How do people sympathize with the Nazis?

I think the reason Nazis have attracted such a following here is contrarianism stemming from bitterness towards society, but also a radical alternative to a modern europe which many see as weak and self-hating. It offers a masculine role model to boys raised by single mothers or otherwise emasculated by their upbringing without any identity of their own. Fascist symbols are attractive and powerful and that dupes people who can't see past the glitter to the actual failures of a fascist system. To others it makes them feel special to advocate a radical system. They believe they will be leaders while they will be relegated to followers who obey their actual leaders unquestionably.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll also add many are bored with their lives and think fighting a crusade against jews/muslims/whatever would be fun.

fuck off

That's the main reason. Few people you post with here are genuine National Socialists who follow the ideology.

Most are what the real Neo-Nazis would consider useful idiots.

ITT we'll state some obvious things and skewer reality so that we can rationalize our weak geopolitical opinions.

Great plan OP.

>he still thinks Sup Forums isn't satire

kek. Just go away.

IDK ask soros

>when reddit spills over again

NYCfag here. Living in Weimar Republic 2.0 doesn't really help.

This guy gets it.


>can't even formulate an argument against him

I think you are mistaking us for gommunists. Only the best can be leaders, if one doesn't step out of the way to let someone better than oneself to lead, then it's directly harmful. Do what you are best suited to what ever that may be. If that means digging ditches you be the best god damned ditch digger their is.

Okay pal.

Because you're fucking simple plebs with Reddit-tier posts.

Just let it slide or post a legitimately insightful, post-ironic, meaningful argument that really makes me think.

This shit from you and OP sounds like a couple of teenage faggots who're really interested in sociology, and are a little triggered by this problematic fascist iconography. Just find rope and end it already.

>he still thinks Sup Forums isn't satire

I actually don't think Sup Forums is satire most of the time. The hate is real even if in meme form.

Communist have a very different thought process than Neo-Nazis. Nazis want to be strong oppressors while modern communists revel in victimhood.

Yea no h8

gotta stop the h8

also sage and slide

>implies that a fascist system has failures
>doesn't name one

Mostly because I look at what they actually achieved in amazement. They turned Germany back into a powerhouse in a few years, enough to threaten the whole continent. Frankly speaking, that's a major achievement.

In addition, I think the atrocity if the holocaust is overrated. Yes it was terrible, but it's in the past now. It's literally used now to censor anything against Jews, kind of like how slavery is used by blacks despite them being the ones who sold Europeans slaves first.

I made this thread because i was watching youtube videos about ww2 and saw a lot of comments sympathetic to the nazis from pepe accounts, 'take back constantinople' people., Scholomo Skelistein icons. I wondered what would make people act like that and listed the possible reasons in my OP.

Do you disagree with something i said? Many people in this thread took it as a personal insult for some reason.

You really can't think of one failure of a fascist system? I'm for democracy and even i understand it has numerous problems.

In what way other than losing the war did fascism fail?

>'take back constantinople' people

Those people posting that are pretty dumb, considering hitler loved muslims.

Because it's insulting to user's intelligence, and you show many of the symptoms of normal faggotry.

Lurk more, basically.


i'm not saying there are no failures. i'm just pointing out the fact that you somehow prefer to attack ad hominem instead of bringing a serious argument.

I meme for it online because there's zero chance of it actually becoming a thing.

But what it does do is reframe the parameters of the dialog in a more nationalist, conservative direction.

Which we all need.

> I'm for democracy

you are a moron

t. polisci fag

I think it could work if done properly. What shortcomings are you referring to, specifically? I want key points about the Fascism doctrine and no equivocating lies about the Nazis to actual ideal Fascism.

Fuck you OP.
Hitler created a wonderful thing.

>improves German economy, gets rid of the crippling inflation that hit Germany in the 20's
>creates millions of decent-paying new jobs
>builds the army that could conquer the Europe from the ashes
>started the animal rights movement
>made first environmental protection laws
>started the first anti-smoking campaign in the world, linking smoking with cancer
>gave tax breaks to young couples
>first one to establish a 40-hour work week rule
>endorses the workplaces to build resting spaces for employees to avoid overworking
>outstanding public speaker, genuinely loved his people

He was one of the best leader the white people have ever had.

> they still have no answer

I've legit never ever been challenged with a valid argument against Fascism other than "Muh War", usually proclaimed by people who don't realize that the Allies, too, fought for nationalistic reasons as they simultaneously bash nationalists as Nazis and say our grandfather fought against the beliefs that they actually fought for.

Just look at r/shitwheraboossay where there is ZERO tolerance for any sympathy towards and Germans in the time period and the main argument against Fash is communism circlejerking and "Stalin was good".

From being sons of divorce and single mothers so need a power fantasy and have a stereotypical idea of masculinity.

