Damn Burgers really missed out on a great president didn't they?

Damn Burgers really missed out on a great president didn't they?


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Yeah i know. Dont remind me

Not likely. His rhetoric is nice, but that's about all he is.

Sanders is exactly what we needed. Instead of dividing the country like Trump currently is, he would of mended race relations and restore civic nationalism once again.

ol mash potato head

>someone from a better country

I can see why an nigger like yourself would be envious.

>mended race relations
There is no point in having relations with niggers. They are completely worthless and a drain. All they contribute is dancing like monkeys on TV and throwing balls through hoops. And this is a tiny minority. The vast majority has lost its usefulness after the mechanical cotton picker was invented.

>still a leaf

>he thinks bernie could have mended race relations when even obama made them worse

Hernie Flanders never had a chance

He would have bent over and let the LGBT fucked him

he would have cost every single business in america a fortune for his outrages socialist agenda

Sanders would have done nothing he said he would, as the puppeteers who controlled him wouldn't allow it. That is, if he had any intention to win. If Bernie truly was the man you think he is, why did he sell out almost immediately?

I sure do love the notion of dying while I wait for my chance to see an oncologist. Really gets my tumors itching.

He really did know how to pander to college students.






You fucking free world commies have no idea what it is to live under a fucking socialist regime. Fuck you.


Bernie is so based

What is wrong with free education? And slavery was bad, dipshit.

No shit we did. We made the best choice we could, though. Trump > Clinton, and it's not even close.

Bootlicking faggot detected.

Free College education and Healthcare is a RIGHT in every first world country

But but muh freedoms to purchase....

It would have gotten funded by billionaires and corporations who used to pay practically nothing in taxes.

5d chess. He wants to purge the Dem party to be more socialist. Funny thing is that Trump won exactly because people want Job protection and 40 dollar per hour jobs in the middle of fuckbum nowhere. Trump would win a 2nd term if he manages to turn the republican party into a "workers" socialist party. There's nothing wrong with that, but how the fuck are you going to pay for it? Like Obamacare. People will get angry at repealing that piece of shit law but how the fuck are suppose to pay for it except for new taxes?

3 seconds in


Oh, you mean the same billionaires that would move their entire operation out of the country and into tax havens because you can't stop them from leaving?

Those corporations? I want you to think about the shitstorm the media is kicking up about possible tariffs right now and how Bernie would never have even considered them.


>America missed out on having an old Jewish curmudgeon as president.

Protip: Anyone who lives in a country with "socialized" or "single payer" healthcare and gets sick will go to a private practitioner if they want to not become even more ill or not die.

My cousin is a nurse in Athens and she told me the amount of unused supplies is ridiculous because some "public" doctors will refuse to see patients who won't bribe them with a kickback. Fucking sickening. And Bernie "Old Jew" Sanders wants to implement this system with 350 million people.

nothing is free in america and the working middle class and wealthy businesses would have to pay for all these leeches and immigrants

Bernie sold out for a plane and a beach house. Why the fuck doesn't anyone care about this ?

>"not what the government forces them to buy"

"yeah well" *ends*.

Says a lot, Bernie.

>dont have the money to purchase a 10 million dollar home

the fuck did he do with all the burnout money? keke nevermind it went to shillary

Trump is not divining the country my friend he's trying to mend it. Butt hurt libs are ruining the country

Bernie is gr8

>let's spend 800 trillion on military to invade and oppress muslims

Also America:
> we can't afford free college and healthcare!!! That's such a waste of money!

yeah, no shit we did.

hillary stole the election from him.

therefore we HAD to put trump in office, because fuck hillary.

wealthy businesses import the immigrants for cheap labor they literally use the welfare system so they dont have to pay them

i love the birb flyin g on his head lol

Other than that it lowers the marketable value of whatever you learn.
That's the entire point of encouraging kids to learn programming language now, so it stops being a niche knowledge and has lowered pay as a job in the future.

America would have never voted for an atheist jew.

No on3 cares about muslimes at all

Pls stop calling americans burgers they're himan beugans

The only people who voted for Sanders are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.


>reddit makes a thread, the thread
k. When you guys are done, I'm sure you'll get out to vote next term.

But probably not. So whatever.

MAGA, faggots.

>socialist jew
>lol no refunds
>lets blm talk over him while looking down in shame
>politically retarded
>doesn't use any of the big scandals against clinton
>cheated out of nomination and does nothing but turn around and tell you to support the people who cheated him and his supporters while fucking off to his newly bought summer home
Good. He would have been a weak leader and probably would have had ass foreign relationships.

The top 8 richest people in the world own more money than the bottom 3.5 BILLION how are you okay with that you bootlicker?

Rich should have to pay for it.

>I can't get a job with this degree I have now
>if even more people had this degree my chances would improve

The main issue is that a single payer healthcare system has the potential to degenerate into a system of corruption and bribery. The ability to safe someone's life is a very, very, very niche skill. Doctors are going to "get theirs" one way or another. The last thing you want to do is marginalize the people who know how to do your blood transplant.


this abbo roo fucker is right, show some manners

1) It isn't free, fuckface. Nothing is free. Ever. Everything is a trade off and always will be. You commies need to learn this shit if it kills you.

