Got Bin Laden

Suck it Sup Forums

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prove it numbnuts

whether he got Bin Laden or not, did it improve our lives even in the slightest? Did the airport molestations stop? Is it safe to invite Muslims to a "holiday" party?

bin laden died a few years before they "got him"

Obama is bin Laden. All he did was kill his CIA operative name and purge his documents.

delet this.

"Buried at sea in accordance with Islamic tradition"

It's like they were daring people to call bullshit


photos please

And took no pictures, filmed no video and just turned him into shark food before Seal Team Six suddenly died. Sounds legit.

You still lost.

Suck it Joe.

>he doesn't know Bin Laden was a CIA informant for 30+ years


wheres da proofs?




Obama got Bin Laden, but he used ISIS to try and topple Assad. He armed and trained 5000 "rebels" who "defected" to ISIS the same day they were released.

Secret audio released of John Kerry admitting this in his own words. Obama and Hillary were working with the Saudis to topple Assad so they can run a pipeline from Qatar to EU, cutting Russia out.



Never happened the post which now can keep never happened lost virginity in your mattress book of shame.

>got bin laden


"I killed him!"

"Wonderful!! Show me his head so that I may know what victory feels like."


I may have one of the only copies of an interview carried out at the scene by a pushy broad reporter from SAMA-TV and it is absolutely believable and fits the physical evidence. Osama was never there because he was already dead and every person that carried out the "raid" never left alive.

Ironically we caught him due to a gitmo detainee

You didn't catch anyone.

More line he gave him a nice traditional muslim burial before a real american got to him.

Trump will get al-Baghdadi.

Funny thing is if the exact same thing happened but Trump were president you fags would be saying it's legit and celebrating forever

It wouldn't have been the same because Trump wouldn't have done the weird cover up that delegitimized the claims.

He objectively improved the economy dumbass

For You, Big Guy

let's talk about the timing:
27/04/11 birth cert copy verified by Loretta fuddy (hawaii health dept official) released on despite a copy being verified is unprecedented
2011 sheriff arpaio begins bc investigation
05/05/11 oorah bin laden gets killed in abottabad by navy seals and obama declassifies mission that day to be national hero
2011 navy seals - who are very private - offer 2 officers do talk shows and books and get famous
06/08/12 trump tweets credible sources say bc is fake
11/12/13 Loretta Fuddy is in cessna plane crash and survives but there's footage of a frogman in the water 45 mins before anyone got there and then she dies of a heart arrhythmia. everyone else lives
18/02/14 ex navy seals, Mark Kennedy and Jeffrey Reynolds, both fit family men who dont do drugs or smoke, die of a heroin overdose after partying with prostitutes while guarding the maersk (which happens to be the same boat that also got a movie made out of it for being captured by pirates in 2009)

just coincidences and nothing to see here at all

>I killed him goys!
>No we won't tell you the names of anyone involved in the raid
>No we won't show you his body
>We dumped him to the bottom of the ocean immediately
>Just trust me you dumb fucks
>Oops Seal Team 6 was killed in a (((helicopter crash)))


so he did good, all for his country!

02/05/11 obl killed

this argument, is literally the only reason why this hoax was conducted.

Then created ISIS to replace him.

All that matters is Obama killed the most hated man in the world, and Trump IS the most hated man is the world.

>Sup Forums: remove kebab
>obama: okay
>Sup Forums: huh huh huh muh peace prize

Pics or it's fake

>hey you guys we got bin laden
>heres a picture that dosnt look like him at all
>it totally is him and hes dead
>trust us
>"can we see the body?"
>nah we just sorta threw it in the ocean lol
>oohhh youu knoww

Here is another OP

obama was in pakistan back when al qaeda was created along with secret muslim brennan. He's a real hero to saudi arabia


the united states premiere special forces ladies and gentlemen *slow clap*

Fuck you ban me

There would have been stranded soldiers of that were the case.

Hey cool another paid shill bot neat.

>230 years of debt nearly doubled
It was fake growth. Everything about him is fake. The unemployment rate went down because he redefined what it was, the labor participation rate went down which means the real unemployment rate went up.

Even immigration, for fuck's sake, he claims to have deported 2.5 million Mexicans because he changed the description of legal deportations to include people turned away at the border.

Obama lies about everything. Everything.

yeah funny how there was literally no proof of it. at all.

id say the entire team died and they had to make up some ruse like "we got bin laden" as a smokescreen so they wouldnt look like full blown spergers


There was never a raid on Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden is a part of the Saudi royal family (that's not even classified, it's open knowledge), and Obama and the Clintons work closely with that family. They'd never kill one of their members, which is why they through his "body" into the sea for some fucking reason.


He still mourns the loss of his muslim brother to this day
