Is it possible for Democrats to take congress in 2018?

Is it possible for Democrats to take congress in 2018?

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hopefully they're in gulags by then

Nope, only old people vote in midterms, and they heavily vote conservative. Dems will lose more seats in 2018. Our future is secure.

No. 95% chance of winning.

Just like HIllary had.

But they need to do some introspection and accept that they made some mistakes.

At this point it seems unlikely as they are betting the farm on Trump being a complete disaster.

If he's not, they are fucked.

No the Democrats haven't learned a damn thing, if Trump does an ok job in the next 4 years the dems will lose 2020 as well


Reds will blame everything and everyone but themselves for their failures. The left wing of the Democratic Party has the spotlight now, and they are driving voters away with their current bat-shit rhetoric.

Doubtful, they dems have decided to double down on the very things that caused them to lose. I say we should either encourage them to double down further, and go even more left.
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>Is it possible for Democrats to take congress in 2018?

Judging by Trump's cabinet it's a 95% chance of happening.

>that caused them to lose.

OH they will...

>muh 3 million

Depends on if "muh culture war" continues. When idiots in the Democratic party talk about "white privilege" (basically the Hillary squad), then they'll lose. If not, and Bernie leads, then they'll surely win.

Because Obamacare will be the hot topic, and when Bernie is all over TV calling out Paul Ryan for attempting to do damage to Medicare, it wont work.

Remember, Democrats had a supermajority under Bush. The country was not as polarized then, but usually the opposite party of the President makes gains in the Midterms. If the Democrats associate Trump with the Republicans (something Hillary was too stupid to do), they'll retake Senate and take enough seats in Congress.

As for 2020? It'll be a blowout. There's really nothing Trump can do to be popular.
>economy has already improved
>unemployment cannot get lower
Meanwhile, Trump's got a bunch of wars to deal with, and a crumbling healthcare law that 50% of the country likes and the other 50% think is different from the Affordable Care Act.

People who think Republicans will be in charge forever only have memories going back to 2008. The white economic anxiety voter treats Trump like Obama, so once he's a disappointment, he's finished. Obama won in '08 with huge turnout, then in '12 his turnout diminished but was solid. Trump won by very slight margins in all swing states. So did Bush in 2000, but Bush got a boost from 9/11.

I don't know, unless there's a super "Be a patriot" thing after a massive domestic terrorist attack, and if the Dems dont politicize it like they didnt with Bush, that even a terror attack would get Trump re-elected. The same voters who came out will diminish again in 2020.

Does the illumiati exist? I think there is proof right here

>95 percent

I dont understand this meme, are you being literal or sarcastic
I'm gonna go with sarcastic

The right double-downed after 2008 and won afterwards. The country (really the swing states) opinion changes on their perception of who runs the country.

So the left will be cool again, once Republicans come off as the evil empire for taking away healthcare. Have some warcrimes committed under Trump, a few scandals and thats it.

Yes. When Drumpf fucks the economy and doesn't do any of his campaign promises he'll be FUCKED in the last 2 years of his miserable joke of a "presidency"

Yes, it's theoretically possible, but since they are going to pick Keith "Kill Whitey" Ellison to lead their party while centrist democrats get primaried by far left bernouts/coalberners, they will once again have stolen defeat from the jaws of victory.


Their best chance just passed.

If Trump does a good job, they're fucked.

The Democrats only have one strategy... and that's to create a "scary" republican entity to get voters to come out and vote Democrat. So, if Trump does even halfway decent, the Democrats are fucked.

>if I pretend hard enough Trump won by 3 million votes!

>this shitty bait
Hillary didn't even won by 3 million, only around 2.600.000 votes, your pic shows more that you 10 million you retard.
Also over 4 million votes came from illegals shut the fuck up.

Perhaps, but I believe the dynamic has changed. The left has lost the Supreme court for at least 50 years. That is a defeat that can't be easily recovered from.

Ellison is a Sanders Democrats faggot.

Not if we meme Keith Ellison or that black bitch who was just on Tucker Carlson into leadership

Exactly. I said that they will lose because they will let the berners take over their party you illiterate queer.

Honestly, they might actually vote in this midterm if they can keep up the anti Trump fervor. If Trump doesn't completely suck in every conceivable way, it won't matter and the Democrats will continue to be irrelevant

For sure the Supreme Court loss was dramatic, not sure if 50 years though. But long term, its all in the Democrats favor anyways.
All it takes is a basic economic message and they'll re-surge again.

