Can we stop associating the (((USSR))) with ethnic Russians?

1917-1930s - Jewish and minor Polish control
1930s-1954 - Caucasus wog, Polish and "loyal" Jewish control
1954-1980s - predominantly Ukrainian control with 20-30% ethnic Russians
1980s-1991s - ethnic Russian control, an end to the (((USSR)))

Other urls found in this thread:

1991 till now - Jewish control again

Make it legal to deny the holocaust like here in the USA, and I'll believe you aren't run by the Jews anymore. The words of the anthem changed, but it still plays to the same tune.

This. The Jews have been running Russia for 100 years straight.

Looks like the USSR made the most advancements under its Jewish period, in that case. It really makes me think.

I've always associated it with a terrible fucking system, Stalin purged most of the original Bolsheviks who I know were predominantly jewish but I really don't know anything about how the USSR worked from the 50s until its end
Aside from more efficient food distribution, were ethnic Russians much better off pre-1917?

More like rootless criminal takeover.
Looks like all surnames of """"soviet""" scientists were Russian or German. It's kind of like you do in spite, not because of. Really makes you think

>were ethnic Russians much better off pre-1917?
WWI fucked up a lot of shit in the agricultural powerhouse of Europe

Not true. Central banks run the financial sector.
Putin has the military and security sector.
He is going to start a new currency agreement with the BRICS nations to further free itself financially


When Stalin died, he was in the final stages of implementing a final solution to the rootless cosmopolitan problem (See: Doctor's Plot).

Unfortunately, he never got a chance to carry it out.

dołoj gramotnyje

their tv is full of kikes this is their most popular tv host pic related

>russians think he is /theirguy/ because muh evil germans lol

>tfw when psychotic urban jews start the (((revolution)))


This cuck is Baltic though

Polaks - win against bolsheviks

Ruskie - don't even want to fight bolsheviks

Russians are secularized, godless bolsheviks who don't even go to church

Sometimes, I think that this guy is the concentrated and distilled essence of pure Russian.

>don't even fight bolshevism
What is Civil War? What are constant peasant uprisings? What is ROA? What is Smislvosky Army?
Nice uprisings you got there when you elite that considered themselves to be Persian flooded your country with shitskins. Russian Natiinalists always compare (((current Russia))) to the (((Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth))) - plutocracy run by Jews and traitorous elite that floods the country with subhumans

he supported (((Putin))) dude

>What is Civil War?
Red Army had the commanding lead though and Russians were passive - they just accepted whatever state authority there is and anyway they are until today terrible hypocrites and fake ""christians""

>plutocracy run by Jews and traitorous elite that floods the country with subhumans
Well, yeah, true Polaks are Lechites

i love you russia

What about Malahov and Solov'ev are they ethnic Russians too?

>we wuz
Dmowski is turning in his grave because of people like (((you))), cwel. Jews had run the (((PLC))) and it was 10% mudshit. Muscovy knights remembered it as fighting yet another horde

Ethnic Russian
Literally a jewish supremacist

Thank g-d my Jewish family left after 1905. It's just a shame they werent around when Trotsky and his homies taught the Czars family a lesson Russia never forgot.

Just old. Look at his young pics. Mongols couldn't have left their legacy because they have never lived in Russia. They received taxes in their own steppe fortposts

Stalin was based

>Jews had run the (((PLC)))
It was worse
Jews at least take care of each other

In the end PLC was ruled by money hungry traitors that acted worse then jews

Don't worry jews were taught their lesson in 1936-1945 they'll never forget. And given the state of Israel they are due to perish
You can't even contain your own people and country from being POZZED.
Reuven Rivlin Has Proven That He Is President of the Real Israel
"Israel, Rivlin said, is fast becoming a tribal state composed of four groups — secular Jews, religious Zionist Jews (also called national religious), ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Jews and Arabs, all of them fearful, hostile to one another and even to members of their own group. “Today, the first grade classes are composed of about 38 percent secular Jews, about 15 percent national religious, about one quarter Arabs, and close to a quarter Haredim,” Rivlin noted..... All these different groups, said Rivlin, are here to stay."

