So is this actually a thing? I see the peaceful rioters with them. How does Anarcho-communism make any sense?

So is this actually a thing? I see the peaceful rioters with them. How does Anarcho-communism make any sense?

Post memes so I can figure this out please

Other urls found in this thread: people


Antifa are lieral shit eating faggots

Well they have no rulers because there is a strong central government that enforces equality for everyone but they have no authority

this makes me so sad and i can't explain why

It's probably me spelling literal wrong...
OR that people actually take part in the degeneracy in the picture.

It's all Kropotkin-Bakunin type of bullshit, all of it is pure nonsense. I am sure most of those retards know nothing of their own ideology, anyway.

They want to smash the state then seize the means of production and organize workers councils to control them. Then they want to abolish money and replace it with labor vouchers. Factories make stuff and its distributed for free if you have labor vouchers you can get extra stuff. The economy uses decentralized planning.

We want to eradicate class hierarchy and make things for social need instead of capital accumulation.

If you are interested in learning more read about Emma Goldman.

I am anarcho-communist ask me anything.

We want to help you guys because you are proletarians like us. It's like the tea party of the left. We are tired of weak democratic party policies and want real positive change. We hate banks and plutocrats.

We stand for working people everywhere.

Seriously ask me and I will give you redpoll answers.


>Then they want to abolish money and replace it with labor vouchers.

Is this not just replacing a currency with another ultimately?

Except you can't transfer labor vouchers to another person.

-use value of material production should be privileged over exchange value.

- surplus value shouldn't be extracted at an extremely high amount from those who produce value

- the economy should be democratic

- we should spend less time working and only thinking of others in terms of exchange value

- full automation
as a communist this is what I want

>Murder John Doe
>Take his vouchers
>No centralized government for identification
>Like his genetic mess of a corpse never existed
>"Why of course I'm John"
>Murder Fake John and everyone in control of factory
>Seize means

money should have a timer on it where it degrades in value over time if not transfered

Anarcho-Syndicalism is basically those guys who fell for the Noam Chomsky meme. The earliest example was the early Christian communities, recent history had something similar in Spain before and shortly into the civil war.

Vouchers could be electronic. I don't know. Thats just what ancoms say I don't really understand there theory.

It's basically going back to a tribalist society, but with no in-group preference. The anarchy is getting rid of the society we built, and go back to hard labor to survive. They're absolute fucking retards. How an argument goes with these fags.

>Ancomm is the best system, we are the working man
>Meh...not really feeling the coercion of a state
>There is no state you capitalist scum
>but its about communism...the community sacrificing the individual for the greater good...that's the idea right?
>So I live in your society you have me fill out an important job that needs to be done...I say fuck you and do what I want to do...what are you going to do at that point? Either kill me or force me out of society...that's coercion
>you just don't understand man, you are so indoctrinated.

We don't want to destroy the government immediately, we want to humanely and logically destroy it, getting rid of all the fat first, we would probably leave some human services and infrastructure stuff.

Very small government, government you can drown in a bathtub.

Also we have guns.

So you are Libertarians.


Basically left-wing libertarians. We oppose unchecked capitalism

That sounds like ancap/libertarian...just forcing them into jobs they don't want. Also you fucking idiots "we want to leave some human services and infrastructure stuff", how do you think that infrastructure was built in the first place? Can give you a hint, certainly wasn't a type of society you're talking about.

>want a small government that won't affect personal matters
>want a government big enough to completely control the economy

You do realize crony capitalism, is not capitalism right?

Workers control not state control.

No one is forcing them into a job anymore than they are forced into a job today.

Who (((organizes))) the workers so that they can control?

>relying on "the goodness of human nature"

There are similarities.

Ugh...the state is not just career politicians moron. The state is lone authority to be proactively aggressive in using violent force, and having a monopoly on that force. So if a bunch of workers are deciding how society is run...that's a "state".

>We don't want to destroy the government immediately.

You don't even understand how revolutionary political movements like anarchism work.

They themselves do it. Or at least thats what ancoms say.

This is a classless society so (((Rothschild's))) can fuck off.

Ancoms see the state as hierarchical so if its based on direct democracy its not a state.

So invariably mankind will eventually fall another kike ploy and end up back where we left it.

Yea I've heard that from you morons before. I can choose any job I want, I just have to compete for it. If the government would get out of my business I could easily go into the woods and provide everything for no I'm not forced into any job. I just have to work in some fashion to stay alive, just like it always has been and always will be.

They exist and its an oxymoron. Thread closed.

What are you doing (((union leader)))?

Ask on an ancom forum

...Yes it is, it's a monopoly on legal proactive violence. That is what a state is, you don't get to just change the definition to suit your purpose.

>we oppose unchecked capitalism
>we are in favour of a small state

The union is horizontal and mutually beneficial.

I'm not an ancom. Plus I think they want localized communes? I don't know.

what is capitalism?

Yeah , enjoy the woods. We want you to own 100% of your labor instead of your boss getting 90%. Imagine a company where all the workers had stock relative to their output.

We want YOU to own your work, not bankers and not the government.

they want workers to control the means of production either through local goverment or local communes.

Lol this ideology is so retarded, so localized communes, so just tribalism without in group preference. It's like they want to go back to the days were everyone's job was farming so they could just survive.

How does anarcho-communism prevent people from having dozens of children to maximize their share in future generations thus exhausting the natural limits of earth's resources?

