Please explain why a city in a Muslim country is the most beautiful, richest...

Please explain why a city in a Muslim country is the most beautiful, richest, and technologically advanced city in the world?

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Because oil which means money which means you can hire 1st world professionals to build stuff for you?

without oil those niggers would still be nomads, actually they will return to being poorshit nomads once the oil runs out.

Because Saudi Arabia is rich as fuck.

Is OP autistic?

because they paid westerners to design and construct it, just like they paid westerners to bring everything else up into the 20th century. Pentium computers in every hotel room inshallah. They'll send someone to a cave to ask allah about the y2k virus shortly

It's all new. The region has history, but it mostly involved camels, tents, and destroying libraries so that the evil djinn won't have a place to speak.

>be shitty backwards village
>strike oil
>make a lot of money
>diversify economy by investing in tourism
>have most of the work done by Indian workers and Western Architects
It's not rocket science, OP.

It's not.
If you'r asking how they can afford to build all those oversized, gaudy buildings, then the answer is oil money.
They also don't build anything themselves, but use western architectural firms and south-Asian slave labor.

It's actually going to be fascinating to see what these cities will look like in 50 years, when the oil money has run out. My guess is that it'll end up like Detroit.

because they don't have diversity and kill fags

I lived there for 3 years.

It's not, trust me.

because whether or not you´re sitting on a fuckton of oil has nothing to do with religion, you mongoloid

But it's not

>alcohol banned

What is the fucking point


And once the oil runs out it will all come tumbling down.

They've a slave class and if they dare kick up a stink, they'd be beaten to death.

>Oil = Rich
>See Venezuela

the most technologically advanced cities are probably san francisco and shenzen

>see history of socialism

>Please explain why a city in a Muslim country is the most beautiful, richest, and technologically advanced city in the world?

1. It's not.
2. Half of those buildings were built by Europeans and Americans hired by Arabs who have tons of oil money due to living in a desert on top of tons of oil.


>See Norway

And which city in Sweden would that be?

>muh oil
they're just using their natural resources smartly like any country would
Most of Norways economy is from oil also

Norway isn't socialist by a long shot, you retard, even the broken welfare policies they have now they can only afford (although not for long) because they generated shitloads of money in their free-market days.

They kill faggots like OP, maybe?

We give them all our money. You know how you go to work everyday? You give the fruits of that labor to over-seas sand niggers who charge you far more than oil is worth and laugh at you while they build literal palaces with your money.

Even worse, their countries weren't built on oil money, but loans they raised with the oil money as a deposit.

Lack of women in power positions to fuck things up.

because slavery is still legal there

Because they can only afford to have one nice city.

Western dollars plus western engineers and know-how. Geography means little when the people responsible don't live there.

Built on the backs of Indian labourers

Because they got Western and Eastern Asian metics to design and South Asian slaves to build all their shit. Once the oil is gone the city will sink back into the sand.

“My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will ride a camel.”

Are the women slutty?

>city in a Muslim country is the most beautiful, richest, and technologically advanced city
>designed almost entirely by Westerners

Women don't work.

Pic is Dubai, U.A.E., retard.

similar model to ancient rome

>use resource money to build modern city
>use economic policy to encourage migration
>deny non-citizens various rights and privileges (including a path to citizenship)
>capture wealth generated by skilled non-citizens and distribute it to citizens
>unabashedly use indentured servitude to fill service industry with unskilled non-citizens

you can do a lot when you abandon universal suffrage

Because they stole it.

Have you driven there? You could lose a puegeot in the pot holes

>they didn't make money from oil because they're socialists
>socialism didn't work there because they don't have money
Nice circular reasoning, retard.

The Liquid Gold.

There's no equality in Venezuela. Workers don't own the means of production. By definition, it isn't socialist.

99% was built and is being maintained by foreigners. When the oil money runs out these cities will look like Detroit.

just because your a loser and can't get a woman doesn't mean you have to be a faggot

ulta conservatives

We told you to grow ethanol, America. We told you...

Theyre invaders

The west will become a warzone thanks to the immigration policies of leftists

because it's not. Arabs are gaudy as fuck and have shit taste. They got a little bit of fuck you money and tried to out swinging-dick each other with tacky fucking buildings in the desert

Oil money + foreign architects + slave labour

Apparently their roads have been ranked the best in the world.

I can make no rebuttal when the only claim put forth in an argument is the opinion of the OP

>Tallest building in the world
>Doesn't have proper plumbing

Wew lad

The Emirates are rich on western-bought oil. Their "rich" cities serve western aristocracy. The average Emirate Arab lives in poverty, well-outside the glittering towers, populated by westerners.

tl;dr We're the shining Jewel in that dungheap of a peninsula.

>no sewer system
>carrying alcohol is against the law

Shanghai and most Japanese cities are far more advanced in terms of tech and it is a shithole compared to European cities in terms of culture.

This is the only intelligent post here.

Name one major innovation out of a Muslim country in the last 500 years

slave labgor

They leveraged their economy based on high oil prices, oil price dropped, they're fucked.

Nigger-tier financial management.

>Please explain why a city in a Muslim country is the most beautiful, richest, and technologically advanced city in the world?

Oil money, Indian slave labor, western technology.

The Muzzies themselves have no involvement in any of it. Because they wouldn't know how to do anything.

It's gonna be fucking chaos when that oil money runs out.

The U.S. has collectively over the years hoarded and stockpiled the largest supply of oil in the world.

I used to think it was retarded giving sandniggers all of our money, but I think we were playing 7d mancala the entire time

Venezuela squandered its potential.

>glowing lights are so beautiful
are you a fucking female or some shit because that looks like shit

Have you been to Dubai?

The important jobs are all done by westerners, the labor is outsourced to PakistanI modern-day slaves, and the islsmoniggers pretty much just sell gold from their shacks like their merchant cousins. The place is surrounded by miles and miles of empty desert. Unless you live solely off of Nigerian prostitutes, the place is super overrated

Tl/dr - the dubai being such a great acheivement meme is the arab equivalent of we wuz kangs.

> Name one major innovation out of a Muslim country in the last 500 years
Dating platforms not based on mere attractiveness

This is what I've always wondered looking at cities like Dubai. So is nothing being done to improve the rest of the country?

Also, I found this little tidbit on the city's ethnic makeup interesting.

It isn't any of those things.

because they used american construction equipment.

CAT built israel, and Saudi arabia.

I thought you were talking about London for a second

>Most advanced
>Does not even have life safety systems in their buildings.

>The important jobs are all done by westerners, the labor is outsourced to PakistanI modern-day slaves

see >The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

tfw these dune coon fucks were actually smart enough to diversify their wealth and now they're going to be an economic powerhouse for at least a hundred years

They can't even make alcohol

There's oil there and white people choose to pay them for it, even going so far as to allow their price-fixing schemes, rather than just exterminating them and taking it.

it's not banned, you just have to get a license. Women have to get it with their husbands permission LOL.

ha, u will all now bend knee to mighty khalifa bin zayed al nahyan. he is powerful and has much smart man. you leaf and austracucks and united states fags will bend knee

It isn't.

Compare Norway pre WW1 with the saudi tribe (because saudi arabia didn't exist). Do you see my point?