"He called on Israelis “to abandon the accepted view of a majority and minorities, and move to a new concept of partnership between the various population sectors” resting on what he called “four pillars”:

1. A sense of security for each sector, so that it is confident that joining the partnership “does not require giving up basic elements of their identity”

2. Shared responsibility for Israeli society and the state

3. Equity and equality

4. The creation of a shared Israeli character."

>Andropov, Gorbachev
>ethnic Russian
Pynya, please.

This. "We wuz Saramatian, now pay the tax Slavic bydło". Same shit as (((EU))), (((modern Russia))) or (((USA)))

Bлaдимиp Пoзнep (вeдyщий) -eвpeй.
Лeoнид Якyбoвич (Пoлe чyдec) -eвpeй.
Aлeкcaндp Macлякoв (КBH) - eвpeй.
Лapиca Гyзeeвa (Дaвaй пoжeнимcя) - eвpeйкa.
Aндpeй Maлaхoв (Пycть гoвopят) - eвpeй.
Лeoнид Пapфeнoв (вeдyщий) - eвpeй.
Aндpeй Maкapoв (Cвoбoдa и cпpaвeдливocть) - eвpeй.
Hикoлaй Cвaнидзe (Иcтopичecкий пpoцecc) - 1/2 eвpeй.
Ивaн Уpгaнт (Пpoжeктopпepиcхилтoн) - eвpeй.
Eвгeний Пeтpocян (Кpивoe зepкaлo) - 1/2 eвpeй.
Bлaдимиp Coлoвьeв (Пoeдинoк) - eвpeй.
Mapиaннa Maкcимoвcкaя (Heдeля) - eвpeйкa.
Peгинa Дyбoвицкaя (Aншлaг) - eвpeйкa.
Mихaил Шиpвиндт (Хoчy знaть) - eвpeй.
Mихaил Шaц (вeдyщий) - eвpeй.
Лeoнид Зaкoшaнcкий (Гoвopим и пoкaзывaeм) -eвpeй.
Mихaил Жвaнeцкий (Дeжypный пo cтpaнe) - eвpeй.
Mихaил Пoлицeймaкo (O caмoм глaвнoм) - eвpeй.
Aлeкcaндp Гypeвич (Cтo к oднoмy) - eвpeй.
Mихaил Швыдкoй (Кyльтypнaя peвoлюция) - eвpeй.
Лeoнид Кaнeвcкий (Cлeдcтвиe вeли...) - eвpeй.

pic related jew center in most expensive area of Moscow. Russian taxpayers must be proud.

"Russians", ok.
>Not russian

He's practicing orthodox

>Moldovan crypto-turkish mongrel with Ukie pals in every position.
>I don't like him, therefore he's a jew

Soloviev is honorary russian, also Satanovski.

>it's about religion and culture
Uhmmm, no?

Shh shh it's okay. Continue to call us cockroaches, because like cockroaches you will never get rid of us. The Jewish people will live on and stand proud, and your crippled nation will continue to limp, beg, and whore itself.

>ethnic russians
>looks finnish

Hy o чeм тoгдa

>Vladimir Soloviev
Literally spoke of jewish superiority
No such thing

So as the whole staff of (((Echo of Moscow))).

>parenthesis are redundant in this case desu

>Moldovan crypto-turkish mongrel
>Not russian
R u even trying?
>Half russo half ukie
that's (((russian))) as is.

You already don't exist retard. You are ALL niggers(pic related) mixed with Poles or Portuguese to a various degree. Israel on the edge of collapse, Europe turns ethnonationalist. You lost. You have no strategy. You rule nothing. You are just a cancerous ethnic group

whats the russian Sup Forums? i want to learn russian

>Literally spoke of jewish superiority
So what?
>Diaspora vs orthodox jews.

Fuck off cuck

Space race?


