Thoughts On This Man?

Will Trump's Presidency reflect his philosophy?

Judging from his inaugural speech, the philosophy he ran on seems intact.

I mean Evola's philosophy is centered on the transcendent origin of aristocratic hierarchy. I don't think Trump's reflects it because Trump's mindset is so inherently american in his thinking and Americanism itself is yugely contrasting with his ideology. Unless, if we start seeing an enlightened aristocracy, no. The only other reflection of his philosophy possible is internal and we can't really judge that. Can't look at someone to tell if they're riding the tiger or not usually


Evola thought Mussolini's Fascism was degenerate so I doubt he would approve of Trump

If you read his chapter on Bonapartism in Men Among the Ruins its basically a prophecy of Trump.

I've thought about it and i've realized that Trump does not have any transcendental vision for America. He wants to "rebuild" america, make it great "again". I believe what Trump envisions, is a return to the economically prosperous situation the country was in back in the 70s, when Trump was building his emporium. He (Trump) hasn't actually considered any deeper dimension than the material (economical) in regards to the nations politics. When he talks about God, he does so to appeal to the common folk, that is obvious. So, at best we might reverse and restrain some of the most extreme degeneracy, but we will be right back where we came from, so to speak, we're still going to have elections every 4 years, and the masses are still in power (1 vote per person, everyone may vote).

>It was Evola's custom to walk around the city during bombing raids in order to better 'ponder his destiny'. During one such raid, in March or April 1945, a shell fragment damaged his spinal cord and he became paralyzed from the waist down, remaining so for the remainder of his life.

Is this how you ride the tiger?

What is this, a Swedish traditionalist? Now I've seen everything.

You could argue that Trump is "chosen" by capitalism. He "won" at capitalism, he's mastered the art, so to speak. While a king of old may have risen to power from success in the battlefield, Trump did so from success in finance, the battlefield of capitalism. This is why i believe that Trump is merely a material, economical leader, who will be unable to leave behind a lasting spiritual legacy. It seems that (according to what he's been saying) he's going to work within the confines of the system, so to speak.

Check out The Golden One on youtube, there's another one.

That is certainly one way to surf the Kali Yuga

I thought he was just a generic alt-righter

what's his philosophy?

>"The French Revolution was a mistake."

Now isn't that a philosophy everyone agrees with?

t. Mexican intellectual

>t. mexican warlock*
fixed that for you

Trump's still too globalist and socially liberal for what Evola wanted.

>finally got around to reading men among the ruins
>literally 99% what I've concluded after many years
>eg. that for a society to function it has to have unified ideals, and a striving to achieve them
>ditto a sense of civitas/romanitas
>he dissects the latin root of ideas in a very, very interesting way.
>might be god tier, waiting for something utterly retarded to dissuade me
>suspect it will be the mysticism, but even that I can't see as LOL THE OCCULT IS REAL stuff since he seems very, very rational.

By the way, he is beyond left/right wing stuff. I fucking hate that he's seen as rightwing/fascist since it's just imprecise.

Seriously, all of you need to read him.

Evola goes way beyond fascism. I gotta read Men Among the Ruins, i've only read the Tiger and Revolt.

Metaphysics of war is likewise fucking fascinating. He really is off the fucking scale - there's so little you could meaningfully equate to either left or right. Very fucking refreshing stuff.

Of course, it makes sense, "left and right" is a product of the french revolution. Something with two different factions sitting to the left and to the right of the center of some political hall in France, if i remember correctly. Truely Evola's stuff is transcendental, his idea of the world of Tradition is really good.

nice digits
also checked

Mm, exactly right. Warms my heart there's people who arent servicing negroes/negro thoughts in sweden dude. Rock on

Trump's probably more along the lines of late Ropke economically. I think he's moving more towards a Christian democracy

I'm essentially an ascetic. I have very few IRL friends, no work, no school, spend most of my days online posting here, reading on wikipedia, or reading books. I've always had an eternal thirst for knowledge, with Evola it really feels like i'm approaching what certain scientists call "The Theory of Everything". A really huge redpill for me was reading about Plato's forms (i haven't actually read Plato) and realizing that things that the classical Greeks knew over 2000 years ago, are still lost on most humans alive today. Well, the quest for knowledge never ends i guess, i'll see where i go next. But Evola is entertaining me for the moment. I'm also currently reading Caesar's book on the civil war, but that was mostly for entertainment.
