A try for a non-retarded political conversation 1.0

So Sup Forums, what are you thinking about Trump? Why you like him? Why not? What do you think about his choices, plans/promises. Please, give serious reasons to your statements, and if you can, back them up with links. I'd like to have a serious discussion.

Yes he is amazing. No one else could cause such a shit storm for the Democrat party

He is required for the destruction of ISIS.

I got it, you guys love him because he made the Democrats cry, but why will he be better than them?

Why he, why can't others do it, why Trump has to be the one who can, and will do it?

Guessing his administration will be very aggressive in implementing neoliberal economic policies and maybe one or two social conservative policies while he continues to play the clown.

As an anti-globalist and nationalist to the bones i think its a miracle that a person with a guy like Steve Bannon in his team got into presidency.

But honestly i doubt that he can positively influence on Europe for example. Europe is doomed. At least in its current form. And if he s going to do what he promised to do it'll be great for US.

I don't think something cardinally will change in Russia-US relationship. But at least i have hope that we are not going into proxy war, that's a good thing.

I also doubt about some kind of trade war with China will happen. US will try to keep high-tech industries in their country leaving consumer shit for 3rd world countries.

He's basically an amalgamation of the last two presidents: a narcissitic Mulatto and a borderline retarded Texan.
But it's irrelevant because Dems and Reps are 90% the same and the president is mostly a symblolic figure with no real power, especially in domestic affairs. In foreign affairs US will continue to fuck shit up no matter what.

I'm getting colder on him every day. He is going to fuck over net neutrality, his choices for his cabinet have mostly been retarded, and I have doubts on whether or not he will take time to let his plans flesh out. (IE repealing ACA before replacing it with something better.) He has also failed to portray himself as a stand up individual even after the election, still throwing fits on twitter.

I'm overall, not very optimistic. I think it's worse that most of his hardcore supporters think that they somehow sacrifice their credibility by admitting they don't like something and will turn a blind eye to it all. If that's the case, it's Obongo but this time GOP flavored.

I'm particularly bothered by net neutrality, because that's going to be extremely hard to reinstate if he removes it because of lobbyist kikes. That's not a hot button issue for normies either, so I doubt any president will care about it in the future.

I like his personality and the way he goes against every stereotype of politicians but more than that I love what he represents. As a Nationalist I love the movement. I love the America first mindset bc we are sick of being kicked and degraded. I am worried he won't deliver but if I've learned anything this election it to not doubt Trump bc he always wins.

>But honestly i doubt that he can positively influence on Europe for example

This is something I'm afraid of, but at the same time, I can understand, that he want's to help the US first, and then help others, and threatening to leave the NATO is, again, legitimate, since the european nations are the ones, whos said, that a member should give 2% of their national GDP to fund the NATO, but they are the one, who doesn't fulfilling this requirement. On the other hand, without the US, europe can't live


I'm personally indifferent to Trump as a person. However, I don't trust him as president. He is basically just going to protect his own businesses and try to make sure he makes a few billion doing so while in office.

Trump is love Trump is life..
go suck a nigger dick.. oh but you might like that.
going to keep the gas chambers warmed up for you guys... the day of rope is coming soon.

I would say a general like but it's a bit hard to encapsulate.

I like the no nonsense, if people are using hit pieces he fires back. Not always with the best responses but he doesn't just take the stupid shit sent at him from the legacy media.

Two he's very smart in my personal observation. Knows how to play the media and other politicians like a fiddle. RNC heeled, DNC blown the fuck out, presidency achieved. Look at all the attacks on his intelligence and ask would an idiot be able to play the game that well?

Trumps background gives him experience in creating effective teams and he has shown that he will fire those that fail. He has a decent strategy so far, playing it close to the chest. And its kinda hard to have a real conversation on Trump until he is actually the president and we can start to see his policies in action vs his often misleading words.

I see Trump being a moderate reformer at the beginning of a new trend and am cautiously optimistic.

>if I've learned anything this election it to not doubt Trump bc he always wins.

How did you learned that? He only won the elections so far.

