How does it feel Sup Forums...

How does it feel Sup Forums? Because of you and your racist president african americans in Flint will literally go without clean water

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Niggers in Flint can't get clean water because they never bothered to replace their pipes. The niggers own suffering is usually caused by their own hands.

Who gives a shit? The president is white, he only has time for white issues

>implying the benefit Flint niggers offer to society is greater than the cost of fixing the water system

implying the water was clean while obongo was pres

>They still live in Flint
>The writing has been on the wall since the 80s

Dregs get lead

I personally don't remember ever hearing Trump state he won't be fixing this issue. On the other hand, Obama had plenty of time to remedy it.

obama already promised the money

the leftist state and local gov are fucking around doing environmental impact studies as their people wait on water lines

to bad trump can't just fire them

This is the only sign holder that i sympathize with, so far.

You can be ironically racist all you want, but until you understand how shit city and county governments are, and how corrupt they become, you can't really say shit.

>t. white conservative male

Explain the full story of flint. Wasnt it something like the new dem admin of the town switched their water supply to something cheaper and that used older pipes?

If Trump fixed the Flint water system and then shamed the democrats for letting it get that far,
It would make massive improvments with the black community and get the right some brownie points (pun intended)

Remind me which candidate ran on a platform of rebuilding infrastructure.


>Flint need
>not Flint needs

Honestly you want to know the story

I was homeless for a while. For me it was simple, a gap between money job and place all being in the same time

Most of the homeless there would be plenty amicable before you question why they're homeless.

Because it's their fault and they goddamm well know it. Never give money to homeless again or you die in your sleep

>African American Education
Yeah. Democrats really did a dozy on them.
We can only fix on thing at a time.
Clean water should come before education.

This brought a tear to my eye. Correct. fpbp

Why do these people suddenly want to drink all this water?

McDonalds soda has plenty of clean sugars and waters filtered at a plant that has to abide by Health and Safety regulations.

kinda funny isn't it

they completely abandoned flint when it didn't serve their needs, literally nothing has been fixed

>Detroit sucks because leftism and NAFTA
>residents cant afford water
>niggers even petition the UN for aid when the city tries to collect water bills(seriously google it)
>Detroit also sells water to flynt
>Detroit raises the price on flynt because they need the money
>flynt council decides to get it's own water
>pumps flynt river
>flynt river is high PH and nobody thinks to install PH controls because it's to expensive and the point of all this is to save money
>high PH of flynt river water destroys city pipes in record time
>rusty pipes leech metals into the water



Their whole town council is run by black people.

>Because of you and your racist president
So I assume this is a new situation that developed on Friday, right?


Fucking niggers.

They need their clen water guys

who's they? trumpy has only been president 1 day

theyre used to drinking filth in africa anyways

i dont care about blacks at all

democrats abandoned them after primary season because they thought the area was already a guarantee for the general

Local and state governments.

How it works in the poor black areas is that politicians only come in when it's election time, promise a bunch of shit for free, tell the people that they'll get it right this time, going to work hard blah blah blah

Then any money that comes in goes straight to the politicians and nothing changes.

Their water quality will scale with their grasp of the English language.

This is still a problem?

I thought obama fixed this?

Even better

the money has been earmarked to replace the flint water system for at least 3 years but the niggers who run the city missed several deadlines/just didn't do the necessary paperwork to get it.

Didn't the nigs chimp out in Flint and destroy the whole city? And now its our responsibility to pay for it? Fuck off.

he provided the funds but the state is wasting them with environmental impact studies on the impact of replacing pipes that were already there

It still baffles me how Flint's all-Democrat, all-negro city counsel pinned the blame on the Governor of the state when this problem was all on them. Now this is somehow Trump's fault? Fucking Dems, man.

Looks like Flint need an S to me.

she didn't say clean water, she said clen water. she wants the us to fund her cutting operation on the entire city. dey tryna get cut.

Trump WILL fix the water in Flint and make Flint great again.

Why do libtards need to throw the word "literally" into every sentence?

>Can't even SPELL "clean water"
What did she mean by this?

this is Obongo's legacy

eat clen, tren hard

>neglect infrastructure for at least 60 years
>cry loudly when you find out that was a bad idea

dem boodleg firewarks

brain damage from lead poisoning is not a joke

actually, what is more likely to happen is that everyone is going to forget about flint because of how insanely immature liberals are behaving on live television. the problem would definitely get solved, but now that half the country is pooping their pants, everyone has forgot.

it's actually your fault, so fuck you.

Trump wants to improve infrastructure

>implying tap water isn't full of estrogen and SSRI drug residue everywhere in the US

typical. local municpality makes national news with their royal fuck up (they changed their water supply to save money, knowing it was polluted, knowing they had lead pipes--apparently they ignored the science or just didn't give enough of a fuck); federal government steps in to "do something about it" so the incumbent president can get brownie points, drops a bunch of cash and declares the problem fixed. Local municipality goes on to squander the funds on anything except fixing the problem.

I don't think it's just black people; this cycle of niggardy has been going on since the New Deal.

>took me four minutes to post this because i couldn't connect to recaptcha


The thing is that their not blaming their local government, this is all whities fault as usual. Ive got 0 sympathy for these fucks.

No, they did at first. For a long time. Now they're seeking Federal help.

some of them think it was conservatives who ruined their water

they got the federal help already now they need to use it wisely

>The thing is that their not blaming their local government, this is all whities fault as usual. Ive got 0 sympathy for these fucks.

Where does her sign say that?

those lousy Detroit conservatives

the fact that she is in Washington DC says that

OP is a faggot. The woman wants clen water not clean water. Just another nigger demanding free shit on the white man's dime, she can drink regular water like everyone else, if she wants clen water she can get a job and buy it from the clen store like the rest of us.


Holy fuck, I work in water and waste water treatment. These dumb niggers didn't pay their bills and wonder why they got subpar water service aside from the fact that our responsibility stops at your house. If you dumb ass has shit lead pipes in your house, that's your fault, not ours.

>the fact that she is in Washington DC says that

..... Or maybe to garner more attention for her cause becaus all of the focus on the inauguration? Jeez, you need to hop off Sup Forums for a bit buddy


are you fucking serious


it was the will of kek, brother. Witnessed.

and yeah, it's infuriating. but hey, FWP m i rite?

the inauguration is already such a clusterfuck that nobody will be able to get their message heard by anyone

also what will federal attention do exactly?
the federal government already gave the money to fix the pipes

it is now up to the state and local gov to fix the pipes with the money

does she want Trump to overrule the state and send in the army engineers?

if not she should be in Lansing not DC

desu it is almost literally just black people