Absolutely not. Republicans have taken over and aren't going to let that change. Gerrymandering is how they will install their brand of tyrranical one-party rule. All the conservatives on this board calling other anons leftists or Marxists should examine what form of government they are really advocating for: authoritative, one-party rule. Why does that sound so eerily familiar?

No need to thank me for the bubble
I love you all
Thank you Allah, I mean America

>Exactly. I said that they will lose because they will let the berners take over their party you illiterate queer.

>they lose by supporting populism and democratic socialism

That's not how it works.

you will have to ask the russians, they are in charge of elections.

Everybody believes in one party rule unless the ruling party is one they don't like

they can always 'heart attack on the ranch' the justices trump picked just like scalia

That'll be 2020, boyo.

8 dems are seated in states that went strongly to trump, the anti-trump partisanship will drive up their participation rate too, meaning that the dems are only going to lose seats unless they somehow manage to resist the far left and not go into a more partisan direction like calling trump voters deplorable, or insisting that Trump is LITERALLY HITLER.

Since neither of these things are going to happen because their 2020 strategy is to become more extreme and block everything like the GOP did with Obama, they are going to lose seats.

>Keith "Kill Whitey" Ellison
>open muslim
they're doomed

That's not true.

Sanders lost the primaries to Hillary by 4 million, democratic socialism is not popular with even the Democrat base and it is a recipe for Democrats losing even more, which is why I totally support them going in that direction. Let them get lost in the SJW wilderness for a decade and they will maybe learn.

We don't need to pretend, subhuman.
You allways project.

Kek, sure kiddo


>they lose by supporting populism and democratic socialism

What do you think they did last year? Clinton just stole a bunch of Bernie's rhetoric after the primaries.

>one politically illiterate womanchild's tweet means everyone in the world wants to be the next Hitler/Stalin

Do you know what "generalization" means?

One person on the internet agrees with both our points, you must be right. Yeah, that's pretty piss poor logic there user. So when people say conservatives are fascists, you'll agree?

Apparently not.

Was that the final figure they went with or did they actually bother counting ALL the votes. Because the race was pretty tight in the west.

I see am American flag yet this post still stinks of maple syrup.

They're fucked, most 2018 senate seats up for election are democratic, including some in now hard red states like WV. House is never going dem in a mid term either, because of how concentrated dem support is (they win a few districts with huge majorities whilst republicans win more with lesser victories) and how dems never vote in mid terms.

I remember reading somewhere that a big majority of white californians actually voted for sanders, but the brown vote buried them in a mudslide of hillary votes, which is funny because Bernie spent much more time cucking for them and he was offering even more gibs than Hillary was.

This was repeated all over the country. Mostly white states like Michigan and so on went narrowly for Sanders or narrowly for Clinton.
Meanwhile places like Mississippi (where almost all democrats are black, over 90% of whites vote republican) went like 87% for Clinton.

No, but "conservatives" feel the only way to inoculate the nation from fascism is the stop the evil leftists. You know, exactly like their opposition.


Casual voters don't vote in mid terms, and guess which side they tend to vote for?

The ones up for reelection were elected in 2012 and helped by it being a presidential election. Even though they are a minority, Democrats have to defend 2 more Senate seats than the Republicans do in 2018.

A severely underrated aspect of this election is how many more Republicans had to hold their seats than Democrats coming off the 2010 wave and they still gained ground.

No. Literally impossible.

Didn't answer the question, just repeating things. Did they, in the end, count all the votes from the dem primary? If so, post source. Last I can recall, millions of ballots went uncounted in California alone. Add that to MSM overwhelmingly positive coverage of HRC, spurious coin tosses, etc. You have to understand at some point why some people think that the primaries were rigged.

Theoretically yes.

Then again, it's also theoretically possible for a Leaf to make a quality post.

Voted Democrat all my life until this election. After what I've seen of the Democratic party, I will never vote for them again.

In many states, early/mail-in votes are not counted if one candidate wins by an absolute majority. This is also why the MUH THREE MILLION VOTES FOR SHILLARY meme is stupid, because there would be so many uncounted votes in strongly red states..