I like everything about him except his denial of climate change. But I'm willing to let it slide to have such a based president

I don't like him

He's a successful white businessman who doesn't back down and cry like a bitch when the media calls him names. The president sets the tone for the entire nation. I won't have to live in fear that some assmad leftist can ruin my career with a single accusation. That's enough for me.

fuck off back to REEEEEEddit.

I like him because he makes libtards angry

He promised to make America great again. I hope he actually does that if he doesn't I will turn to hating him

Yeah, funny

So you are the part of the others, who think that everything that Trump does is great, but would think otherwise if his enemies (Hillary) would do it instead.

not an argument

Trump seems to only be very clear on his desire to have businesses keep their manufacturing in the US and his distaste for illegal immigration at the southern border. He flip flops on too many topics for me to say much else about his policy. I also think he spends too much time on social media for his own good and is notoriously easy to bait.

No other candidate was even willing to mention Islam

We aren't going to beat terrorism until we can admit that Islam is a root cause

His a crypto-kike. Nuff said.

>cry like a bitch when the media calls him names.

That's exactly what he does, every single day.

Did anyone on Sup Forums unironically want Jeb! to win?

>punching back is backing down

Everything you just said was from the echo chamber or REEEEEEddit.. why are you even fucking here, go spread that cancer somewhere else.

>So you are the part of the others, who think that everything that Trump does is great, but would think otherwise if his enemies (Hillary) would do it instead.

I'm confused by your comment. I'm just saying I like pretty much everything about him except his stance on the climate

As a nationalist I'm pretty happy. He's chosen good cabinet picks for the parts that matter, people that will do good in shrinking the power of those parts that don't matter. My only concern is net neutrality being threatened, but ultimately I don't think anything will happen in that regard. And while it is funny how ass blasted people get about his tweets, so they focus in that and not on what he's actually doing, I do kind of wish someone would just take his Twitter account away.

>t. shill

No, but it is crying like a bitch. The President of The US should have more important things to do than concern himself with gossip

I didn't think he had bad policies. If anything, I think he had a few good ones. He was weak though, and bogged down by the mistakes of his family. Never stood a chance. Frankly, I don't know why anybody thought he did in the first place.

not an argument
>le funny ree meme xDD
I think you know where you need to go back

not an argument

If you could just simply tell, why is this guy's wrong instead of "he's not with us, shill, redditer, hillary supporter, lgbtq member REEEEEEEEEEEEE"

>not an argument
I'm not arguing with you, I'm just calling you out as the shill you are. You don't belong here.

>He's chosen good cabinet picks for the parts that matter

Why do you think that?

He looks like he can uphold most of his promises because they are juste common sense and because he would hate to have less fame than before the elections .
The only thing I dislike is his love for israël.

You don't understand shills. You don't argue with them, you don't reason with them. You identify them, label them, and then exclude them.


>Yeah, funny
how butthurt are you faggots the Trump is going to ban your fake news from the whitehouse.?

I do

had some strong policies and was the best of the Bush bunch

The president is a black man named Obama. I think he would be making a huge mistake if he let them publish the crap they do without addressing it. Besides, now he has a press secretary to do most of this for him.

Oh well in that case, I think I know the perfect place where the community can decide who is allowed to say what on their website user!

Sounds like you're a shill my dude.

middle America teenager detected

So you can tell that someone is a shill because they have different opinions?

Trump is going to make anime REAL

doesn't work that way around here nigger
fucking newfag

Mattis is probably the best cabinet pick any president has made in a long time. Tillerson seems like a pretty capable Sec State, and while I'm have mixed feelings on DHS, Kelly is also pretty damn capable and I at least trust him to look out for our security.

I don't know as much about Mnichin, but I'm willing to see how it goes and the guy who owns Hardees seems to know what he's about.

The U.S. federal government has been steamrolling state's rights and personal freedom, especially over the past few decades.

I'm simply hoping for Trump to throw up a few roadblocks ahead of the next "real" president.

If the federal government literally achieves NOTHING of any importance for the next four years Trump will have been worth it.

>A try for a non-retarded political conversation 1.0
Pay close attention, Sup Forums, before engaging stupidity.

