Anyone else here given up alcoholdrugs?

Anyone else here given up alcohol\drugs?

I can't drink because of anti-psychotic medicine.

What do you replace it with? Ive gained about 5kg since i started taking anti-psychotic drugs.

This is no life worth living

just stop taking your drugs for awhile, it will be like being on drugs

have been drinking heavily, 2l of vodka per week, for the past 6 years. gave it up 2 weeks ago.

>This is no life worth living
Are you implying that the option to use alcohol / drugs are what make life worth living in the first place? If so, get out of here you filthy addict

>Ive gained about 5kg since i started taking anti-psychotic drugs.
So watch how much you eat. Medication can increase your appetite, but the only way to gain weight is to overeat

Never done a drink or drug in my life

no it won't. I stopped taking anti-depressants and nothing I do helps making me feel the same way, only other drugs such as alcohol or weed

It seems to take a massive amount of effort to really change your behaviour

You exchanged one drug for another. You need to get clean and fix the problems in your life which lead you to use drugs to begin with.

Luckily i have never had problems with alchol , smoke and drugs. Not even gambling.
Have a friend who used to smoke a lot but trying to get fit helped him stop. Find yourself something you can distract yourself with.

Gave up drinking and weed jan 1st
Started going schizo, panic attacks all over the place, getting fat
About 1 triggering away from joining Tumblr at this rate lads
Thanks for that

>Are you implying that the option to use alcohol / drugs are what make life worth living in the first place?

Not OP but, ya

It's the only time I'm actually happy. How do I stop being a shit?

Given up drugs since August, weed started making me feel bad due to certain life situations and other drugs just kinda stopped effecting me despite progressively less and less use.

Alcohol is reduced to only special occasions since October, as in since October I've only drank in the week of new years/christmas.

Replaced it with gym and reading philosophy :)

You guys didn't become addicts overnight and it will take months to rewire your brain. The cravings will come, but they don't last. You have to man up and control yourself if you ever want to fix your life.

Eat the same as before. The drugs lower my "combustion" for the lack of a better word.

What i mean is that the social sphere around me are all party drinkers.

I know far too well. I suffer from Bipolar 1. Ive gone off many times. Only to end up doing something seriously fucked up.

The aftermath is too much now. Its only gotten worse.


Mentall illness. But yeah, i used to abuse quite alot.

Keep it up. Using any drugs to put you down when you drink?

What you can do is, since you have to stay on the meds you could use that as your motivation to fix your diet and get obsessed about going to the gym.

Not only will you counter the effects of the meds since antipsychotics just cause weight gain in nature (and even get /fit/) but also your new routine will help loads in kicking the dirty habits.

I've stopped antidepressants and now manage to keep my depression at bay with and quite successfully despite being at the greatest risk ever atm.

i did marijuana caused me to go into a psychosis. smoking heavy for like two months straight next thing i know i start hearing voices when i'm around people like walking by people on the street. become homeless and think all kinds of delusional stuff.

now im better but it taught me that stress + marijuana is not a good idea. i only use caffeine and nicotine atm. i'm actually wanting to quit cigarettes because im tired of using money i work for on them.

Bipolar1 mixed, rapid cycling here...

alcohol and drugs are the only thing that make it tolerable. besides, anti-psychotics will give you man boobs.

you know what to do nordcuck

go full breivik


Ive done all the wrong choices at all the wrong times.


And certified crasy. Ive lost thousands of $$$ on it all.

This is what i want. Im on anti-psychotic 4 life though. Tried champange on new years. Collapsed at 10pm.

As soon as i manage to find the courage to straighten up propperly once again. The gym is the first stop.

Ive tried so many times. Lost countless friends.

Hang in there, m8

It does get better

It's almost over - hold out!

Jerking off, best way to stop thinking

>man boobs

Well fuck me i just felt a bit.

>alcohol and drugs are the only thing that make it tolerable.

Dont i know it. Ive said & done the worst imagineable.

I never feel good anymore. Creativity is kill. Cognitive skills are even worse on anti-psychotics.

Atleast the alcohol made it possible to swallow my pride and go out. Ive been sober long enough to remember. Remember all of it.

Get some hobbies, get a gf

Any anons here have experience with depression? It's going to be a year for me in 2 months and I don't know how much more I can take.. will it ever end?

Is it possible for it to last for more than a year or years.
It seems like it isn't worth the wait

>Anyone else here given up alcohol\drugs?