>Last I can recall, millions of ballots went uncounted in California alone.
Citation needed, one that isn't from St. Bernie's ass. California's demographics make it impossible for Bernie to win, just like America's demographics make it impossible for democratic socialism to succeed because whites are increasingly voting exclusively for Republicans, while brown and black people see race as much more important than class.

>Add that to MSM overwhelmingly positive coverage of HRC, spurious coin tosses, etc. You have to understand at some point why some people think that the primaries were rigged.
Oh, I totally agree with you on the coin toss thing since I have actually read somewhere that hillary won something like 8/8 and 10/10 coin tosses. Liekwise with the media coverage, they crowned their kwan in 2008 already.

Get some voter ID laws in place, scrub the voter rolls, end birthright citizenship, stop importing third world trash by the truckload and Republicans might start winning 5ever.

>Get some voter ID laws in place

Can trump even do this?

It's a primary. It doesn't matter if the state is red or blue. I don't know what you're point is with that. Since it's a primary, why don't mail-in/absentee ballots not get counted? I'm not arguing that what you say may/not be the way things are done. I want to understand the rationale why, in a state primary, one party would decide to not count all the votes in order to see who was most appropriate to run. I mean, at the very least, to be fair, accurate, properly scientific, etc.

If she won fair and square it'd be one thing, but there's too much of a question on that front and just the appearance of "irregularities" is pretty damning. In fact, it seemed to be, more than anything else, what undermined her candidacy in the end.

I mean you can say whites do this and brown do that, but it's pretty mixed, IMHO Whites in this country were split about 50-50, surprisingly Latinos came out more than expected for Trump 30%. Trump also got more of the African-American vote, but they projected that to be around 1%. All this contributes to trump losing the popular vote but because where certain (white) demographics were located, ended up with more electoral votes.

>I want to understand the rationale why, in a state primary, one party would decide to not count all the votes in order to see who was most appropriate to run. I mean, at the very least, to be fair, accurate, properly scientific, etc.
They have to count the regular votes anyway. If there is enough of a majority that the early votes don't matter (they know now many there are, they just don't know who they voted for), then they save money by not going to the effort of counting them.

Especially mail-in votes, which would require them to open a bunch of envelopes and unfold the ballot sheets before doing anything else.

In a national race (of which there are very few, really just POTUS), this makes the absolute vote counts meaningless.

Not without congress. Democrats will pitch a fit because their voter base mostly consists of homeless and illegals voting multiple times, but might be possible to spin it as 'protecting the sanctity of the election'

Yeah it all depends on how Trump does over the next 2 years.

He's gotta prove that he's far from "literally Hitler"

I almost want the Trump to go full fascist, nationalist so she learns the difference.

No. Straight up impossible.

For the Senate the Dems have to defend ~25 seats while the GOP only has to defend ~8. Since it's a Midterm and young people don't vote you can imagine how much of a blowout that might be.

As for the House... Until the next census in 2020 or a ban on gerrymandering, the GOP has some firm control since the 2010 redistricting. And of course it's a Midterm and young people don't vote.

Easily. Trump elects the next Supreme Court Justice. Right now it's split evenly between the right and left. Trumps man will tip the scale.

>they know now many there are, they just don't know who they voted for
Seems like pertinent information in a "democratic institution" but let's not fool ourselves, the DNC, much like the RNC is a private institution not beholden to the people for almost literally anything.

>finished Trump
>still not president

Why pretend, he won.

you know absolutely nothing about how the politics in this country work frog fag


If the DNC could do anything about, they would have, but they're too busy trying to purge all the Berniecrats from the party. Only problem is, that's the democratic voting base and most are registered independent, so it's a spook hunt.


The dems won't win another election until they unfuck themselves and that aint happening any time soon. Bank on it.

Yeah if they dump Hillary. Pic related

Could be. Their strategy appears to be to fight Trump tooth and nail on literally everything regardless of its merit. They could be successful or they could completely implode.

It's normal to flip but DNC is still corrupt except for Bernie and a few others. It needs a purge otherwise they're going into the next election with a handicap

no this was there last chance to learn america has wised up to SJW, and they are tired of it

no faggot. Not going to happen. not by 2018 anyways.

All of this build a wall and deport illegals and ban muslims is going to happen and SHOULD happen in republican administration. So when the Democrats take over again (it's only a matter of time). All of it will be over and done with and the republicans will rightfully take all the blame. It's like Bush and 9/11 all over again.

that's cause old people dont work so of course they vote gop