
Hillary is the true legitimate president. its time to get on board Drumpfkins your silly little game is over.. say it with me, madam president

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Saged and reported

What is this Reddit? Trying to silence those speaking the truth.. all you drumpfkins are the same

Back you go


And none of you people answer it

Cry more

>Hillary concedes election Nov 9th
>Liberals still actually thinking the election will be overthrown and given to her

Well given that the Russians rigged it for trump it should be thrown out and given to the rightful president


Ahaha libfaggots btfo

Say it with me:


The word "drumpf" literally breaks very spelling rule of the English language.


Tell his family that

We don't answer to trolls here.


That's a respectable newspaper compared to Kikebart and Infowars, Drumpfkin.

Because none of you accept the fact that he's not qualified to be President. We've put insurmountable amounts of evidence here, but you just ignored it, and you only lose yourself.


Everyone in the world finds the word funny except Drumpfkins themselves.


Om nom nom nom nom delicious butthurt forever losers liberal tears. Kep em' coming faggot!

Take that, Blumpf!

The guy kept looking up when he was on Carlson earlier. Classic tell of bullshitting.

The comment section is pure gold. Such liberal, nonsensical, muh feelings butthurt.

lol k say it again tomorrow after the inaugeration