loser too.

The obstacles are the same, but men are better equiped to overcome them.

C) Call them a nigger -> walk away.

This. First reply is best reply.
SJWs are basically attention whores. Ignore them, and eventually they will starve.

I try to explain to them how equality under the law works and that you can't claim privilege when objectively everyone in the US has the same legal rights. I generally ask the people to explain or recall the last time they remember being denied a service from the government on the basis of their race or gender. Then I point out all these people who work in the legal system that are women or non-white. If the system was truly rigged in favor of white men only, then only white men would be in the system.

It's all marxist bullshit and you counter it the same way you counter anything else they say. For Brits it is probably harder but for Americans just explain the principles on how the constitutional republic that is the US is supposed to function. You cannot legislate equality. The only way to achieve equality is equal protection under the law to citizens.


We live in a meritocracy. If women really are at the bottom they have themselves to blame, but there are so many gender disparities which show that white women are the most pampered and coddled people on the planet.

Women have a path through life that they're better equipped to overcome too.
The problem is that femenism teaches them that being a woman is bad.

>mfw it's true

The correct reply is " oh your one of those silly people" then turn away and ignore them. Don't play their alinsky games and let them stew in silence.

I just bullshit them .."Did you grow up in the abusive foster care system? No? Then check your own fucking privilege asshole."

Total lie but it stops them dead.

> Boo hoo fucking whitey bending over backwards to help me get into college, jobs, and places of power, etc. in place of less diverse and more qualified candidates just because of my skin color
If we were in a pure meritocracy, Whites, Chinese, Jews, and Indians would run and dominate literally everything. Count yourself lucky that we're as generous and kind-hearted as we are to our general inferiors and don't strive purely for brutalistic efficiency as we did in the past.

c) Fuck off cunt.