You know, Hitler probably would have been one of the greatest peace time politicians if it weren't for Churchhill being a prick. He's demonized, but looking at how history is being written and who controls the media, I doubt he was actually that bad.

The concentration of power under Hitler allowed him to sabotage the entirety of Germany by the end of the war. You could say that had the German army been in control, the war may have been won, but the army was strongly against war in the first place. The reality of a fascist system is that a small group of individuals controls the entire fate of the country and these people cannot be voted out. The same man can rule you for a decade. These men are often extremely narcissistic or inept and surround themselves with other bootlickers who do not question them. Since people can not apply any effective means to voice their opinions or remove their leaders, they are effectively hostages of their country. Where dissent is not possible there can be no change.

a lot of antifascism is just racism against germans. i sadly have to agree with that.


White males are strongly shamed in society. You're discouraged from having an identity. I can see how this would be appealing to someone who wants a strong identity and sense of belonging.

So your only argument is that there is strong central power, in which it is easily corrupted. You ignore the fact that the our current democratic system still is corrupted and seem to believe that people automatically hate a fascist system.

The people are invariably the actual source of power in any government system. One can claim power and authority, but it is for naught if not recognized by the people.

you know that Hitler moved around "his people" without security? Soldiers didn't even had to unload their weapons during the end of the war.
i mean it's anecdotal but what isn't when it comes to WW2 history?

Because history isn't static. There is a fluid interpretation of history that parallels our current year, with more info becoming available

>Just let it slide or post a legitimately insightful, post-ironic, meaningful argument that really makes me think.

This is what you should be telling yourself. I'm not triggered by fascism, I am a fascist to some degree. I'm just calling out the hypocrites who call themselves Nazi but don't even follow the ideology.

Then you have self-destructive majority rule. Soooo much better? IMO Fascism's single flaw is a concentration of power without checks/balances. Sadly democracy is self-destructive because people are goaded into voting contrary to the nations best interests. I think the best way is to have a very unbounding but strictly followed constitution in which the leader is totalitarian but has a limited term before he must pick a successor of his choice, and who can be replaced via a large majority vote of regional representatives at any time, this time by a successor who must be near unanimously chosen by said representatives. It would work very similarly to the relationship between parliament and the Crown that Britain maintained for centuries, but the government will follow Fascist ideologies.

Problem solved.

Little personal accomplishments.

It's not my only argument. It's also censorship and denial of free speech and human rights.

>You ignore the fact that the our current democratic system still is corrupted

I'm not ignoring that. Any fool can see all governments are corrupt. Democracies tend to be less corrupt than authoritarian regimes, however. They at least have to answer in some part to the people.

> that people automatically hate a fascist system

I never said that. Obviously you have grown up in liberal democracy but advocate for a system where your views are the only acceptable ones and anybody not towing the government line is thrown in jail.

good people trying to save the world from Bolshevik kikes

There wasn't anything peaceful about how Hitler rose to power.

Very much so. I've seen people on that shit reddit literally soapbox about the young turks or the imperial Japanese or even the italians after laughing about Soviets raping German women.

Had nazis not committed the holocaust, how would they be viewed?

You made the assumption by stating that Hitlers rule was a sabotage of Germany, rather than a simple rule by an accepted leader. Hitler cheated no one, they got what they wanted.

Your assumption that I think all opposing views need to be crushed is childish and denotes a low tier of argument.

>wahhh stop being mean to poor jewish communists

the same

Look at my country and tell me natsoc is not the solution?

i can't help it if i see the truth

>the same
how the hell do you figure that?

What is your political ideology?

nevermind, you got me.

Well, they didn't commit the holocaust, because there wasn't one.

>anybody not towing the government line is thrown in jail.

that is our future when whites become the minority

In the end they only ever did one thing wrong: oppose jewish finance

t. eternal anglo

The same way because they would have just forcibly removed all the same undesirables they "removed" in the first place.

Maybe they would have won, I don't know. There was an internal debate within German high command whether to spend more resources killing the undesirable populations or spend it on the war effort. Right up until the last day of Hitler's life they did not let up, should tell you a lot.

It seems I am favoured

>leader is totalitarian

Then he would not have to adhere to a constitution. How many fascists leaders followed term limits?

> regional representatives

This is the idea of a republic. There is much more to it than that though. Can the representatives be from a party critical of the government? In most fascist regimes, that would not be allowed.

> It would work very similarly to the relationship between parliament and the Crown that Britain maintained for centuries, but the government will follow Fascist ideologies.

Basically you want a parliament to vote a leader who has great power, and also wants the leader to have a limited term. Many of these ideas are anathema to fascism.

Its a powerful symbol against political correct modern society
I don't think anyone here except a minority is literally a naziboo

you can't argue against a fascist leader without being biased towards him being negative and you can't argue for a fascist leader without being biased towards him being positive. simply because it is all based on his character and personality and depends a lot on trust. so the leader can't be the key argument against or for fascism since his actual personality is totally unpredictable in the end.

