Remember back when you were bluepilled...

Remember back when you were bluepilled, allowed contempt for conservatives to be programmed directly into you by the media, and even liked watching the Daily Show?

Yeah I was like 14

I sure do, user. Now I don't even own a TV. Why haven't you gotten rid of the 32" inch electric jew bros?

Do you faggots use the word "redpilled" to convince yourself that you aren't going down a hole of delusion and depression?

No I don't. I always liked conservates.


Everyone was a teenager once user.

We're growing up lad.

This. Literally. Fuck I was retarded.

There is life before Yuri and life after Yuri.

The daily show wasn't as bad early on.

I still hate conservatives, I just hate modern liberals more


Swear to god I figured out the Jew tricks by the media since I was 8

that's a cutesy hat

Yes, actually. It hurts.

It was only when my parents got divorced that I fell fo this stuff, that was when I was like 13

But then again I am poor and live in toronto, so being the only white kid in your class tends to so that. Seeing your elementary school stop celebrating Christmas and instead having holidays. Seeing then the holidays stop being celebrated as muslims don't celebrate then. Seeing then EID and Ramadan being celebrated. See the muslims get offended over merry Christmas and no longer being able to say that. Seeing them try to get rid of the Christmas tree in our square. Seeing the damn premiere step in to stop it, as they would've won. Seeing Halloween at my school become black and orange day, as it offended the muslims(I don't understand it), then see it banned outright. My school being mostly muslims and being told I am racist. They speak their own damn language in class and can barely speak english. I see all these multicultural languages posters all over my school and how many languages is good. See the muslims and hindis, form clic, where they speak their own language. I have been told by the muslims as a child my culture is wrong, that Arabic is a superior language and have been insulted by muslim children that hate and proclaim their hate of Jesus. I then say back and am called a racist , for defending my religion. I watch as I for merely existing as white am a racist. Yet, they are racist to me. I see afirmative action as insituationalized racism against me, yet still I am racist. I try to question these things and am insulted, saying I need reparations and that I have white privilege. I grew up poor, as poor as them and I have some privilege!

>tfw forcefed redpills by constant exposure to the system and its cancerous contents ever since the age of 4
>tfw never been bluepilled

ive always been economically conservative but socially liberal. my life was so full of contradictions that it angered me, making me unstable. with that said i still believed in vetting. i used to believe all races were capable but held white people as the very best. but the reality is that you simply can't be moderate in politics. if you let 1 phd-holding mexican in then the left will try to push to let all mexicans in, where as the right will try to deport them. being redpilled means being simple. simply dont let anyone in period

I watched as my little brother got in a fight with a kid who's group of friends said they don't like white people and are not friends with white people.

I watch as my countries generosity is not thanked, but expected. In fact we are insulted for not doing it sooner.

I watch as muslims don't have to go to school on some days yet, I still do. And the teachers prepare useless stuff on those days so they miss nothing.

I see my exams in highschool allowing muslims to write later as it as near a Muslim holiday.

I watch as these muslims beat eachother in the field near my house. Barely speaking english, yet can perfectly swear.

I watch as I am called a "wigger" as a kid, as an insult by the muslims.

as I kid, I didn't need to be redpilled.

>be proud of being a progressive all throughout school and college
>started out laughing at Trump as a joke, and thinking Bernie was a pretty all right guy
>start interacting with other "progressives" irl
>become increasingly annoyed and appalled by leftist rhetoric and feeling-based decisions
>grow to be unable to stand any of them or the term anymore
>past election just confirms that Bernie is a spineless sellout

Identity politics was and is a mistake.

They could've chose to fight for the underclass and working man, but nooo that's too much fucking work to argue when you can just virtue signal yourself as a paradigm of civil rights on twitter and your echo chambers.

Entire movement is a cesspit of egotistic stupidity and privileged snowflakes who wouldn't know oppression if they walked by some homeless guy in rags on the street.

Unless it's phrased in some way that would benefit them and their upper middle-class lifestyle with no effort on their behalf so they can keep smoking weed and other shit.

Fucking regressives man. I wish degeneracy was a meme, as it's rife in these "antifascists" hypocrites.

I hope Trump give them hell, and proud I voted for him.

>Remember back when you were bluepilled, allowed contempt for conservatives to be programmed directly into you by the media, and even liked watching the Daily Show?

Yes, Mr. Goldstein and his lugenpresse sure had me by the balls before I stripped away the jewish mental shackles of "white guilt".

This is the hurt box you buttfucking AIDSfaggot

Get the fuck out of here back to your feel good internet hug zone

>ive always been economically conservative but socially liberal


>tfw I was a libtard until a year and a half ago

Dark days. Trump saved me

I have been the opposite for a long time.