Yeah man I'm an expert I've given up drugs around 27 times

but seriously I gave up drinking around 5 months ago and I do feel better physically, but my life is less fun now. I've just replaced alcohol with other drugs (mdma, meth) anyway so I'm not sure I really improved anything

I did however give up opiates, which definitely improved my life, but again my life has far less enjoyable momenets now, although that's expected now that I'm not nodding all the time (feels so good). and by give up I really mean I take suboxone now

I recently switched from smoking to vaping though, which is a definite improvement

I dunno man it just feels like there is no enjoyment wonder or passion in this world unless I'm high on some sort of drug or another. being sober is so fucking gay

>I can't drink because of anti-psychotic medicine.
>checks flags

It fits!

He was propper idiot. The manifesto was a shit read.

If anything im going to kill that fucker.

I had depression from about 19 until I was 24, was in and out of psych wards etc

It did eventually improve and now I hardly think about suicide or feel despair or sadness.

you're not just going to one day wake up happy, but it defeintely got like 3432% better for me, I wouldn't even qualify for the diagnoses now.

it can seem like your mood is just how you actually are, you forget that life is any different than your depressed mood. like a fish not realizing he's underwater

my advice is to take drugs and remind yourself that there really is positive sensations and pleasure in this world

I am in the same boat. Focus on physical fitness and your mind will improve. Maybe move to a new town

well first stop focusing on how bad your choices have been and accept the choices you have made. beating yourself up over the past and thinking live would be so much better if had didn't do x and y will get you nowhere. what is done is done and just be happy you had a life and still have a life, and move on

Thanks m8

I have never taken anything and feel great.

Finland is so drunk he forgot he took vodka

fucking years.. for fucks sake
Congratulations user

I stopped taking medicine (if you were referring to those kind of drugs) because they didn't make anything better it just made me gain weight, be more mopey and hungry all the time
I remind myself every day there are reasons and that I should be happy but I just don't feel it
I think it has defeated me and an heroing seems likely

I'm like Varg I have never been drunk.

>As soon as i manage to find the courage to straighten up propperly once again. The gym is the first stop.

Don't wait, just go for it. When I started my routine I had begun slipping into a new depressive episode, but was determined not to go on meds again since they made me fat and thinned my hair. Working out became the only thing making me stop thinking about how horrible my life was briefly. Now I feel so much better, and the routine became a beloved hobby! Nothing gives me more pleasure than knowing that each week I am sculpting my body.

I supplement it with reading philosophy from the stoics to nietzsche, it helps my motivation and resolve to continue my strict self discipline and motivation. This is the path to be the overman.

My first one was horrible, and it left me estranged from my family and friends. Ex gf called my gp to try to have me sectioned, but fortunately he talked her out of it. I took meds, and fortunately due to some antisocial traits I kicked it off after 6 months. The remnant feels remained for another 2 years and I stayed on meds due to life continuing to fuck me over.

To be honest due to the worst of my life coming to reality some months back, I really felt I was gonna slip back in. But I decided to stop the meds and fix up my life with a purpose as noted above. Now I strangely feel the best I have felt in years. Hope this helps.

OP should suicide. Crazy never gets better and always gets worse. Being a drunk is slow shitty suicide. Man up, do the job, end the pain. We all die, the only question is how soon we feed the worms.

Heh I lost nearly 12 kg's from stress and alcohol abuse after everything went to shit 2 months ago.

The panic attacks and audio hallucinations are terrible.

Worst part about my weight loss is that I wasn't even fat to begin with.

Well this is exactly what i have been doing

If the past would stop haunting me it would make it alot easier. Im way passed thinking about the shit tier decsions which have lead me here.

>Maybe move to a new town

This. I am unemployed and on welfare. Its not exactly what the goverment has in store for me. But i have made it clear i would preffer that option.

no I genuinely mean like take street drugs

psychaitric drugs are totally worthless btw, almost all of them do jack shit, the rest are highly addictive and ruin your life

what I mean with the street drug thing is you can feel such a low mood for so long you literally forget what pleasure and good feelings are like, and in your imagination, you cannot even imagine it. you literally cannot even imagine the world being better than your awful mood

literally just go smoke meth or drop mdma or snort coke or shoot heroin or something

you have to remind your mind that there really is pleasure and happiness in this world and you are just a sick human who needs to get better. otherwise it seems like it's the world that is at fault, as in it's the world that is itself gloom and doom and pure suffering and hell and you might as well just end your life if that's the case. you're suffering now and you'll suffer until you die eventually anyway andit will all be for nothing why even bother going through it when you could avoid the pain of the future by ending your life now?