2) Brazil took in 3 times as many slaves as we did. Why do they never get shit for this? Civil War White Boy Body Count of People Who Died To End Slavery- Around 350,000. Actual percentage of white folks in America currently related to previous slave owners = less than 5%. The South had to be Reconstructed from the ground up. Meaning no one who is alive today benefits from the labor during slavery. The South was burned down and built back up again from nothing.


Bernie said he would put tariffs on imports. Sure, these corporations may leave but it would be a step in the right direction but Bernie did propose bills that would prevent the practice of putting money into tax havens. Or would you rather us be continuously fucked by them just because we didn't have the balls to stand up to them.

How can we be called a compassionate society when we only give this poor old man $200 million shekels?

Bernie Sanders had a chance and folded like a cheap suit when it was time to stand-up. Cried like a little bitch when Hillary acknowledged it.

>get rid of all existing programs
>instead give every citizen a check for the average price of insurance
>if they make effort to stay healthy they save money
>if they engage in unhealthy habits they'll have to pay for their more expensive insurance out of pocket

healthcare and obesity solved in one swoop

>Would of

T_D is leddit

I'll see your anecdote and raise another


not an argument

The top eight richest people aren't paying for anything, kid.

Feels pretty great that we humiliated this cuck, ruined his life, BTFO'd his party and smashed his dreams. I will be extremely happy when I hear that Sanders has died, alone, cold, shivering and impotent in an elderly home where he is abused by the minority nurses.


>Listening to a jew

Good meme bro

They can work it off in the gulag.


Not to mention, they're all progressives who buy into this stupid socialist tripe.



rich people are not paying anything for leaches

Then why the fuck does it work so well elsewhere? You try to take it away from canadiancucks and you have a shitstorm. Do you even have your own insurance? If you did, you would know that under our dumbass system you can't pick the doctors you go to, you have to go to doctors that have a deal with your insurance company.

Why aren't you? Why do you think those 3.5 billion people are worth anything? Are you a fucking retard?

I'm worth more than large populations of Africa,India, even China. You are too most likely.

Why aren't you redistributing your wealth to them?

>Bernie as President

Jesus Christ, why is he talking like he's trying to garner fucking applause? This isn't a fucking rally.

He sold his people out to hillary before he could even get to the election and you think he's presidential?

They are all Jews as well. Good goy, let them cuck the entire earth you can be just as rich as them if you work hard for your jewish boss!

He fell for the lesser of two evils meme

>rich people are not paying anything for leaches

They didn't work for it, they are Jews who were born into a family who STOLE the money, now they have more money than 3.5 billion people. You are a cuck if you are okay with this and don't want to kill them.

I know I wouldn't like it at first, but I honestly think that the United States would be better off in the long run if that jew was president.

When I think about the country my nephew, nieces, or the neighborhood kids are going to grow up in, I'm actually okay paying a couple hundred bucks more if it means American Citizens get to live longer and get better education.

Dude even Bernie supporters hate this faggot since he fucking sold ALL of his supporters out to Shillary.

What is a normie doing on Sup Forums?

This is what nobody in politics has the balls to come out and say. If y'all want cheaper healthcare the fatties need to get off their ass and eat something resembling real food. Otherwise forget it. There will never be a way to make healthcare services more affordable in a country as big as the US.

It's not compassionate to lie to type 2 fat asses that some freaky expensive pharma drug is their savior when what they really need is exercise.


Irrelevant thread, just here for this

sucks we missed out on the burger edition of Hugo Chavez

>Says our healthcare is unjust

Says the guy who backed Hilary "yay Obamacare" Clinton. I agree with the sentiment, but Sanders is the last fucking guy who should preach it.


Selectively picking one shitty nation is a good foundation for a shitty argument. Bernie's policies were more like those of Nordic nations, which economically were pretty damn good.

To be fair, Obama's handling of race relations was like screaming "food fight" in a high school cafeteria. He handled it in literally the worst way possible every fucking time.

>Bernie gets FUCKED by his own party
>Thinks Bernie could have grabbed his party by the horns and did what he planned

Not only that, for all the bitching about how America is doing bad, we're the world's #1 nation. Any drastic changes while you're #1 is only going to fuck you up. You're retarded and don't know what you're speaking about.

We need fixes and changes, not over hauls to everything and everyone.

Lol bernshit got owned there

socialism only works with whites

just barely, and for a very short period of time

>there is nothing wrong with clinton
and dropped

Its not really socialism though, just certain aspects such as healthcare. Most of it is free market, its more accurate to call it a social democracy.


You guys got the Canadian Bernie Sanders.

The mentally ill liberals shout about how great cultural enrichment is.....until they start getting culturally enriched in their own neighborhoods. lol
Then they start "becoming racist". You know, like most white people who have been forced to live near or amongst the shit skin savages. I wonder if they still think that "rednecks are ignorant, uneducated racists"???? hahaha
We told you so

Leftism is a symptom; Jew is the disease!