They all use the same patterns and talking point. Notice how he at first attempted to establish his opinion as "one of us" claiming he was at one time a Trump supporter. He never was. Then his critique of cabinet picks. Trump has done a pretty damn good job of that this far, I guarantee our shill friend here has a problem with Carson, DeVos, and Walker.

I agree with him about security, immigration and he's the most charismatic living politician for me.
Though, I disagree with him about economy, social issues and ecology.
But I think he will be a good American President as long he does not start a new war in the middle east.

These fucking mining post are sickening
hey you guysss!!!! can you tel me this and this and this so a can make my report
i want to know what you nationalist think.

Witnessed and also this.

You actually think Israel would let him do that?

I think he's a narcissist and an elitist, very much in the same vein as clinton, but obviously with an opposing political ideology. Im convinced that he's more interested furthering his own interests than the interests of America

I'm convinced of this because of his terrible choices for appointed offices, and because of his plans to put tax breaks on the rich

I can only hope that the gets the hearing protection act put through, if only for a day.

So, here's another shill. This one is pretending to be a pro-2nd Amendment guy.

He has a good track record. If the biggest dirt people could get on him was tax returns and fake dirt like him being a rapist, I think it's in better hands than someone who's sold government secrets and privileges.

Most of Sup Forums are still election transplants who think that this is /r/the_donald but for cool 4channers like ourselves. I blame moot for when he pulled that shit where Sup Forums turned into a shitpost wasteland. Quality here definitely took a drop

Why would I be upset about Walker? Sounds like you might be projecting a bit and putting words in my mouth.

Kind of going off of what you are saying, I think what Trump lacks in general intelligence he makes up for with emotional intelligence. He was able to fundamentally change the way politics is approached in this country on his first try by being able to read and exploit virtually everyone who opposed him. In my opinion in terms of emotional intellegence he is a genius. I think this can increase his capacity to be able to work with large spectrums of people and get what he wants out of them.

If anything we already have the positive benefit that he totally rekt establishment politics to the point that they may never be able to fully recover. In any case he clearly is much smarter than he lets people perceive so it will be interesting to see how he conducts himself in the Whitehouse.

you should just follow this girls example.
Bernie will be dead by 2020..
its over you lost.
just bow down and suck on Trumps old white males nuts..like a good little cuck libtard. you know you want to. or do what in the picture

So far, the only thing you said was that they are shills, because of this and this. But you still didn't came up with your own opinion just yet

its because you are a nigger loving libtard, youll never understand.
go do your report somewhere else.

Trump will absolutely be better than the Democrats for anyone who favors limited government.

Trump would even be better than over half of the GOP primary field for anyone who favored limited government. A strong case could be made that he was the best choice available for limited government advocates.

Are you retarded? Both in my first post and here: I gave my opinion on why I'm for Trump.

Go post bananas and cry about your life. The big boys are trying to have real conversation

I like how sustained you are. So here's your daily (You)

>Mattis is probably the best cabinet pick any president has made in a long time

I still don't know why are you saying this, what's your reason to do so?

You're wasting your time here if you want actual debate or discussion. 2 years ago you would've got differing viewpoints and debates on why, with a sprinkle of jewish conspiracies mixed in. Now you'll maybe get a "smuggie" meme thrown at you if you corner them, and they can't come up with anything to defend Trump.

Mattis probably has the best understanding of conflict that I've ever seen and has no qualms about disagreeing with someone, even his boss. That's largely why he was ousted by Obama. He also convinced Trump, rightly, that torture isn't a truly effective intel gathering method. It only works if you can verify what they're saying otherwise, but that begs the question, why go to torture when you obviously have other means.

you fucking REEEEEEDditor shills are so easy to spot. to easy to trigger..
why don't you just return to your nigger loving circle jerk free space...

No one cares remainfag.

Took me so long to get it, but here's your last (You)

>what are you thinking about Trump?

I like the moxie of this loud mouth kid from Queens

I like Trump because he is not a traditional statist and is from the private sector. He also has tons of managerial experience which will come in useful at the white house.

