I'm an Egyptian Who Identifies as Black--Do I Trigger You?

I've done 23 and me and am 96 percent Egyptian (overwhelmingly from southern Egypt) and only 4 percent SSA. You need to get over the fact that southern Egyptians--Egyptians, not Nubians--are black, or at least are closer to black than white. (Similarly, the Afrocentrists need to get over the fact that most Egyptians--the northerners--are closer to white than black.)

I thought they called black like in pic slave in Egypt.

there are black people and then there are savages we call niggers. which are you?

I'm 96 percent white according to this website, which also claims Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are an interracial couple.

23andme does not have a category for 'Egyptians'

>identifies as
so science denier? cool, your table is over there next to the vaccine folks. welcome to Sup Forums!

There's discrimination against southerners. But, apart from Nubians--who granted are very similar to southern Egyptians genetically and phenotypically--everyone is considered Egyptian in Egypt. It was only when I came to America that I started identifying as black.

Southern Egyptians are genetically closer to blacks (at least, "Caucasoid" blacks like Nubians, Ethiopians, etc) than whites dumbass.

OP Needs to post a timestamp pic of himself with the word Sup Forums on it and his poster ID or he needs to GTFO

No just another nigger

I'm sure they cause autism and global warming too, need help to your table?

lol how would that prove I'm Egyptian? You'd just say I'm half black or whatever makes you feel better about Eurocentrism.

BTW I'm not an Afrocentrist. I recognize that most Egyptians, especially in the north, are closer to white than black. AFrocentrists claim these people are "invaders" which is ridiculous.

>identifies as

this has no meaning

>all of the people living within the borders of the modern country of Egypt are exactly the same people who made up ancient Egypt thousands of years ago

Only an absolute idiot with an IQ of 85 would belie- ... Oh, you're a nigger, I forgot. Enjoy being a KANG, good luck in your endeavors.

Then go back to egypt..

Well 23 and me says my ancestry is 96 percent Egyptian (not sub-Saharan), meaning North African ("white", according to you nigs).

Who the fuck things egyptians are white. Egyptians are egyptians, whites are european, blacks are african.
The only reason you identify as black is because you are in the US and if you are brown and not hispanic or muslim you are black.
Go spend a week in detroit. Then spend a week in Cairo. Let me know if the people all look the same.

>Are you muslim
>Do you support the Constitution
>Will you fight for America's Flag
>Did you move to America legally?
if you answered no, yes, yes and yes, You are fine by my terms

Except theres been DNA evidence that Egyptians were actually a tan Mediterranean race

The ones near the Mediterannean Sea were certainly Med, and certainly Egyptian. The ones near Sudan, and several hundreds of miles away from the Med sea, are closer to black than Med. The DNA evidence is in.

I find it humorous how similar the arguments for AFrocentrism and Eurocentrism are: cherry-picked pictures of Egyptians (from the extreme north or south), cherry-picked sculptures of Pharaohs. The fact is that you can find pictures of indigenous Egyptians who look black and white, though most are in between.

In some sense, of course, all Egyptians are "Caucasoid," insofar as they have fine facial features. But there are black Caucasoids as well, at least according to traditional anthropology, which classified Ethiopia as Caucasoid.