Mere months ago this was only a meme.. now, it is reality. How do you feel?

Mere months ago this was only a meme.. now, it is reality. How do you feel?

I feel good about it. It really cemented the power of the internet as an influencial medium.

But now the cat is out of the bag. The meme wars have only begun.

Now people can see the true power of memes. But it's not exactly mere magic but more simply social persuiation. With the amount of social media we have now we can reach more people than ever before.

I feel better than in years.

Thank you, President Trump.

Control the memes, control the planet.

just the beginning of the big meme wars of the 21th century

thank god liberals aren't funny

We can, but so can they

You see how its a double-edged sword? We are going to see some serious propaganda in coming years

Hail Satan! Trump will help end Christianity!

Feelsgoodman, being able to witness the death of corporate Democrat media and to have a helping hand in discrediting it feels amazing. Just last year I was stressing that Republicans would lose and we'd have an anti gun Supreme Court. Now we will have a solid conservative majority supreme court my gun rights will be protected, it is absolutely amazing to feel the way I have since November 8th


Based, thank god indeed.


I'm very happy t b h

I feel nothing, America has voted for racism, facism. They voted for crafted con tricks done by a business man, and already they are paying the price, no swamps will be drained, life will not be better for anyone.

Trump winning shows how stupid Ameria as a collective is, Hillary beating Bernie shows how corrupt the system is.

Meanwhile I have to worry about pakis and mudslimes. The world is shit fuck it all.

I've haven't felt better in a long way, feels fucking great user

Right now I am mostly sad seeing how many educated people have failed to wake up. I worry they never will. They still think things like he mocked a disabled person, he bragged about sexual assault with the bus comments, he hasn't paid taxes in 20 years, Russia hacked the election, etc.

Really, really good

>i feel nothing
Don't lie Ahmad, you clearly feel hurt in 100% of your flabby butt.

Eat shit.

Kojima's wish came true. 2016 was the most cyberpunk year so far.

all of those things are true lmao

But most of those things are tree, aside from the "hacking the election" whatever that even means.

>Hurrdurr you're hurt that the third most power country in the world is being led by this muppet
No shit.

Cheated. I knew he had some ties to kikes but I didn't expect him to go full useful goy even before inauguration


>mocked a disable reporter
Only seems like that in still images or 2-second clip. Full context reveals it to be a lie.
>bragged about sexual assault
Only a legitimate autist would not understand his joke.
>hasn't paid taxes in 20 years
Translation: Got a break on federal income tax for 18 years. Still paid millions in state, city, real estate, etc. taxes.