>Hitler cheated no one, they got what they wanted.

I'm sure many Germans did not support Hitler by war's end. Many people supported surrender when it was clear the war was lost, but they were forced to fight to the death. They had no choice. They were also inundated with propaganda and had a shaky grasp of reality, believing some 'super weapon' would save them when the russians were knocking at Berlin.

I would say he cheated the people out the future he promised for them. He wished Germany itself would cease to exist after the war was lost.

> all opposing views need to be crushed

Fascist governments do not tolerate opposing views.

I don't know mane, at the end most if the Wehrmacht were just men fighting for, and eventually defending their country.

Its hard to deny they had a good thing going their people, really too bad that they were doomed to fall.

That being said, I just hope that if they were still around today, they'd leave the US the fuck alone.

Don't need any euro-fucks telling us how to live, we got our independence kicking Europeans out


>How do people sympathize with the Nazis?
They were ordinary people getting to get a taste of power for the first time without their establishment getting in the way.

That's the simple truth.

>He wished Germany itself would cease to exist after the war was lost.
He knew Germany would fall back into the jews hands, just like it was before he rose to power, and commit suicide
And he was right

Good fashion sense and fun accents, mostly.

>The concentration of power under Hitler allowed him to sabotage the entirety of Germany by the end of the war.
Breaking stuff means nothing so long as you're able to rebuild.

> The reality of a fascist system is that a small group of individuals controls the entire fate of the country and these people cannot be voted out.
Nice little trick you did there. Just like when establishment shills bitch about the rich, you managed to blame a government full of nobodies for behaving like a government run by an establishment. Amazing.

>If you admire strength and high standards you must be broken and crippled.
Kill yourself you degenerate faggot


I'm in the 20mil dollar Shill campaign thread.

Hi (((traders)))


You have to be a Nazi to admire strength and high standards? And yes, most self-professed Nazis are abnormal. Very few well adjusted people subscribe to these views. It's just the truth. I never said anyone was 'broken'.

Because there are 2 types of Jews who do damage.
1. The atheist, fully intergrated in western society, progressive Jew..who pushes "progressive liberalism" because they identify with "suppressed and stigmatised" elements of women, blacks and gays. They activly push for "equality" for these groups, without bothering to pay attention to how thousands of years of social progress generated the western model of pushing for "equality" of non equal parts, they destroyed society, and did not plan ahead for a sustainable new model.
Gay marriage is unsustainable and anti also opens an obvious and glaring back door for two pedophiles to "marry" in order to adopt childeren to abuse..this already goes on with pedos who get involved with women..but it will increase vastly due to gay marriage..because it's obvious that a pedo would rather not have to fake it with a woman if he had the choice. the enabling and promoting of black degenerate "culture". The anti family and anti man, feminism.
2. Then we have the second group who are the same as 1, but they do it willfully knowing their meddling and subversions pushing "equality" etc..will destroy society..they do have a plan for us and it's called genocide.

Both groups believe they are smarter than everyone else..many are more articulate or good with numbers but the fact that I've concisely explained why they are ultimately dumb as fuck..illustrates they are nowhere near as smart as they think they are.

The first set of Jews are redeemable but only if they start accepting they made colossal miscalculations when tampering with our cultural program. They can be a benefit to society but need a huge fucking wake up call that will burst their enormous, sanctimonious egos.

The second group are irredeemable and as hardcore as Muslim extremists. They must be stopped. Red pilling the first group is part of what we need to do in order to stop the determined wreckers

i was thinking lately how most people don't even notice their own degeneracy since they lack the point of view from a non degenerate perspective - so how could we blame them for being something they can't grasp? considering this it makes a lot more sense how some people can act the way they act without remorse. even the unworthiest of creatures is narcissistic enough to demand a right to live.

>Breaking stuff means nothing so long as you're able to rebuild.

Germany was rebuilt. But not under Nazi rule.

>blame a government full of nobodies

The top brass of Nazi Germany were not 'nobodies'.

He lied. Nazi Germany was destroyed completely. He promised victory and it did not come. What does that tell you about placing all your trust in one man?

Sup Forums isn't satire its hyperbole if its anything and even then i doubt it for a lot of these guys. i mean i don't really like niggers and look down on white women that date black guys, and no its not because a black guy took my girlfriend at some point but because their culture and the people that like it are fucking idiots.

So all the millions of Germans left should have killed themselves too?

Look fag, there's nothing wrong with admiring Nazis. You're a gay little bitch who believes Nazis are the Boogeyman because you accept what you're told like a good little girl. Go away and don't come back until you grow up.

Because communism gets a pass even though it murdered more people yet Nazism is demonized as Satan as a political system.

