Is Trump the greatest American success story of all time?

Is Trump the greatest American success story of all time?

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Nah, id say Andrew Carnegie.

You mean greatest Russian success story?

Didn't you create and then defeat slavery, that was cool

Definitely top 10.

This is the point. Go back in history and you can easily find more inspiring stories.

But Trump is very current and everyone is aware of it. It's important and it's impressive, but definitely not the most inspiring or unlikely story of American success.

Sure as shit isn't the American flag in the bottom right.

Only if everybody had their daddy give them a million dollars. We can all succeed.

8 years of your butthurt

He is definitely up there, but if he had started out dirt poor etc. Then I would say yes.

no. i think most would squander it

mfw the last 2 years have been a wild ride thats all about to culminate in 4 hours

8 years of seeing Americans fuck themselves over? Can't see how I would be butthurt about that.
In fact, this is a good thing, the US deserves it.

He hasn't done anything yet, except convince a bunch of Redneck country artist and Mormon's to perform at his events.

You're looking at it wrong. It's not a success story for Donald Trump, it's a success story for the American people.

Do you have dog shit for brains?

Your Walking Dead meme isn't going to stop Trump from being inaugurated today


interesting argument

President Dwight D. Eisenhower was USAs greatest president

He warned about "Military–Industrial Complex" which is an explanation of how war profiteering and fascism works.

Trump is a disgrace

You know Bill Gates' father helped Bill Gates way more than Trump's own father did with Trump?

Trump's own father didn't think Trump could make it in Manhattan since Trump's father's specialty was Federal Housing not Fancy Apartments/Hotels like Trump so he just gave Trump a loan of a million dollars.

Meanwhile, Bill Gates' father shilled super hard for his son and he pulled all the strings and connections he had to make his son's business succeed.

If anything, Bill Gates had more help than Trump because Bill Gate's father was already involved with science and technology sectors.

Meanwhile, Trump's father just stuck with federal housing and just let Trump do whatever with his million dollars.

Look at the 2016 field of horrible republican candidates. Look at Hillary's trainwreck of a campaign. She was a disastrous candidate.

He was handed the presidency on a silver platter, just like he was handed a real-estate empire on a silver platter by his daddy.

He's got a small, ever-shrinking cadre of hardcore supporters, but the majority of Americans hate his guts. He'll rightfully go down in history as a slimy, lazy, retarded old pervert.

Actually a lot of celebrities own children go bankrupt even though they get loans from their celebrity parents.

>so he just gave Trump a loan of a million dollars.

Trump supporters will believe anything. You're a bunch of easy marks. If you ever watched late-night T.V. you'd probably go broke.

Andrew Jackson

he kills teh Indians and doesn't afraid of anything.

>tfw a pleb tries to pay with paper monies

Thousands of millenials trickle into New York with millions in trust funds every year. They usually start an artisanal crochet store or found a quinoa salad shop.

Would you prefer they become slum-lords like Trump?

Yea, nah zombie won't outbreak.

His fathers net worth was 300 million

How many millenials walk into new york with 300 million dollars?

I would think the most successful man in US history would be entirely self made. See Andrew Jackson or Alexander Hamilton

The father used political connections to get Trump favorable tax arrangements.

Where is your argument, user?


What does his father have to do with it?
Trump was a Manhattan real estate developer independent of his father's own considerable success.

Many of America's idle rich move to New York though "in search of themselves" once they've finished their liberal arts degrees.

Yeah, brah, Trump was given stake in dads business estimated at $40 million in the 70s...which is more like a $100+ million in todays dollars.

He literally took over his dads company tho

Are you retarded? He repeated a fabrication and I mocked him for it. I can't be expected to launch a counter-argument if there isn't any substance to begin with.

He's our president now. She the fuck up.

No but sure will be fun to watch him step on his dick for 4 years.

Get the popcorn out its going to be amusing to watch him be the least liked president since Nixon in 73


Fred Trump's a success story, Donald Trump's a story about taking dadas money.

In all respect to every american you can probably say trump is the definition of the american dream

>All Muslims are against america.
This, Trump needs to STFU on that shit.

>posts zombie apocalypse
>only possible on gun-free Hillary timeline

Funny Jokes didn't stop dubya ethier, but at least in retrospect it's funny hearing about the time he took 7 minutes reading a childrens book directly after hearing a second plane had hit the second tower on 9/11

Slumlord? You have nothing to back up your salty ass claim.

Weren't there literally five Muslim graves on that graveyard?

>Trump was a Manhattan real estate developer independent of his father's own considerable success.

He was a slum-lord. He was buoyed against failure from the very beginning. Even those rich hipsters, as punchable and insufferable as they may be, have contributed more to society than the lazy human-leach hybrid we call Donald Trump.

Zombies are too low energy to be Trump supporters.

Don't worry, your socialist paradise will collapse along with your garbage union soon enough

The guy hasn't started yet how the fuck should I know, come back in 8 years

Are you sure about that?

He's the Batman.

>Sup Forums hates socialist
>Sup Forums loves nazi/hitler

No you wouldn't you retard. 95% of people would just waste and mismanage the million dollars. Celebrities do this all the time.