This is a reminder that drumpfies belong to reddit, get out of here

subreddits that remove the downvote button really make me think

you found out about that by browsing reddit

You can still downvote

I know and I have

I believe they only remove it for people not subscribed to it.

Everyone on Sup Forums browses Reddit, don't pretend you don't. Literally everyone uses Reddit nowadays.

Fuck off back to lebbit pleb

No, they don't. Now fuck off back there.

I avoid that place like the plague

This. Most of the cool memes and epic pepes actually originate on Reddit.

Give me a break trumplets
Who the fuck do think created and maintained /r/the_donald?

The niche subreddits are really useful. No better way to organize info. The main ones are cancer however

Who said I supported Trump?

Now go get annexed by Turkey. Your bait is weak.

retards who should stay at reddit

>Browsing reddit
>Giving a fuck about reddit
>Making threads about reddit

no they dont they originate here and only the polished mass produced version gets to reddit

the donald is alright

but the rest is the largest gayest circle jerk of self righteous fags

Fuck off, we won that Sup Forums enclave on Reddit in the great meme war to piss off Sanders cucks and leftists while spreading red pills to normies

Doesn't mean we are all redditors now and it's okay to freely post there

The "I'm not here to fuck around" face

that face holy shit im going to have nightmares

Fuck off retard, thats not true at all. Back to l e d d i t you turbonigger

Salty DRUMPFKINS can't handle any dissent in the echo chamber!

DUMPY Drumpf is the biggest joke ever! SCREENSHOT this post! He WILL be impeached along with his lacky DOOFUS Pence for corrupting America and handing over keys to PUNY Putin!

right by exclusively appointing big bank CEO's and Washington insiders

I thought he was supposed to drain the swamp not overflow it


Your flag is gay as fuck and you use reddit. Unironically kill yourself right now.


That better not be an emu

>this post

Holy shit, fuck off.