Whateva niggas

Whateva niggas.
I got Bin Laden.

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No you didn't.

Osama bin Laden has been dead for over a decade. His """assassination""" was merely a cleverly crafted ploy to divert America’s attention from Obama’s fake birth certificate controversy stoked by Donald Trump.

So across the world niggers are irrelevant now.
Go ahead name a powerful nigger without checking jewgle


I'm pretty sure scurvy got bin laden

>implying the whole thing probably wasnt staged
>implying who the president was at the time had anything to do with it
>implying it's legal to invade another country and execute someone without a trial
>implying it's wise to kill the head of a terrorist organization and not try and get intel from him by taking him alive

Just go away already.

>I got my own CIA operative

Not very impressive desu.

Did you really though?

>Whateva niggas. I pretended to kill a guy who work for the CIA and Mossad

No, Soldiers got Bin Laden

He wuz bin laden fool.

His dad.

>can't tell if troll or retarded

All of those guys died after bin Laden was killed

Yeah, no shit you absolute moron.
They died 93 days after Osama's alleged assassination.
They were killed to cover up the truth.

He got 400.000 Syrians too! Women, children, old people. He's a piece of shit globalist and only those in deep denial say otherwise.

Blows my mind everyone fell for the obama is black meme. Due is clearly a Saud and a Wahhabist sympathizer



what is this meme actually called?

he was never our ally, he may not have been our enemy, but never ever ever ever a friend

>I got


here ya go

It's really too bad theat everybody fell for the "He was born in Kenya" psyop. When really he is from Saudi Arabia....

The CIA is really good at distraction shit.

>Believing Osama Bin Laden ever existed

thx m8

pic or it didn't happen

What's hard to understand about Obama & Bin Laden?

Obama didn't do shit. All that happened was that the intelligence agencies happened to find out where he was, obama was presented with courses of action and he chose this.

Had Mccain won he would have been the one to get bin laden.