At what moment in your life did you realize that you were wrong and God might actually be real

At what moment in your life did you realize that you were wrong and God might actually be real

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When it became a convenient and comforting thought that alleviated my anxiety and prevented me from having to take any personal agency in my own life.


During the comedown of a wild acid trip shortly after I'd finished reading Fear and Trembling

When I was 6 years old.

How did that help you believe?

What did you mean by this?

When my IQ dropped by 50 points.
Oh wait, nope, that never happened. I still don't believe.

Dude weed

There is a difference between believing in "God" and falling into any religious propaganda you know.
I cannot say I am agnostic, however the religion bullshit seems so silly and utterly retarded to me, I just cannot support it in any way.
With this saying, I am pretty sure that 99% of gnostics will go to their religion's hell and it aint metter how kuch time theyre gonna repeat Mother Marry praise.

yeah it would be a real shame if your IQ went in the negatives

Negative numbers don't actually* exist Colgate

Can you let me know why you believe God doesn't exist?

When I got these repeating numbers.

When I discovered Kek.

Praise Kek

this desu sempai

Proof that italians and leafs are the same niggers.

Science, brother.
Also, I'm not afraid to acknowledge the fact that there is no one looking after me. Religious people are too afraid to be left alone in this world, therefore they invent fake gods/rituals to feel in control.
It's a grown up world here and they still can't pass infancy level.

He is real. What's a problem?

"Only Rosie O'Donnell"

when my sister became (((mentally ill))) and started speaking in demonic languages, and predicting things about me that have came true.

when god gave me two digits which repeat on this reply

Btw, it's aquafresh.
You knew it was some dental paste but couldn't really remember well, didn't you ?

>At what moment in your life did you realize that you were wrong and God might actually be real

Seeing someone kill themselves with heroin.

I was brought up Christian. So I was never wrong.

When you realize that providence restricts all beings including Gods and that if they do exist, they can be killed because providence itself is limited.

When Trump won the election

Also when I checked these repeating numbers


Back in the Moloch threads.

were those things very generalized?

After the time I had 5 hits of LSD.

Not even trying to be edgy.


when I dabbled in psychedelics. no more being an atheist after 9, 10, 11 years of doing so

mad get cunt

Mother Sophia is real God is a meme

/r/atheism is that way >>>

>captcha: ovens
oy vey

I believe

what science? I'd be amused if you at least knew where your butt is located.


no thanks

yeah exactly! Sup Forums likes to go hard on their anti-degeneracy meme but things like LSD, DMT, psilocybin, salvia (to some; not I), and various other psychedelics have the ability to make you believe in God. and not just in an acute sense. I did one of these drugs above once and never had to do it again and I find myself permanently a believer in the LORD , just like when I was 13 and before that


No, health problems that I developed about demons trying to kill me. Just in general the things she says are creepy and insane, she also broke down crying saying that the entities were telling her racist shit and shoving shit down her throat

>implying pineapple Netherlands can ever be aquafresh
>not believing in God
Science doesn't disprove God faggot. Science is the use of logic and was created after humanity began, why would it suffice to talk about a being which exceeds logic itself?

>sniffs nose

praise kek


>Religious people are too afraid to be left alone in this world, therefore they invent fake gods/rituals to feel in control.


You mean like the men who built white civilization?

This morning.

I would like to try DMT at some point, but I don't trust the darkweb like i used to.

Maybe I'll take a crack at making it myself one of these days. doesn't seem all that hard.


Fuck off James Alefantis.

That text is cancer.

oh shiiiiiiiit

Those who built civilization, built it by the help of brainless workers like you, selling them cheap religious ideology to keep them in control and working.

Otherwise they wouldnt be having orgies and fucking hookers all day.

This post converted me OP

God might be real. God is a narrow view of someone or something that could judge you based on your actions. If you need a god to police your choices between good and bad, you have a moral dilemma. I do not need a God to tell me what is wrong VS what is right. That is the argument of theists, that I cannot have any kind of moral judgement without a higher power. I know wrong from right because my parents raised me with those values. I do not care about the judgement of gods because I answer to the judgements of people I know in THIS life. Be a good person. The argument that we all need religion to act as our moral compass is dumb. You all know wrong from right, be a good person. Regardless of what happens in a hypothetical afterlife. Don't be a cunt.

religion is the opiate of the masses, OP. seek your own spirituality but do not give your coin to organized mafia

>james polk
>fucking hookers all day
You know how I know you're 12?

the one who wrote it really doesn't understand that he's describing the experience of those that "go" to hell

No, I mean the red font is fucking cancer to my eyes.

the minute before i died

>implying the body and the mind arent the same thing

dualists honestly believe this

There are no "good" people.

Believing that you're a good person and denying Jesus is exactly why you're going to Hell. Pride, same as Lucifer.

