What is stopping Trump's enemies from hiring a hitman or sniper? Like seriously?

Why wouldn't they hire someone to kill him?

I think the majority of them are gonna want him to fuck up by himself.

Have you ever tried to put out a oil fire with water?

IF it did happen then it would be open season on the left. Nothing could defend them Trump would become a martr and the whole "normal" people would rally against the left. I personaly hope it happens. I bere no ill will on trump but you have to admit it would be perfect for the goal of killing all commie scum.

Yeah, good luck getting someone who is against Trump to own a gun. Especially a sniper.

Cause no hitman would take that job.

If someone asks you to kill the president you're already a dead man on some CIA illumanti watchlist.

Hop someone up on hormones and blue hair dye and i bet they will be ready to do it.

Checked and KEKED

The moment the words are uttered or the message is sent you are on 6 watch lists and marked for death by the secret black corps.

not to mention
President Mike 'Electric Fence" Pence

they can kill him too

If Trump goes down, we kill the left.



You faggots will do nothing.
Maybe some riots and looting from the niggers who are always looking for a excuse to steal and burn shit but when was the last time the white man did anything?

Sniping someone from a very far distance isn't that eay Nigel.

You've watched too many movies. Most hitmen are members of an organized crime group and kill on its behalf, freelance professional killer is mostly a myth. Also, even if someone found such a hitman, (s)he wouldn't take a contract for the POTUS no matter the price, it would make one a single most wanted criminal in the world.

10 ft higher, Pedro

Youve got about 10 minutes head start left

About 70 years ago.
Go ahead, keep pushing the white man.

>dem' trips


70 years ago when some white men got pissed off. Even today you still hear and fear his name and his partys name. El doggo aint got shit on Hitler.

Well about twenty minutes ago Donald Trump became the president of the country.

I think this is so typical of nonwhites, when you think "action" YOU think "go carve someone's heart out with an obsidian knife" because you're a primitive aztec with an IQ of 78 whose country exists because the Spanish gave permission to a mercenary to conquer it for them five hundred years ago, and their white descendants still rule it today. Nothing has changed, you're still a retarded llama-harder whose idea of conflict resolution is to sacrifice a child to one of your disgusting butterfly apocalypse gods.

Same thing with niggers. When niggers think "we have to do something" they don't do anything useful, they go and attack people and steal shit exactly as if they were still running around behind Shaka Zulu on the plains of Africa. They are the exact same violent criminal retards that they were in the dawn of time.

When a white man or an asian thinks "man it's time to act," we elect a powerful leader and give him the authority to do what is necessary to secure our future. This difference is key--our way actually works because at the end of the day, the average white person or asian has the mental capacity to defer his own gratification beyond the immediate because we aren't the barely-uplifted products of a pre-medieval society of jungle garbage pickers.


Your words are wasted on a spic.

Like niggers spics live of instinct.

>me want do this
>me do this
>me feels good now

why do you think we sent el Chapo to the US? El Trumpo es adios.

Guize. Guize. What if Trump hired his own assassination?

The crack of a rifle cuts through the air. The deafening chatter of a half million people dies down suddenly to an eerie silence, only to be broken by a scream.

Trump crumples. The Secret Service forms a human wall as anti sniper teams begin looking for a target. They move his body into the armored carrier.

War breaks out almost immediately. The crowds start tearing protesters apart, beating them until their faces are barely recognizable.

Across the country Patriots don't even take a minute to grieve. Magazines are already loaded. They move into the streets, finding homes with anti Trump signs and setting then on fire. They go into offices to drag out the vocal liberals they've put up with for months. They execute them on the street.

A Secret Serviceman hands Trump a hankerchieif to wipe the blood from a squib off his suit.

"Have we done it?" Trump asks, peering at the purging through heavily tinted ballistic glass.

"Yes Mr. President. We've started the fire."