It's happening, Sup Forums. We're finally ending this racist holiday

It's happening, Sup Forums. We're finally ending this racist holiday.

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with a Republican congress? doubts

It's been renamed "indigenous people's day" in seattle for a year or two now.

Who the fuck is this "Bill" and how does he have so much power?
I thought Trump was president

I am ok with this, Christopher Columbus was a Kike.

made me chuckle leaf

Indians were 19th century terrorists.

haha, with a MAN in the white house? not likely AHAHAHAHA


I'm not celebrating tree nigger day, fucking political correct faggots.

>Native american guilt when

Nobody cares. As long as it's a day off of whatever then it could be national klan rememberance day for all I care.

Not Italian, so don't give a fuck.

I don't care at this point anymore. So long as I get the day of from work idgaf

Columbus accomplished what is arguably the most audacious cartographic endeavor in the history of the human race.

What'd the natives do?

lol you fucking faggots, keep shitting on your european heritage

fuck off

How many continents did chief shit in a hole discover?


Prove me wrong.

>your tears say more than real evidence ever could

I miss based Simpsons

Oh Christ no

>the conquerors have to worship the conquered

watch it congress


You know why they want to get rid of that day? Its anti - italian discrimination that's what it is.


Ugh. I can't even. Fucking white people think they can appropriate indigenous figures like this. As if this isn't simply an blatant attempt trying to silence the rich, advanced and progressive Amerindian culture by giving them a single day, whilst dead white dudes get the other 364.

As someone who's 1/64th Cherokee I feel this is a rape of my culture.

What about burger day?


NO!.. also must fix the world's ugliest black woman from being put on $20 bill

I don't know much about columbus, but he never even landed in the US/Canada proper did he?

he wasn't even the actual first european to set foot in the new continent, and he just dicked around hispaniola and the antilles raping natives, who gives a shit why does he need a holiday

>Trump's is president
>Republican majority in both houses
lol you ain't gettin shit

>implying it wouldn't be based


Sopranos thread

He needs a holiday because he pulled off the most audacious cartographic endeavor in the history of mankind.

Of all the people to ever end up in the Americas, he was the first to ever make it back home and tell the tale.

Colombus was a dick to be sure. Important explorer but a dick. I get where they're coming from.
Nothing at all wrong with Thanksgiving though.

Ey Tone how about we fuck up this Standing Bear guy huh? Columbus Day okay this is personal

>so sorry!
His ancestors would probably whoop his ass for that though. Dumb nigger.


as if that means anything though

Vasco da Gama, Magellan and James Cook were "audacious" as well, and in my (admittedly uneducated) opinion, they accomplished more than Columbus.

Much better!

His expedition was actually extremely important in laying the groundwork for everything to come.
Shame all he really cared about was killing, raping and enslavement for his own gain. He even got imprisoned for his chimpouts once he got home. He was a dirty little cocksucker. But a brave and ambitious one.

>Dere ain't no time, chilluns
>Ya'll got come wit me now


Thomas Jefferson:
You know, my friend, the benevolent plan we were pursuing here for the happiness of the aboriginal inhabitants in our vicinities. We spared nothing to keep them at peace with one another. To teach them agriculture and the rudiments of the most necessary arts, and to encourage industry by establishing among them separate property. In this way they would have been enabled to subsist and multiply on a moderate scale of landed possession. They would have mixed their blood with ours, and been amalgamated and identified with us within no distant period of time. On the commencement of our present war, we pressed on them the observance of peace and neutrality, but the interested and unprincipled policy of England has defeated all our labors for the salvation of these unfortunate people. They have seduced the greater part of the tribes within our neighborhood, to take up the hatchet against us, and the cruel massacres they have committed on the women and children of our frontiers taken by surprise, will oblige us now to pursue them to extermination, or drive them to new seats beyond our reach

>as if that means anything though
As if sailing across the entire ocean into uncharted territory in an age where you could not expect any support for months with a high risk of failure meant anything? Are you high you fucking leaf?

>as if that means anything though

Both Magellan and Cook were able to safely (well, kinda...) complete their voyages because they knew full well that they had the Americas to go back to and get resources from once shit became shady.

Being the first to sail off into the abyss with zero historical record of what's to come is incredible and laid the foundation for both of their voyages.

Ahaha came here to post this, and on the seventh day God looked upon his creation and saw that it was good and rested.

God I love Jefferson.

Replace holiday of someone finding something with someone losing something.

Ya, let's celebrate victim status. Oppression Olympics holiday.


Make it "America Day" or something
And honor them all

How do narcoleptics aim tho?

At least the Indians had the balls to fight for their race, you should be so lucky to die for such a noble cause.


this is why they shouldn't have shit - those red niggers picked the wrong side EVERY TIME in EVERY WAR on this continent

This is a fair point. Not sure it's enough to have a holiday dedicated to the man. Columbus Day still makes more sense than having some "Indian Day" though; which is just a thinly veiled attempt to pander to yet another minority group.

You speak as though the "Indians" were some homogeneous group that collectively fought against European settlers. Various tribes had no qualms about making alliances with the Europeans in an effort to wipe out rival tribes. Read the book "1491" if you are interested in learning something factual that goes against the white guilt that the leftist education system is churning out.

>confuses tribalism with nationalism

This fucking meme

Columbus day stands more than just Columbus, it honors and celebrates the age of discovery and colonization that made the United States possible.

Now they want to replace European accomplishment with Indian defeat.

Just fuck off already.

I don't give a shit. Columbus is vastly overrated. I don't even understand why he gets a day memorializing him for something he wasn't even the first to do.

I only like it cause
>day off
That's it.

The new world is so awesome thanks to colonization that libs don't understand how shit this place would be otherwise. They just think civil society would have happened without effort and the right ideas.

eat shit and get gassed you brainwashed fuck

Their were Indians that tried to unite the tribes against the invaders but they were undermined by tribal bullshit, so they deserve what happens to them.

Well I guess they did fuck off to reservations.

no no he meant they literally fucked off

Columbus was a jew.


is that tubman? the woman was based, i wouldn't mind her being on the 20


I know you Italians don't like it when Americans call them self Italians. But I'm an America of Italian decent that know a lot of Italian Americans, and they are very upset of the idea of changing the day. I agree with them as well.

Don't you guys have MLK day?

What about "Coloniaization Day" or something?

Columbus Day is a shit holiday anyways with the only purpose is so kids to get a day off school.

Fuck snow nigger day lets have a Andrew Jackson day

Shame if someone burst into their nothing and brought schools, ski-doos and gibs.


I'm all for it.