
Are Russians feeling effect of economic policies by EU and Burgerland?
What do you eat? Do you have people dying from hunger?
Was it worth to fight against Ukraine?
Has food become more expensive?


1. It's miniscule compared to the consequences of the oil price crash.
2. Trash..
3. We're not really fighting.
4. Yes, by 50-100% in the last two years.

Is Russia comfy? What's it like to live there? Are you as poor as we're told you are?

define comfy

Surprisingly similar to the USA. 5-10% of the population is rich. ~30% is hardworking/conservative/churchgoing middle class, and the rest of the population is destitute, caused by alcoholism, drug abuse or simply bad luck, aka minimum wage drones.

Do you like it? Do you like Putin?

>Surprisingly similar to the USA. 5-10% of the population is rich. ~30% is hardworking/conservative/churchgoing middle class, and the rest of the population is destitute, caused by alcoholism, drug abuse or simply bad luck, aka minimum wage drones.

But with less triggered feminism culture.
I don't think anyone is hard on SJW aside from hipster leftist which are not a very massive here.

... Although when insane woman beheaded a baby and was screaming that she's terrorist and will blow up, it wasn't shown on any tv channel. Probably they remembered how skinheads trashed some muslim marketplaces in early 2000s after terrorist attacks.

i'm okay with it
I somehow survivng with part-time official job with 200$ wage working 3 days a week and doing unofficial jobs here and there.

Do you think that Russia and U.S. under Trump can be friends? I want U.S.-Russian friendship

I doubt it will be any worse than with Shillary or Obongo

((They)) " tried" to push PC culture and "pride parades" in Russia, but we're met with pretty severe resistance. For that reason Russia isn't heading into a decline like we are.

P.S. He пepeживaй бpaтyхa, здecь ecть cвoи люди кoтopыe paбoтaют нaд cближeниeм и нaлaдкe oтнoшeний мeждy этими дepжaвaми. Te ктo любят и Poccию и CШA, и cдeлaют вcё чтoб эти cтpaны paбoтaли вмecтe a нe пpoтив дpyг дpyгa.

[spoiler]Ho Copoc cлeдит![/spoiler]

*already working on it*

У мeня и тaких мыcлящих кaк я ecть cyпep opyжиe - пpaвдa. Cильнeйшaя и вeличaйшaя cилa, пoзвoляющaя гopдo и yвepeннo дoбивaтьcя нyжнoгo peзyльтaтa.
MЫ нa пpaвильнoй cтopoнe иcтopии, и cильны cдeлaть вcё нa чтo нacтpoимcя.

>((They)) " tried" to push PC culture and "pride parades" in Russia, but we're met with pretty severe resistance. For that reason Russia isn't heading into a decline like we are.
i'm a fag and can't stand liberal bullshit

Reminder that the increase in food prices is due almost entirely to Putin's """"counter sanctions"""" which banned EU food imports.

It's obvious that these were designed by Putin and his clique to ensure that average Russians felt economic pain because he was worried that the US/EU sanctions that targeted the Kremlin elites and billionaire oligarchs would not mobilize the Russian public.

So are you saying that Russia s this whole Putins "sanctions" parade is just so he control and mobilize bigger army?
Whats the sentiment in USA about Russia?
Whos they Soros and libcucks?

>Was it worth to fight against Ukraine?

Was it worth sending squads of chechens to fight Ukrainian army in Donbass?

When? Chechen terrorists fight on the ukrainian side btw.

This is fucking uncanny.

>being this deluded
You must work for CNN..

Sanctions hurt and are very effective.

They are lying to everyone look at these again. We are fucked.Should stop reading any media.

Are you from Russia|?

If you seriously think that the anons here that have been exposed to media bullshit on a daily basis for the last 2 years will believe your claims, you should seriously consider killing yourself.
At least your final act will benefit humanity.

>Claims=/= questions
No offense but i didn't see that a lot when I was in Russia.

Well, since you are now playing dumb, here it goes.

Russia DID NOT invade Ukraine. Sending weapons and ammo to locals who rebelled against their government is NOT an invasion. Even sending in officers to lead the rebels is STILL not an invasion, because US Advisors were leading the Ukrainians as well, where are the claims that "USA invaded Ukraine?"

Your naive stupidity in pushing a false narrative is sickening.

>tfw I'll never build model boats with my white kids and be delivered cookies by my white pregnant wife

>Surprisingly similar to the USA. 5-10% of the population is rich. ~30% is hardworking/conservative/churchgoing middle class, and the rest of the population is destitute, caused by alcoholism, drug abuse or simply bad luck, aka minimum wage drones
>t. never been to america

Poverty, cold, disease, and drugs.
t. former russia

Older people think they are still the soviet union. Younger people think of them as poor starving country like China.