Fascist and National Socialist Development General

Fascists and NatSocs represent some of the strongest, smartest, and most accomplished individuals who ever lived. Every Sup Forumsack should learn from them and strive to emulate them.

This thread is for information, questions, and discussion on how to further the movement, as well as how to improve yourself as a fascist and as a man.

>Daily Viewing
American National Socialism: youtube.com/watch?v=FaCHBmGWcBc

>Daily Reading
This Time the World: resist.com/Onlinebooks/this-time-the-world-george-lincoln-rockwell.pdf

How to Win Friends and Influence People (summarized): sli.mg/a/YAW1ll
If looking for friends who share your interests, join a Daily Stormer book club.

For beginners: ghostbin.com/paste/fsbxp

Iron Pill Diet: i.sli.mg/tjOtAn.jpg
TL;DR - get lots of protein, eat fruits and vegetables, cut down on junk food


Iron Pill Diet


>middle pic






Communist art is more manly and powerful

I love these threads

>He hasn't heard of Arno Breker

That said, there's a lot of Soviet art that isn't degenerate. Kind of surprising when you consider the ideology it comes from.

You and your ilk are the first on the chopping block along with the pinko commies, Nazi fucks.

Here's a screenshot of the fitness regimen. if you haven't already worked out today, do this now and post results.

Suggestions for other regimens or improvements on this one are always appreciated.

And what ideology do you subscribe to?


The form and technical skill is good, but the content (naked and unclothed bodies) is inadequate for a public work. It reduces the Spirit's dignity

It emulates the works of Greeks and Romans. There's no need to be prude about it.

Anima sana in corpore sano.


Yeah, but our civilization is at a higher spiritual stage than the Romans and Greeks. It becomes a throwback just for the sake of throwback. Spirit's object is itself, and insofar as it depicts itself as naked in its public works, its not so much an issue of being a prude, but rather depicting to ourselves what we are. We are not our flesh, we are the overcoming of it, and our depictions should reflect that.

>Yeah, but our civilization is at a higher spiritual stage than the Romans and Greeks

What makes you say this?

>We are not our flesh, we are the overcoming of it, and our depictions should reflect that.

I don't see how depicting a muscular body wearing clothes is more "spiritual" than depicting a muscular body not wearing clothes.



How does a facist economy work? Is everything owned by the state? Or is everything privatized?