you oly think this way because you've forgotten what pleasure and optimism and being happy to be alive feels like. so honestly just take drugs it's the easiest most effective way of reminding yourself that there really are good things in this world. take something that's going to make you laugh and be happy to be alive. it's good for you psychologically (just be careful and try not to get addcited). put on some music and dance around and stuff. it's the best remedy for depression - just get absolutely drugged to fuck on the most euphoric drugs

And pass my missory over to my family?

I have given it tought like every human beeing has done before me.

This is what i will strive for

i went through a ten years depression. tried everything at the health food store. finally found one thing that worked: SAMe (adomet). methylcobalamin seems to help, too, at least with processing speed.

in less than two weeks, everything literally went from black & white to color. not simply a metaphor, either.

I dont think this would work for everybody. I am a alcoholic but I would never touch drugs. This said cold turkey is fucking terrible but I think some of the side effects can avoided with a healthy diet and moderate psychical activity.

Stop sucking big pharmas dick and go for entheogens.

I'm on meds but also smoking pot.

Alcohol is a heavy drug, pot isn't.

I replaced with fizzy drinks, my Saturday nights involve playing video games and drinking cherry cola on the rocks.

I would. Its just gotten to expensive for me now.

Used to smoke 10g a week. At 100-200 kr per gram. (10-20$ roughly)

Had some good&cheap from silkroad for a while. But thats gone. Think the guy i bought from got busted. He stopped replying on tormail. Or changed his pgp idk

Varg has never been drunk? Breddy cool, makes me respect him more

Replace it with exercise and sunlight. Both of those things leave your brain full of endorphins which feels amazing. Combine the two and it's better than any drug. It worked for me and I'm over two years sober. I used to drink 750ml of vodka a day.

It sure is

Currently trying to quit benzos...

I would like to thank Ben Carson for showing me the permanent negative effects they can have.

That might be what worked on you but for me it really wouldn't

I tend to avoid drugs because it just worsens the situation after taking them.. like from extreme highs to down lows

The euphoria from mdma, speed or anything I take makes my normal self even more unbearable because there isn't a way in hell I can even make myself 10% happy like the drugs made me
I have to work for next two weeks to become mobile and to get out of bed or even eat, what you suggested would be ok if I had drugs available every week
That isn't an option
just seems like slow comfy suicide and your partner and family members remembering you as a drug addict

Eliminate all sugar, carbs and limit red meat and your drug problems will be a lot easier to handle

Actually protein intake in the form of meat and good carbs are supposed to help with recovery.

About the sugar I am not certain but alcoholics usually don't eat sweets but take sugars under the form of alcoholic drinks. A sugar crash is inevitable and sucks. I'm not sure there is a way around it without any form of medication.

You dont replace it you weak shit.
You stay clean and enjoy.
If you cant handle the world without drugblur,drink yourself to death.

I gave up weed back in November after being a daily smoker for over 20 years. Just got tired of it and all the extra bs you have to deal with. Got tired of having to find a bag of good shit every week, tired of getting nervous every time I had a cop behind me when I'm driving, having to worry about passing drug tests and got real tired of spending money on it.

The first couple weeks were kind of weird but after that I feel just fine. No desire whatsoever to go back to getting High ever again. I don't drink at all - never got into alcohol, so I'm totally stone cold sober.
Just have to quit cigarettes now and I'll be really happy.

Quit cocaine, booze, and smoking in September after fairly heavy functional addiction. Meaning drink every night, really only heavily binge on weekends.

I feel fucking fantastic. It's shit for a month or so filled with a lot of boredom, but join a gym, get back in shape, and do something with your life - and it all gets better.

he takes anti-psychotic medicine you dumb retard. how do you "fix" a fucking psychosis?

Good luck, quitting benzo is tough, do a slow taper with Valium if it's too hard

>I can't drink because of anti-psychotic medicine

It isn't exactly helpful if you are prone to psychosis, however there is no current known cross-effect with alcohol and the most usually prescribed anti-psychotics. Weight gain is also a common problem with the medication and you should take more care over what you eat then before.

