Deported a record 2.5 million immigrants [1]

>deported a record 2.5 million immigrants [1]
>prosecuted more whistleblowers under the 1917 Espionage Act than any other president in history combined [2]
>endorsed and promoted the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) [3]
>bombed 7 countries, more than trice as many as George W. Bush [4]
>renewed the PATRIOT Act despite opposing it during his campaign [5]
>defended warrantless NSA surveillance [6]

Why do liberals still adore his presidency even to this day?


*more than twice as many

good correction, AUTIST!

I've been saying this for years and I voted for him

This person doesn't strike me as sufficiently mentally competent to have committed the crimes of which he is accused. Perhaps he should be evaluated then assigned counsel.

Sorry, OCD.

>politicians lie
More news at 11

Don't forget the NDAA which allows for arbitrary detention.
And the chilling precedent of assassinating an American citizen via drone strike.
If any republican had done a tenth of what Obama has done, all major newspapers would decry it as a bourgeoning police state.

yeah, apologize and explain yourself


because hes a nigger

Becase he has dark skin and he makes them feel nice in his speeches

If either of this was absent they would turn on him

>Why do liberals still adore his presidency even to this day?
mind control, trillions of stolen dollars worth of brainwashing


>deported a record 2.5 million immigrants [1]
most of those are just people caught border crossing, technically a deportation but not really what people think about when they think deportation.

He just opened NSA data to all federal agencies last week too

It's not that he lied, we expect that, it's the worship of him as being a do nothing wrong saint that is baffling.

Now it seems to be not what your man can do for his nation, but what they can do to make the opposition angry. Any sin, so long as they anger the enemy, is forgivable. That's not the America I want to live in. It's to oppose one's own morals, one's own hopes, dreams, and future, just to spite someone else.

I'm absolutely sick of it. I want someone to act out of their own goals, not in reaction to spite the other side. If they happen to align, fine, but I just want action. I want something to look forward to, something to become a goal to strive for, for a better world, and not to get at someone.

Yeah, that pesky 4th amendment.

Good list

tell him what he's won

Whoa, rude!

Because he meets their diversity quota

>mandated I buy insurance

Do not be so ableist, newfriend. Sup Forums is a board of peace.