How do you deal with the fact the majority of the american public hates our movement and wants to use violence against...

How do you deal with the fact the majority of the american public hates our movement and wants to use violence against us?

Look at this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Any chance of white nationalism becoming popular in the USA is now DEAD.

These people honestly need to be killed.

>free speech is bad

Yes, yes you need to die you unamerican pieces of shit.


You're not fooling anyone.

Deal with the facts on the ground.

>t. mediocre concern troll

what do you fucking expect? do you really think you can get away with aping the ideologies and mantras of notoriously violent and hated political groups (such as nazis or neo-nazis) without having people want to kick your ass? i'm not suggesting you're a nazi but you can't deny a lot of the alt-right clearly wants to embody a lot of the same ideas. if you want to be a fashy radical then accept the responsibility

Honestly though.

wtf do we do about this shit?

>A fucking leaf

But seriously, why are you acting like the Rules for Radicals suddenly doesn't apply when it's left wing dopshits doing the punching?

idk, just start shooting them like in Seattle?

Nazis confirmed for the enemy in Tim's next game

Oh yeah, these alt-right tough guys are all the same. They crack jokes about genocide and oppression and seem to get a hard on for Nazism, but then cry like little babies any time anyone confronts them on it. These wannabe fascists are obnoxious.

Remember fascists of Sup Forums, the good decent people of the world outnumber you and have no problem flipping the script and putting you up against the wall.

If you're a fascist, you're gonna get a bullet to the back of the brain.

Blame Hillary for making that joke of a human look like a serious threat

also saged

So basically, antifa can't separate reality from fiction?
No wonder they consider MSNBC/CNN/etc. to be credible

what are you saying?
I'm just asking what we can do to retaliate against this?
Please no bully.


These g l a s s e s...

Yeah americans are pretty good when it comes to exterminate commie filth too.

>So basically, antifa can't separate reality from fiction?
>No wonder they consider MSNBC/CNN/etc. to be credible

the ironing

>server balding
>bushy beard

If I had a dollar for every time I see a cuck tweet that matches those descriptions, I would be as rich as President Trump.


It was a strawman created by the left to undermine the right. Create one for the left.


And shit just started. Antifa in the US is still a joke, but they're right on track.

The left has been following Rules for Radicals for fucking years now. One of the most basic premises is that you must, MUST seem the victim. Doesn't matter if you are, you must look like a peaceful person being attacked, and you must have martyrs (not literally, a few days in jail or the hospital works well enough) in order to have credibility.

Spencer may be a retard, but he's still giving us a perfect example of the left attacking without provocation. Why people seem to just forget how effective the Rules for Radicals has been in riling up the left when it's the left that are now presenting targets is just beyond my comprehension, but if you niggers can't fucking see the goddamn giant glowing fucking neon bullseye here then the West deserves to be blacked.

>Movie directed by Steven Shekleberg

Oh sweetie

My dream is for all the nazi uncle hitler larpers, amd all the far left commie shits like sjws, blm, antifa and shit, to all be put in a big dome with weapons and a few tanks

Let em kill each other, get rid of the majority if the worlds cancer

>using Captain America as an example


Hitler was a gungrabbing socialist manlet

As long as we're outing leafs for being shils: If a leaf ever called you not white it was actually a metis (mixed injun) doing it for the lulz, not a jew doing it for shekels. I'm not stopping.

I feel for the guy, but where was Spencer's body guards?

>everyone in america lives in new york and california

>as american as apple pie

so punching nazis is actually british?


This is essentially the result of Spencer's pseudo-intellectual perspective on the issues of white nationalism. You can see how in that video he tries to evade being a neo-nazi or appeal to the crowd, which obviously doesn't perceive the nuances or care about about them. National Socialists, or Nazis, would have had some kind of bodyguard or entourage in place to protect him. By sacrificing the unity and militarism of the Nazi philosophy in favor of a more trendy and accessible strategy Spencer has opened himself up to these kinds of attacks.


*tips trashcan*

Extremely good post.

Even though you're not even white.

>our movement

When will you faggots learn, Sup Forums isn't a single person nor is it a hivemind.

I literally couldn't give a shit about this faggot getting clocked, only amused as it shows that leftist faggots aren't as "peaceful" as they claim to be.

>everyone in america lives in new york and california
Anyone who matters does.
hahah get fucked flyover peasant

All Jew media btw.


>anyone who matters
>blue states

>commiefornia and jew york are the american public now

oh ok

Only jewish americans claim this

>Tim's next game


They're not too bright:

Commies have been the biggest enemy of the US

>a thug

I thought liberals were non violent?


It's a minority.

That sort of irrational violence and inability to function as normal members of society is what drove normies to vote for Trump, despite all his flaws.

The reason they're so unhinged right now is because after Brexit and Trump they woke up to find that just because some celebrities and the carefully cultivated echo chamber of twitter and the MSM feels one way, doesn't mean the majority of the population does.

Labeling anything and everything you don't like as an "-ist" or Literally Hitler also diminished their ability to use shaming tactics. Now everyone knows that being called racist just means you're Exisiting While White etc.

