Be 27

>be 27
>gf broke up last year after a 5 years relationship for a girl (feminazi tier) because I support Marine Le Pen
>my city is full of sandniggers, Niggers
>can't find a christian white women to have white kids anymore
>My best friend is now married and have two kids and I think I am now doomed
>France is so fucked
>wat do

sacrifice yourself for a greater cause and bomb or shoot up a ghetto/ refugee camp

Thinking about it.

combien dangereux sont les kebabs dans ton area? armées?

good luck friend

Déménage dans une ville de blancs sale fdp


Put me in the screencap bois

Come to America, baugette-bro. We have trump now, and these libtards will be extinct soon.


They're not that dangerous, they're just way to many. They're more like a massive pain in the ass than a death treath.

succumb to beurettes

She left you for a girl?


france used to have so much potential, then Mitterrand opened up the door to all of your colonies and nothing has been the same since.

l’afrique commence à les pyrénées, indeed. but to the north these days

>Broke up for a girl.

Your masculinity is in question

Fun fact : it happened during Mitterrand's presidency but the very one that started all of it is Giscard d'Estaing because of "muh feels"

They're only good to suck your dick trust me.

We're kinda all thinking about it tho.

You know how I know France is fucked?

I have a Cuban friend who just married a white French girl he met studying abroad in Japan. At their wedding her sister flew in from France and was drop dead gorgeous. I asked my friend to introduce me and he said not to bother because...

She was Muslim. And not married to one either, she just converted of her own volition.

Needless to say that was very black pilling and I feel for you French bro.

"Africa begins at the Rhine" - Frauke Petry, probably

Well yeah but she was actually fucked up in his head and already bi. But yeah shit sucks. And I don't have a micro-penis. :(

I hear this kind of stories all day. Medias and shit like this want french girls to want muslim and nigger dicks. Our radio for instance is full hop muslim/nigger rap talking about....well fucking french girl whil being a muz.

>play the globalist game and invade other countries
>get fucked in return
you deserved it

Convertis-toi, aie foi en ton créateur, et tu sera heureux.

move to Poland? (only if you're reasonable good looking person ofc)


> t. whining Tyrone macIRA

Good old french events :)

Allez viens user, on est tous la, on t'attends.
t. Tes amis blancs

How fucked am I if I dont speak polish?

he is fucking with you, nobody goes to poland on purpose.

Europe is pretty much in transition, good luck pepe

fun times ahead

I am French, just 2 years older than OP, I moved to Poland about 2 and a half year ago, 6 months after I left this Shithole that has become France I started my company. Now I have a young son and family, earn a nice income and I live in a based white country. If you speak English it is not difficult to move and find some opportunities here or in similar places.

Well the one positive thing was that due to her Muslim beliefs my friend assured me she wouldn't be interested in a brief wedding hookup with me. And as far as he K we she was single and not dating or having kids with any Muslim's. Which was confusing to me as I figured fucking Muslim's would be the only reason Cato convert.

The downside is her sister has arrived my Cuban friend and will probably have little mud babies, even if he is a pretty great guy.

Though desu her eyes are kinda far apart, makes her look froggish, which always gives me a chuckle since she's French.

Mort aux traîtres et aux défaitistes !
Je me suis toujours offusquer quand quelqu'un disais que les français étaient des couard, aujourd'hui je constate avec amertume qu'ils avaient raison.
Espoir !

true, true