Are you russian supremacist?If you one, u should know that most of (((russian supremacists))) are fucking jews.

>Red Army had the commanding lead though and Russians were passive
The turds that started the civil war weren't any better. It wasn't launched by the Bolsheviks contrary to the popular opinion.

Why would a peasant fight for the right to not have his own land?

Untouched European race. Pic related - your grandkids

What Poles (aside from Dzierżyński) were in the Central Committee? Hell, there were more Latvians in there.

>your grandkids
Haha, memes.

>not own his land
Under the ((soviet))) government a peasant didn't even have a passport. Unr imparial one, he enjoyed a right to land and passport. Feel the difference, commie subhuman
And all Kremlintards are jews or race traitors

Daily reminder Russia is being run by a shadow government consisting of this guy.

>Kremlintards are jews or race traitors
So what?

So is the the 8th of May. "We wuz fighting for le grandkids"
False. They were fighting to not be shot in the back of their heads

>Under the ((soviet))) government a peasant didn't even have a passport.
Well, peasant weren't rooting for the Bolsheviks either. They didn't see much sense to fight for the opposite side.

There was another agrarian socialist party they liked and voted for, which the Bolsheviks purged.

Fuck off Dugin, you aren't relevant anymore.

>Russia turns Communist
>First piece of legislation was outlawing anti-semitism

What did Russia mean by this?

Just quit Sup Forums, Putinbot. That what happens when blood is diluted - IQ difference between South and North of Italy
Italy IQ 102/99 (95/92) Basilicata (-/89) Bozen/South Tyrol (-/100) Campania (-/87) Emilia Romagna (-/97) Friuli-Venezia Giulia (-/100) Liguria (-/93) Lombardy (103/96) Piedmont (99/96)Puglia (-/88) Sardinia (-/87) Sicily (-/86) Trient (-/99) Tuscany (99/-) Veneto (102/99)

He literally controls your country.

>So is the the 8th of May.
Maybe 8th of March?
>They were fighting to not be shot in the back of their heads
Yes, holocaust also myth.

Jews are all the same.
2ch dot hk/po/ very liberal. their Sup Forums is better than Sup Forums/b/ though

Tthe urban areas are always full of immigrants and jews, that's where progressivist ideologies come to fruition. If Russia had an electoral college communism would never succeed and rural Russia would be safe of merchant and prole infested urbanites.

No Because Russians were willing pawns in their schemes

>whats the russian Sup Forums? i want to learn russian
Don't ever think about it. It's full of shills, schizophrenics, hohols, fucking commies and russo ost-balto nat soc.

Dugin dislikes Putin actually, just like he dislikes Peter the Great

So, if you're an ethno nationalist, would you hate Strawiński or Szostakowicz?

No. Because literally all USSR achievements where made by Russians and for Russian expense. Including military victories.

The fact, that some cockhole or a anglo-spy shitskin was ruling us as slaves does add nothing good to their credit.

We still should associate USSR with ethnic Russians. At least until all the fraternity would not pay the bill. At least by exposing the anglo and committing to our rule.

>Italians aren't white.

> Malahov and Solov'ev
Gypsies, who desperately want to be jews.

>exposing the Anglo.

Jewish lies because they don't want you to know the truth

Sovjet-Union still has more olympic medals in long distance ice skating than modern day Russia

>We still should associate USSR with ethnic Russians.
The Russian Soviet Republic had just as much say as the Armenian Soviet Republic.

After the war Stalin killed ethnic Russian party leaders for (supposedly) plotting to establish a separate state entity with the capital in Saint-Petersburg that would (supposedly) dictate its will on the others.


But what if jews are actually anglos and anglos are jews?

Exactly. It's like Aushwitz capos claiming barrack built by the prisoners
Pure ethnic European(non-Iberian or Balkanian) can become Russian over generation or two. Shitskin can't

t. mental anti-racist
We don't tolerate people who stand against racial purity here

You are confused. Go take a nap

MOST are not

>Balkanian can't become a Russian
Balkanians would blend in just fine. It'll take them a couple of years.