Both should be rightfully shat on
Mises shat on it almost as hard as he did Communism/Socialism.
And he shat on communism so hard 80+ years later his work showing communism/Socialism as quite literally an impossible to function economic system that will eventually 100% collapse on itself Everytime still stands to this day even if Commie retards want to sweep it under the rug

Compare the CHILDREN'S cartoon above from the 50's to Jewish subverted MSM of today and you will see how far we have degenerated.

It's fucking SHOCKING

you confuse culture and people with buildings. Germany isn't dead yet tho i have to admit we're pretty close to dying.

> depends a lot on trust

No, faith based on obedience, not trust based on reason.

>the leader can't be the key argument against or for fascism

In fascism the leader has incredible extra judiciary power. That sort of power being wielded by one man or a small group of men is definitely an argument against fascism.

What if i don't trust my leader?

also he wasn't talking about "Nazi Germany" he was talking about Germany.

Some of this is accurate. The fact that National Socialism is rebellion against modernity doesn't mean it's wrong.

Also, my parents are still married and I'm well traveled with a bachelors degree. I gradually came to admit to myself that National Socialism is the philosophy and system best for the world. It wasn't a teen rebellion. I was basically a moderate liberal as a teen and in college.

Good job getting these fags butthurt. Fascism is a cancer that needs to be eradicated.

>Fascism is a cancer that needs to be eradicated.

Take everything fascism does.

Now place Hillary Clinton in charge.

>the star contains the golden rectangle many times over


>that sort of power being wielded
so you criticize power itself not the person - someone having power provokes a state of non-power in others. you basically can't control your existence anymore to a certain point if someone has more power than you. i agree that this can be unpleasant but it simply is a part of life. where you think you have control you lie to yourself. swallow that redpill.

Because communists are worse.

Also watch TGSNT.

That's the problem with literally any sort of authoritarianism, including what we have in the usa currently.

No it's because people here see things from an outside perspective. To a lot of us the third German empire is exactly that, an empire.
Albeit as an American I must concede that at one point we were enemies with and at war with this empire, thus I would consider the empire at that time my enemy.
I refuse to not take a gander at all the horrible shit the other empires of the time and then forward have done neither. Americans have done horrible shit in war time. Even to our own.
Not to say I feel like a damn traitor or it devalues my nation to me, I'm rather proud we're so powerful.

It's not like that's an inherent problem with fascism though, someone like Hillary in charge of any sort of nation would be horrible even if the degrees to her influence would differ.

I think under fascism you'd need a strong, charismatic and influential ruler for fascism to even be feasible, it's not something Hillary could accomplish, but I see why giving someone like that that much power would be a huge mistake

Anyone who thinks the GDR was fascist is illiterate offal or a disingenuous Jew (OP).

It's coming but this time it will be real. Bon moments!

Yeah I guess that's why baby boomers are so fucking smart, huh?

Are you really comparing national socialism to fascism?
Do you really wish to incur that sort of discussion?

Germany doesn't exist.

You can apply that directly to what I just stated about the Jews..their attitude down to a T


>That's the problem with literally any sort of authoritarianism, including what we have in the usa currently
That was my point.

Some anons are complaining that American system of Constitutional federal Republicanism has degenerated while praising the Nazis who collapsed before a child born at its founding wouldn't even be old enough to pick up a rifle and fight in the army by its collapse.

Never mind the insane levels of corruption that makes the red tape and redundant bureaucracy we have in America seem tame.

It was par for the course in Nazi Germany for Hitler to create multiple bureaucracies to get the answers he wanted if one wasn't telling him what he wanted to hear.

The amount of bullshit and bribery that had to go on for all levels of economic activity was absolutely absurd and makes what we have today seem sane.
Hell idiots on here claim "muh degeneracy" in regards to drugs yet the nazi government heavily pushed drugs like speed and meth because it made People able to work absurdly long hours because of the whole ideology of the good of the state first.

Speak for yourself leaf

It is the most pitiful....a Jew too fiscally meager to enjoy anything but a public education for most of its "life".

>there's nothing wrong with admiring Nazis


He said that all the good German men were dead and that the future belonged to the superior peoples from the east. Did you know that he ordered to destruction of vital agricultural and power facilities towards the end of the war, that, had they been carried out, would have starved millions of Germans at the expense of the Russians and allies?

Technically true.

>so you criticize power itself not the person

Neither. I criticize the system.

> someone having power provokes a state of non-power in others


> you basically can't control your existence anymore to a certain point if someone has more power than you

Also true, but the less power they have, the more control i have.

>i agree that this can be unpleasant but it simply is a part of life

Many things are a part of life. Like death. But dying of old age is different than than being shot. Accepting a reality of life does not mean becoming subjected to the principle without resistance.

>where you think you have control you lie to yourself

You would have made a very good soldier.

are you saying that venezuela is full of nazis?