Are Slavs the savior if the white race?

Europe is cucked beyond belief
Scandanavia is trying to out do Europe

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Slavic countries are kind of shitty, and it's a different kind of white

bad news but yeah, visit and you'll realize it very quickly


They could be but slavs unfortunately do not rise to the quality of the higher white subgroups such as the germanics for example. They lack the industriousness of the germanics and the craftiness of the queen's men. This ties into their weakness for alcohol.

So, no slavs will not be the savior of the white race. The savior of the white race will be genetic engineering and babies produced artificially and grown in artificial wombs

>a fucking wheel

we will only help ourselves, nothing about you western cucks is worth saving

Too bad whites are a minority here... I can only dream with a fascist.

why do you all look disheveled, like you just been fapping for 45 minutes straight

Why the antagonism and negativity Mr.56%? I'm only trying to help you white boys.

>The savior of the white race will be genetic engineering and babies produced artificially and grown in artificial wombs
Are you mentally retarded?There is no problem with fertility in white subgroups there is problem with RAISING them in "white" society.

white spics gets us close to about 70%

>nothing about you western cucks is worth saving
This is something to think about as well



There's also Poland that's shaping up to be a decent world power... as long as they don't get invaded by Germany, Sweden, or Russia again.

I personally consider everyone white, except niggers and asians.

>There is no problem with fertility
Didn't say there was. What I meant was white boys on Sup Forums want to breed with gooks and their women are aborting most of their babies. So unless you produce white babies in some kind of factory environment they will not be produced at all.

Its not about fertility. Its about everything else that comes after that

>or Russia again
It's not worth it. U.S.A invasion is more likely.

Tbqh I respect all races except subsaharan niggers. They are truly backward and primitive, physically, mentally and culturally. I suspect they bred with homo erectus recently in their history.

Except maybe for Khoisans, they don't look nearly as prehistoric.


That's why I'm disappointed Trump was elected President. The US is doomed already, but I thought a weak leader like Clinton would make a Chinese invasion, Muslim terrorizing campaign or a more mainstream black supremacy movement easier.

The white race has a serious problem: it has too many weak people among them. They need to be culled, and fast.

>What I meant was white boys on Sup Forums want to breed with gooks and their women are aborting most of their babies
HAHA you are falling for memes.
>o unless you produce white babies in some kind of factory environment they will not be produced at all.
>Its about everything else that comes after that
It's about how much young white males and females prefer career over children.

This is true, I think Poland will be quite influential in the future and consequently V4 countries to some degree too.

I've been waiting for this comment.

Meet the genetics specialist straight outta designated street!

No. But russia is the hope for russians. The sooner my fellow kinfolk will understand that ethnic russians are in debt to no one, and we can only rely on ourselves the better. Same thing for poles i think. Fuck them all. Slavic countries for slavic people. All who threatens slavs should be genocided. We are brutal fucks and should embrace it.

I don't think there is any hope for Europe, but if I were American I would be more optimistic you got Trump.

But let us rather debate real problems of today's capitalism and so on and so on...


>China & Brazil emerging
there goes a red pill!

if USA stop their foreign politics screwing everyone in the world so they can remain world power no.1 actually there is a hope for white race mainly in europe

one of us
one of us
one of us

Considering Slavs have been bred to be bootlicking serfs to their criminal ruling classes for the past 400 years, no. They are basically genetic cucks.

at least we have OUR country

If slavs are white, so are Hispanics and Arabs

europeans are white
doesn't matter how much you dislike us, we are whoite, maybe shitty tier white but still white

I am of course, linguistically and culturally a Slav. But Slavs are a very diverse group (genetically).

Niggers are white
doesn't matter how much you dislike us, we are whoite, maybe shitty tier white but still white

Imagine a Slavic coalition. A real one, not just Russia and satellites. It would rival the EU in power.

>All emerging Countries are non white: China, India, Brazil and Africa
>China, India, Brazil and Africa
Only one of those is right (one of those isn't even a country).

Why should we even care about the opinion of the country, in which whites will be a minority in like 40-50 years? Unlike several slavic countries? Your anglo-saxon elites betrayed your kind waaaay worse then slav rulers ever treated their kind.