He didn't take meds before he was "diagnosed". Drugs aren't always the answer fagtard. Eat shit muhammad.

Look to Nature and trip out on it's glory. Go explore your beautiful lake systems. Stay at a back packers with foreign people who you can hang with. Become a Cryptologist and hunt trolls and lake serpents. Life isn't about drugs and meat there is way more you can do!

Most all drugs that effect re-uptake inhibitors do this to people. Depending on your diagnosis, you may have some options down the road. In the meantime, I would prescribe:
1. Start a clean diet (avoid meats until supper, eliminate dairy, and eliminate all processed foods). Use calorie restriction to get weight down.
2. Start working out everyday. Doesn't have to be aggressive, mind you. Just enough to get into decent shape.

After 3 months, work with your doctor towards a goal of cessation. Many find that a poor diet, lack of exercise, and low self-confidence manifests as all sorts of potential diagnosis.

Here's the REAL kicker:
If your anti-psychotic medication was prescribed by a General Practitioner instead of a Psychiatrist, then you definitely need a second opinion after giving the above a 3 month try.

General Practitioners are NOT psychologists, and in my very humble opinion, should not be licensed to prescribe that level of mind altering drugs.

t. Someone that has waned people off medication for mis-diagnosis that were hormone related and not mentally based.

>1. Start a clean diet (avoid meats until supper, eliminate dairy, and eliminate all processed foods). Use calorie restriction to get weight down.

Quite bad advice if he's going to start working out, he needs meat and as much dairy as he can get since these are the most common and major sources of protein we have access to. Instead reduce your carbs as much as you possibly can, calorie restrict, and workout.

Stopped drinking because it's incompatible with keto. I lost all my friends anyway before this so it doesn't matter I guess.

fix yourself faggot.
your life is garbage so fix it.

>What do you replace it with?
Start gambling

>Anyone else here given up alcohol\drugs?
I gave up my fluid intoxicant over a year ago.

>What do you replace it with?
Since this is user forum.....

Alcoholics Anonymous helped me quite a bit with what to do to busy myself while the addiction faded. I have just over 12 months clean, and it has been the best year of my life.....

I could not quit drinking beer. I have drank every day since the late 90s....My last 3 years of drinking involved a case of beer a day + possible glasses of wine. What makes it worse, is that I am on the skinny side of is absurd to think about me consuming that much, but ehhhhh.

You have to keep busy, or you will use again. Also, keeping busy will help with your weight gain.

Good luck user. We are here for ya.

>a keto fag and a traditional macro guy meet in the wild

I quit everything.

>no alcohol
>no tobacco
>no grass
>no mdma

I replaced it with exercise and range time.

When I started I was 185 pounds of fat and slight muscle. I dropped down to 165 before I worked back up to 185 of toned muscles. I feel infinitly better than I did before I quit.

i have quit in the past but just kind of go back to drinking out of boredom. i have never felt addicted to it and sometimes it gets boring and i go biking or skateboarding or something instead. can quit, have, just don't want to.

First off, that's a meme. He's not a power lifter, or training for world's strongest man.

Secondly, for a person getting off anti-psychotics, eating hormone laden meats/dairy is causing more problems than solving.

Complete BCAA profiles can be achieved with only Rice/Peas. Also, I said avoid meats until supper - but certainly cut dairy completely out.

Read a book, roach.

Anti-psycho medicine shouldn't be used for long, stop it ASAP

You are correct. Keto will decimate the poor guys thinking capacity on top of introducing a real chemical imbalance. Not to mention fuck up his macros.

OP said he gained a few pounds. Getting them off the healthy way is better for long term mental health than fuel (carb) starvation.

Used to smoke weed everyday in college. I gave it up about 18 months ago. I don't plan on staying away forever, but won't touch the stuff until I feel my life is in a good place. I also stopped drinking alcohol, although I was never really a big drinker to begin with.

>Eat the same as before. The drugs lower my "combustion" for the lack of a better word.

Right, so nonsense then. You can't magically create fat out of nothing. If you're gaining weight, you're getting it from the things you're consuming.

>I burn less energy because I don't go out anymore and burn energy

>you're so fucking stupid you stupid dummy you can't just burn energy ok

That sounds more like a discipline problem, which you corrected.

I have been drinking a six pack of beer a night or equivalent for 10+ years. Quit this week cold turkey. Started when I was about 19 and now I am 32.