But... what... if
>racial purity
>in Russia
My god, I don't know if you are joking anymore or for real.

>if you let Turks in, you win
Gladly, Russian nationalist community excludes them

Most people are not from Grozny

The American Journal of Human Genetics (Volume 82, Issue 1, 10 January 2008, p. 236-250)

fuck off from finnic lands bavarian

What community? Half of these hardcore nazis are Tatars, another half is Jews.

>le Serbs are shitskins

Jews are the cult of faithful servants to anglo. It`s not that hard to see, if you know anything about history. Like the fact, that all (((bolshevism))) was sponsored by anglo directly in UK or from wall street. And only supported by german empire intelligence by agentur work.

Largest part of money inside Russian Empire for revolution came from anglo-constructed textile industry, "officially" owned by some old-believers orthodox cult, who deemed Russians satanists since Peter I, because we crossed differently.

Textile fabricant Morozov, whose family was equipped by anglo machinery for monopolizing the market, tried to flee, when he discovered the fruit of anglo revolution, but get killed. And they invented cool story about him, how orthodox old-believer cultist fanatic (which he was) had a (((mistress))) and how he appointed all his wealth to (((her))) and how MHAT was build just for her.

>Finnic lands
East of Ural in Asia? Feel free to make room for Russians and Swedes, and don't forget to take your Estonian cousins

russians are the only slavs who could have fucked it up so completely, fuck off moskal

>le Serbs are shitskins

Implying you wouldn't confuse it with a rapefugee camp
>le Serbs are not

>racial purity
Hitler was a cuck on race, mudslime lover, chink admirer and anti-colonialist. Pic related - Hitlercuck bows to a chink diplomat. Nazis will defend this shit.
>1/4 yids were considered "Aryan"
>1/2 yids were considered half breeds - mischling. Some were classified as Germans, some were issued Honorary Aryan status or German Blood Certificate. Ernard Milch, Emil Maurice, Bernhardt Rogge, Arty Johannes Zukertort, Karl Zukertort, Helmut Wilberg, Paul Ascher, Walter Hollaender and the likes
>when he decided to create Ostlegionen, that included untermenschen like turkmeni, chechens, azeris, ingushes, tatars, uzbeks, kazakhs; he issued some bullshit papers about them being somewhat honorary and noble races. I don't think he believed in it, but betrayal of the Race Spirituality for the sake of appeal to subhuman turkics...
>he allied with the japs and did nothing to prevent pons from making death marches with European blooded POWs
>he allied with multiracialist judeotatar-lover Pilsudski, instead of Dmowski
>he allied with clearly subhuman Bulgarians
>he was pretty friendly with islam
>he could have been more accurate and less hotheaded when doing expansion and restoration of the German Lands given his awareness of the anti-German bias in the U.K.

Pic - Hitler receives the Finance Minister of China, Dr. Kung at his villa in the Berchtesgadener Alpen. 100 million Reichsmarks were loaned to China.

Real White Heroes are Belgian, British and Dutch colonists who didn't waste any time and genocided subhumans.

Back in the days of the commies, the joke was:

"If Saudi Arabia went communist, in ten years, they would be importing oil, and in twenty years they would be importing sand".

well say that to you grandfather.

Crimean and Tatar executions in 1944

slav fags

>Crimean and Tatar executions in 1944

Non-humans, who cares? More ethnic Russians died

>Crimean and Tatar executions in 1944
>Kill some tatar pests
pick one

then stop crying for the armenian genocide fags

>rying for the armenian genocide fags
No one does. We blame you for failing, not for trying. The only based thing turkey did. This, food and Ataturk. Armenians are viewed like kikes with bad hygiene in Russia

It's not like they were executed. They were asked to change an address for (.....) collaborating with the Nazi Germany. Which would likely mean unpleasant things.

What about K*rds, anyways?

talk shit get hit.