So am i, i am genetically germanic/med. I am not ashamed of my slavic heritage as the matter of fact i am proud of it. Our people fight against brown people and i stand with them.
You may hate us but at least we stand together.


slavs are just too poor to attract monkeys or are dying more quickly then yurop, like russians

>in which whites will be a minority in like 40-50 years


Lets be honest, he isn't

simple answer: no.



if we arent, who is?

Zizek is the messiah

Our niggers are still far more successful than the average subhuman russian. Our lowest of the low still makes far more money than the average Russian

Slav here. Most of us are more naturalist than Aryan Vick's. We are good foot soldiers for your movement. And no, we are not white, but we support white nationalism.

>imagine a Slavic coalition.

(((USA))) do have such a rich imagination too. Thats why this happens:


>Implying the person who studied the ways of disinformation professionally won't use his skills.

>making far more money
>ability to fight for your nation

Pick one. Also if our scientist makes less money then yours sub-human negroid hip-hop artist, does it make him less usefull for society? Following your logic - yes.

which person u talk about ?

-> This person on your pic. Putin.

it is fiat money anyway and all speculation, real wealth belongs to russia.

slavs are not a race.

pan-slavism when?

u say putin is a trickster ?

yes they are a race

Ofcourse dam he is. He enjoys a game of deceiving, collecting record and compromat on his enemies, pulling the strings from outta sight and all the things KGB did. Thats why he is still at charge. Also anyone in our timeline have to pay something for jewish global diaspora, unfortunately. But for an intelligent person deal with the devil does not necessarily means that he works for a devil.

I mean we openly helping Iran, Hezbollah and Syria - all enemies of Israel and what happens? Nothing serious just msm hysteria.

Russia plays on russian side. But i'm afraid thats our only advantage on a long run, lul.


they're a white subrace you dumb fuck

>Are Slavs the savior of the white race?
Even if we were pure aryan white people, we hate each other so much we would nuke ourselves if we had the means to do it really.

well, i'm just curious who are slavs if not white?


>Slavs get the Black Slavery card due to their name being derived from the word Slave
>Get the muslim sympathy from leftists due to being moslem purely for tax breaks
>Still get to be white after all that
>Top all olympic events due to superior slav genetics

Is there any more bulletproof race than slav? They seem to be completely immune to political correctness.


Slavs and Mediterraneans are to Anglos (and sadly now - Germanics as well) are what Goths were to Romans, people who do not tolerate cuckery and do not betray they own to score bonus points with the jew. Thats why jews used US to destroy slavic nations (Serbia, and Ukraine more recently). US - a bunch of fat braindead degenerates, which exports shit like marxism, feminism and cuckoldry world white.

t.Drawindian Intellectual

why ? everything you use for electricity was made by a serb

Slavs typically cluster with other Europeans on genetic distance maps.

A ты нe хoчeш в Гpy кaк я ?

when will this meme die?

>white brits now share more genetics with the Irish than 10 million of their own country men.


>taking a jab at aesthetics
Are you a liberal?

Slavs aren't white.


Wanting to be "white" (read: a cuck) in 2017. You just went full retard.



Я тyт нa нa Moccaд paбoтaю, yжe пoзднo пepeвepбoвывaтьcя :(

fuck off kike

if there is another white on white war it will be a total war and all of your rat faced fucks will be hunted down to the last from litteraly every side. I will not shoot at a russian or any other euro.

If you disgusting rats succeed in starting wwiii you will regret it. no where will be safe.

Slavs have proven that they're able to produce exceptional culture and tech, it's just they're fucked geographically (landlocked and surrounded by a clusterfuck of civilizations) and they're pretty new to the game. Spengler said that Russia's is young civilization that got poisoned in the womb by western (petrine) values and had not much time to establish their identity. In the long run I think slavs have the potential to get their own golden age instead of forever being a counterfeit west.

slavs are not white, they are just a bunch of reduced white skinned mongoloids

slavs are literal slaves devoid of any sensible human emotion or transcendental feelings

born to live only for the sake of living

they are irrelevant

thank god, i'd kill myself if i were .000000000001 east asian

Again with this shit?

Americans are getting stupider I swear.

top kek, a gold hoarding alpine gnome talking about transcendence and relevancy.