There's nothing I don't like about Trump. I'm team private sector though, so it's not surprising.

Trump's cabinet picks are personally endorsed, for what it's worth.

Sorry, no links, too tingly and excited for tomorrow, but here's a complimentary MAGA instead.

Oh no. But seriously, the guy put forth zero argument.

Voted leave actually, but keep trying to attach labels to people so can try to discredit anyone with a different opinion than you, r/The_Donald shitter.

>I think he's a narcissist and an elitist,

remember this elitist might be the first president whose great grandfather was a broke nobody

>Why do you like Mattis
>Mattis probably has the best understanding of conflict that I've ever seen

Listen to this goy, OP. Mattis is a phenomenal pick for DOD because he doesn't like War, but when he goes to war he knows how to win one.

Never been to reddit remainfag. Fuck off, kindly or not is up to you.

There's literally nothing wrong with liking war.

>dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur

>if if if if if if

Sorry for shit image quality, it's a screenshot from Instagram.

I'm with her now!
Drumpf BTFO

Wow, really makes you think

Surely there are some presidential candidates during the 20th century that fit that description. That's true for the last 50 years though, I'm sure.

Mattis and Kelly are both really good picks, and I'm glad to see Trump picking from the military so readily AND picking some highly respected individuals. Mattis is a great choice because his philosophies align so well with "we need to stop sticking our dick in every conflict."

I'm also really into Kelly as the choice for Homeland Security. He strikes me as somebody who will do what needs to be done, no bullshit, but won't pussy around the issues and acknowledge we have a pretty weak immigration policy and that can't continue unless we want to be Europe.

Just wanted to say of all the places I've visited in Europe, Budapest was by far my favorite. Thanks for a good thread based Hungarian Intellectual

>mobile posters

Phenomenal trigger discipline.

An interesting point actualy, if a depressing one.

I guess people as a whole really do want a ruling class, if they keep picking them over and over

Unless we don't pick our presidents, which is even worse.

>Everything you just said was from the echo chamber
Whereas you're only making original well thought out arguments and not spewing generic Sup Forums memes in every post you make. Really activated my almonds

Thank you, but the least thing I can be called isbased, since I doesn't really contributed anything or gave you my own opinions and views. I'm just a friendly nobody, who want to hear what are others opinion on what's going on in the US. Tbh, I was a Hillary supporter, before I knew anything about politics, but after I dug deeper and deeper, I supported Trump. I just wanted to know if I made the right choice (even though my support doesn't mean anything, since I'm hungarian), and so far, I think I did. The main reason is because I wanted to get U.S. citizenship, and join the armed forces, but I wanted to make sure, that it's a good idea.

Does this prove something? I voted Trump and supported him throughout the campaign. I never participated in any poll before or after the election. We all see the results compared to the polls and if I was a thinking person. I would say this poll represents an excuse by the pollsters to remain valid in the future after their abismal failure this cycle. ...but who am I? I'm just a poster on 4chinians.

Lots of reasons.

I’m a classic Paleoconservative, so I preferred Sleepy Ben and Ted in the primaries, but I’ve been supportive of Donald since he won the Primary.

All of Donald’s personal faults aside, I’ve been seriously impressed by his actions since winning the nomination. Looking forward to a good 4 years.

I still differ with him on lots of policies, but he’s got almost all the major stuff down.
If nothing else, I would have voted for him simply because he’s the only Pro-Life candidate in the running.
Gary, Jill, and Hillary all support abortion in different ways.

That alone put me full-force behind Donald.

We elected our Caesar now sit back and watch it unfold. There's nothing you can do to stop him, all you can do is hope he brings you joy rather than punishment

It looks an awful lot like a CZ RAMI

>he’s the only Pro-Life candidate in the running.
You fuckers ruin everything. Who gives a fuck if some slut gets an abortion? If Laquisha gets 8?

argue with a libtard
like that's going to go anywhere

>not wanting to regrow arms from dead babies
Its like you dont even want to live forever

As someone who lives in Israel, Most of Israel hated Obama,and is happy over Trump's victory, as they think Trump will do a better job at protecting Israel.