They see a political movement that stands for putting your people first and deals with parasites without mercy, and the thing they do is react with hate.

Why go on?

Funny how most of these people think they're heroic and masculine freedom fighter while they're just some wimpy and skinny SJW cucks.

>American public

pick none.

>And those states elected Trump

Seems like it's Cali and NY that don't matter

Everyone who fell for the alt right meme deserves to be punched in the face for being a retard.

BLM and Cultural Marxists expect to be allowed to engage in identity politics without being punched.


not even a proper punch, just sucker punch cowardice

>our movement

No they had their say as much as other states.
>Electoral votes

Learn to republic

Nothing. Take photos and videos and share.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant for the left.

Pretty sure this is how you deal with them.

>w-why isn't being a nazi ok now?? we won right?

trumplirinas got a long four years if they are this delusional

You know what, I'll agree with this.

It was a sucker punch by a masked faggot.

And Spencer isn't a Nazi. To them, I would be a fucking Nazi too.

Fuck it. If it fights cuckoldry, I'm in. I am ready to meme Spencer's rhetoric.

Remember when captain america sucker punched red skull and ran away like a kid?

Spencer's just a tryhard neonazy who has appropriated the term "alt-right" for his dubious purposes. He has nothing to do with that, nor does he have anything to do with Sup Forums. Report and deport.

They're mentally unstable. They're alienated from normal society. It's why they join fringe terrorsit groups and practice extreme ideologies like Marxism in the first place.

I hate commies that call themselves american. Fuck off you sharia lovers and didu nuffins supporters.

Oh man, remember that issue of Captain America where he runs up behind Red Skull while he's talking to someone then sucker-punches him and immediately runs away like a sniveling coward?

Such a great comic! My favorite super hero!

Anti-Fa everywhere are a joke.

They will be non-existent as they lose their usefulness to their corporate and statist masters.

With no police to hide behind they have to fear repurcussion from opposition groups and also police intervention.

You say that and yet every other post on here is some faggot spouting Nazi rhetoric. Keep lying to yourself

> our movement
Welll... At least CTR shill does not try to call us alt-right.

The majority of the American public likes watches Nazi's get punched? Who cares, fascism is shit.
>our movement

>Why do normies hate us and why do we keep losing elections!?

>Every peaceful political rally we disrupt and every peaceful political personality we mindlessly assault we make sure to compare to villains from children's entertainment!

The left is in for a long EIGHT years if they can't obtain some self awareness.

you're about as significant as a republican on a california college campus. no one's going to type out an asterisk for your sorry ass

I don't think Apple pie is necessarily American.

>Why do normies hate us
define normies because the results of the last election prove otherwise

not even trying to be partial

>using a Sigma as an E
I fucking hate everyone who does this

I don't know what makes me more disgusted, the fact that libtwitter are celebrating a sucker-punch, or the fact that they act like they are patriotic to this country, when they are anything BUT.

Normies are normies.

The election demonstrated normies would rather settle for Trump than allow the leftists retain control of the nation.

Antifa/ARA will never get off the ground here, because they hate regular Americans. Normal people hate Antifa because they are hypocrites, and on top of that are undesirable to be around.

RWSS activity and common sense will push these scum back to the fringes of their unis where they belong.

>where was
>Spencer's body guardS

I didn't make the meme. Mine would've been more better.

It's the principle which is important.

It's easy to make assumptions on the internet, child.

You out of all people

>literally says 3 sedonds before being punched he's not a nazi or white supremacist
>liberals applaud him being punched because he's a nazi

this is why trump won. because liberals for some reason live outside reality and just create fantasies and for some reason they don't even reaiize they are doing it.

>our movement
Nah m7.

/r/the_donald -->

go get BLACKED with your hero Milo, fucking faggot

why so violent? pls stop bully board of peace

exactly. so don't be too bothered by them you adorable moron

>the majority
Not true we are the majority. They control the media so it only appears like they are the ones that outnumber us, when in reality its the opposite. Film is nothing more than propaganda and the only way we deal with it is use their same tactics. Only we do this best through memes

didnt realize OP was talking about (((alt right)))


>our movement
Shills need not apply


America fought harder against communism than it did nazism.

It's pretty ironic to see these communist shitbags proclaim that beating up fascists is an America past-time whilst ignoring that bit. But then again, it's not all that surprising either. These people represent the epitome of hypocrisy. I believe the proper word is cognitive dissonance.

>justifying violence against your enemies by calling them nazis

Fuck Spencer he's an idiot but I'm just sad Pepe had to be brought into this, that was a nice pin

Group of Nazis living in a country known for kicking Nazi ass is scared of people knowing they are Nazis? What a bunch of cucks. You'll always be pathetic losers and never be based

When will Sup Forums, reddit, and whoever considers themselves alt-right collectively say enough is enough? When will this violence be met with a force that can stand against it? Now isn't the time for uncertainty, but action.

easy. use their blood lust and violence against us as a social weapon against them to prove to those that can still be convinced that they are the real bigoted, evil violent ones. It worked for MLK and Gandhi it will work for us as well

[P.S. this only works in the west. Dont try that non-violence shit in muslim, african countries]

fuck nazis they're losers