>God as described in near death experiences, reincarnation recall, astral voyaging, religious experiences, and piecemeal in various religions, all fairly consistently
Yes, putting this all together over the last five years was a fulfilling experience.
>Anti-life, anti-thought, anti-human young-flat-earth eternal torturer-God brought to you by Rabbi Shlomo Shekelstein™

thats funny because YOU should tell us why do you believe God exist!!!

also can you let me know why you believe zeus doesn't exist?

Of course negative numbers don't exist you stupid leaf. Just as positive numbers don't exist either.

The only thing that exist are number systems of which are defined axiomatically.

I asked you a question. What science disproves God? Many scientists would like to know, including Michio Kaku and Rick Strassman, the latter actually researches mystial experiences so he will be interested in this science of yours.

See, religious people may not even belive in God,
a lot of them doesn't even read their Bible, a there is the point the explains such atrocities made in the name of God, it was alaways backed in ingnorance .

> I know wrong from right because my parents raised me with those values

Kind of short sighted there. Who do you think gave your parents those values that you hold so dear? These moral values didn't just pop out of thin air

I always know that God exists, but Trump winning the election reinforced my belief in the existence of God.

This pic was always a redditors wet dream

>t Lutheran for life

funny how the croat says no one is looking out for him when half his family is on that eastern euro welfare

riddle me this.

also the burden of the proof is on you anyways

Allahu akbar

My early twenties.

There is none; but there is also nothing to prove he/she/it exists. Why believe in a book written thousands of years ago that has been repeatedly proven wrong over time to the extent that the largest catholic body in the world has had to accept it's wrongdoing - i.e. existence of the dinosaurs, the fact that we're not the middle of the universe, the impossibility of a global flood without the Earth literally becoming an oven.

On top of this, it is but one god of the billions that have claimed to have existed and is no more outrageous than Scientology, Santa or the tooth fairy in terms of it's story.

when I found that pure evil exists, then the light must exist as well

if people as evil as the jews exist then surely there must be an equivalent good

>center of the universe in bible
>no dinosaurs in bible.

/////atheism///// Is that way.

The science of logic. Occam's Razor would have us believe that the simplest explanation is usually the most accurate one. Something that has consistently been proven to be either inaccurate or systematically lying should be taken at face value.


>God may be real

Whenever I took organic chemistry and made the step into advanced mathematics


I follow Christianity for traditional reasons and for shock value

when I realized that modern science is a dogmatic cult following and that arguing against or for a god is semantically meaningless: we're clearly here so something created all of existence, even if it created itself Id still consider that a god

and given the entire course of human experience, all the things that people have been through and seen throughout history, that even if there isnt an intelligent or even physical god, that the incredibly strong idea and everything god represents, that it makes god as real as anything really

Holy fuck

First chink I've ever seen on this website

Jews aren't evil, they just understood pic related early on and are now enjoying its success.

We could and should do the same, but I guess embracing the religion that does the exact opposite would work too...for some reason. I guess.

you cannot prove or disprove god, that is why this is called faith

what dont athiests get? to disprove the super-natural would require tools that work in the super-natural

if god exists in a super-natural state by definition, a state that you dont have access to in any tangible/physical way, how can you 100% disprove?

you cant, but you cant prove either

I never mentioned jeebus, actually I very clearly asked what science disproves God since theres a scientist out there researching mystical experiences.

I am unironically waiting for the reveal of the Emperor of Man. I firmly believe in the Imperial Truth above all else. pic related an early prophet of our lord.

This is what I'm talking about.
>Spend your life doing good things, helping people out, dedicating yourself to making your community a better place. Maybe you stole some candy as a kid once and apologized to the store owner. Die surrounded by loved ones and think, "Yeah, maybe I did alright."
You can see why the NatSocs rejected it, but I'm not surprised that it's popular on Sup Forums.

Last week. Not kidding

When I read the holy qur'an.

oh my, seven heaven

first time i took LSD

The world is too ordered and balanced to have come about by chance. When everything is 50/50, when there is so much definite duality of the nature of things, I can only assume it has been intelligently designed. I don't attempt to prove it or be gnostic about it because I don't have material proof.

I'm not stupid. I believe that evolution and the Big Bang and all the shit people present as "I BELIEVE IN SCIENCE!!1!" logically fit into my worldview. The only real difference is that I believe that original flash point came from an intelligent creator saying, "Let there be light," rather than from nowhere. I believe God is the original force behind all of Creation. The rest I take on faith, but again, if you think you have discovered undeniable, absolute truth about the existence or nonexistence of God (or ANYTHING, for that matter), you are deluding yourself and you are an ideologue. There is no truth to be found in this life, only more questions.

God left, nigga.
We fucked it up and he just gave up and left. He doesn't care.

holy books are allegory you dumbfuck fedora. how do you people not get this?

I cant believe the likes of Sam Harris are seen as intelligent when theyre doing the intellectual equivalent of saying "Yeah, but how could a rabbit and a hare even talk to each other to organise a race in the first place?"

>The world is too ordered and balanced to have come about by chance.
It is what it is, user. You're just looking for confirmation in the one thing that's actually there.

God has always been real and I'm not talking about Trump who is an agent of the devil.

kek *tortoise and hare