Supposedly it is dangerous to just quit cold turkey but I'm not going to some kike clinic to have them tell me it is difficult and put me on meds. Fuck that. I'm just done.

get out of my country, nigger

you are a compleat retard

likely from malnutrition

I've tried some drugs, but so far my favorite drug is video games. VR is my new fix, fucking love it!

you'll be fine, it's seriously not that much alcohol

our generic beer is weak piss

I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. I pray instead, the bible is my drug

Cigarettes are the best alternative

I was on SNRIs for being a depressed shutin which made me put on 10kg and feel miserable being chained to a substance and being sick if I accidentally missed a dose.

So I stopped taking them, started lifting instead and feel 1000x better than on the drug.

I'd have to agree. But the kike therapist I was forced to go see tried to give me some pills for manic episodes. I wasn't down with the pill jew so I decided to try and fix my shit myself.

For some people alcohol and drugs will make you act like you have mental health problems when you really just have an overloaded brain. Quit all that and a lot of people would get better.

> implying that going out with friends drinking burns energy
> implying alcoholic drinks are low on calories

The amount of energy he's NOT gaining by not drinking alcohol is far more than any activity would've burned by being 'active' by going out with friends

All these celebrities and media figures are starting to convince me. Maybe we're wrong. I don't want to be on the wrong side of history.

>> implying that going out with friends drinking burns energy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>he's never been to a club

I had a real problem with binge drinking on the weekends. Mainly it was just a coping mechanism for my shitty social skills and fear of talking to women (rejection and failure)

I took a panic attack last April after a night of heavy drinking and some crying. Woke up in the morning went about my business with terrible hangover, suddenly terrible nihilistic dread and feeling like I'm about to die or completely vanish/stop existing. Had a couple a few weeks after the initial one but not as terrifying.

It's been a rough ride since then but I feel like I'm awake for the first time in a long time. Life suddenly got real and I have so much to do. Falling back into that pre-panic attack life of carelessness and sloth terrifies me more than anything.

Yes, I have
>Wake up two hours earlier than you need to be somewhere
>Go for a run (10-20 minutes)
>Cold shower
>Eat breakfast (oatmeal, egg, whatever)
>Go about your day
Helps to me to get on my knees and ask God to direct my thoughts and actions for the day, but "Christfag get out REEEEE;" mileage may vary

>I can't drink because of anti-psychotic medicine
>on anti-psychotic medicine
Pretty sure that is more degenerate than drinking. You fucked up.

I'm in exactly the same boat you are.

I used to smoke weed almost every single day and I would drink heavily on the weekends with friends.

Had a manic episode with severe psychosis and was hospitalized because of it. Now I'm on a mood stabilizer, anti-depressant, and anti-psychotic. I had to start taking them to be released from a mental facility.

I gained around 36kg in about a year.

Gained weight so fast I now have stretch marks like a woman who just gave birth.

I absolutely hate the way my meds make me feel, but at least I'm not fucking delusional anymore.

In this time though I've found God in Christ, and even though I'm not a model Christian by any stretch of the imagination, talking to Him sure does help a whole lot.

No joke, prayer and thinking about God every night when I lay down to sleep helps me so much with my depression in ways that drugs never could.

havent had an alcoholic drink in over a year.

before that id on average drink a couple of beers once a year.

How many calories are in anti-psychotic drugs???

I'm sick and tired of fucking pathetic self-sympathizing medicated people talking about how their medication oppresses them and holds them back and they also can't stop taking the medication.

Let me break it down for your fat ass. 1) Exercise all the time (yeah no shit you don't feel like it that's why you're a disgusting mess)

2) Stop eating like shit. I don't give a fuck that your tasty cakes are too tasty.

Source: A anti-psychotic user who did precisely all of the above like my doctor suggested and I lost 40 lbs and am ripped now. You people are WEAK


Lol you feel for the psychiatric jew. You are paying to numb your brain and get mindfucked by the kikes. Kys.

> he actually thinks that the average amount of physical activity in a club is enough to offset all the shitty food and drinks you have the same night

Here's a fun fact, according to some quick google searches, it takes (and these are averages) almost 5 miles of running to burn off a single fucking Mars bar. But no, I'm sure that when you go to a club and get completely fucking wasted you're also adhering to some kind of athletic training regiment.

Oh, and clubs suck by the way :^)

I hate homos, homos are an abomination and should be put to death