Unions eventually get into a fucked up trapezoid imo

Not so much localized communes, but more about giving individual cities and communities more power. They don't want New York or Chicago to stop existing, but they want them to not answer to a state or federal government.

That's basically German social market economy, with the state providing for health care and social security. It was and is the best economic model. Surprise! It is in the process of getting destroyed. And one of the biggest contributors to its destruction is unqualified mass immigration from incompatible cultures. Both (((progressive))) leftists and neo-liberal capitalists love it. Unified in the face of George Soros. "No borders, no nations" is the wet dream for the global plutocracy and the left is playing the useful idiots for the billionaire class.

>smash the state then seize the means of production and organize workers councils to control them
So destroy the state and replace it with an organization that is functionally identical to the state?

Also, this Commies are fucking morons.


Capitalism is the free market in that I can come up with a product or service and compete in the market place. Crony capitalism is big businesses paying politicians in order to put extra restrictions on the free market to make it impossible for small businesses (their competition) to get off the ground. When companies get huge, they get very slow and less mobile. So let's say someone invented a cure for cancer in their garage, and it was a pill. The medical industry in certain markets would completely collapse, because it's a multi-billion dollar a year industry just in money flowing in not even thinking about the equipment that would immediately be out of date. So these companies pay for regulations that make it impossible to go at it alone in research. That's crony capitalism.

it'a almost as if their whole ideology formed at the end of the age of subsistence agriculture.

voluntary left wing deathsquads form to kill them

How do you organize defence against outside threats? What's keeping China from fucking over all the city-states with a massive, unified effort? We even see that in Vancouver, even though the state should theoretically oppose this, but it won't, because of current year man and opposition to the chinks being called "racist" by the corrupt politicians.

Then cut off the fucking welfare state, give the states back the power, and make the Senate decided by the legislature putting people in washington to represent the issue of state rights. Let me guess...that's cold hearted or racist?

Yeah don't stand for that shit.
My belief is not everyone's, but I don't think those immigrants should be allowed. You Germans went through alot of shit to get where you are. If those immigrants were ready to assimilate that would be one thing. They are from another fucking century. They aren't ready for shit that good.

Based trips

Literally this.

Nah that's fine as long as we get rid of class division.

I was being facetious you dumb shitstain.


W/e trips don't lie

Is that even possible?

you are low IQ trash

Class division is fine as long as it's representative of abilities, skill, and talent. Crony capitalism doesn't allow that because certain people have money, and use it for an unfair advantage.

>commie literally praising satire
Holy fucking shit

It doesn't. Communism and Anarchy are mutually exclusive.

I love you guy. Many keks were had thanks to you.

what about copyright??

What is stopping me from forming a voluntary left wing death squad to start and support a dictatorship? Who protects the average person from our uprising in this scenario?

You simply cannot sustain any welfare state or the stability of your country, if you deny tribalism. The Turks, who make up the largest chunk of immigrants, used to come from a secular country when it was still dominated by the ideals of Attatürk.

NOW their 2nd and 3rd generations fell back to their ethno-religious identity and are more radical than the guestworker generation, because they know they are different and it is human nature. Not all of them, but enough of them to be dramatic. Loss of manufacturing jobs and Erdogans reislamization of the diaspora contribute, but generally people NEED a sense of belonging and healthy identity, without it they are lost, in constant self-doubt and in social crisis.

Worse is even this destructive insanity since 2015, where people just walk, illegaly over the border, and our government treats them as equal to people who worked for decades - with and without immigration background. The biggest opponents to it are integrated/assimilated immigrants who now also have to pay for Abdul and his 14 children, who demands a big house for free and Malik who DEMANDS a white, blonde girlfriend handed to him.

>Thinking we haven't literally had death squads

Why do you Americans hate the welfare state so much? I still don't get it.

Well if the law is utilized as intended, then copyright and being paid to do that is a form of theft/plagiarism. That's someone's intellectual property that they worked to create...someone else shouldn't just be able to use it for their own profit. Remember I didn't say I was ancap (I used to be).


This guy gets it.

Because we value hard work and commitment.

That meshes with my beliefs. Anarchy is based on consent and consensus. They aren't part of the consensus so they can fuck off.

Did I just fucking agree with you? This feels WEIRD.

Anyway your beliefs aren't far from ours.

Because they have a work for the sake of work fetish.

all of the good genes left Europe for America long ago, none of you seem to have the spirit and if you don't understand it you never will

>strawmanning and ignoring the fact that voluntarism and death squads are antithetical

Because austerity works, we fucking hate enabling people. The welfare state promotes and incentives laziness and poor decision making. Like right now dindu's "dey white people aint giving us enough", ok Negro well instead of not enough, you get nothing. Now you can sit here complain about it and starve, or get a job...what do you want to do? They'll choose to work really quickly.

If that's the consensus view then it looks like we just got a dictatorship.

I'd say it's because you're being forced to pay for paying someone else to exist. And welfare is easily exploited + makes people dependant on handouts - giving them the same sort of money that they'd have gotten from working.

After all, why work for minimum wage when you get the same amount by not working?

i think there is room to compromise, while i agree that welfare promotes unemoployment, i would not mind giving people who are a bad situation money, as long as it comes with incentives that they will find work and that it is not a permanent solution(1-2year welfare cap)

it doesnt have to be the consensus view, maybe 10% can easily create deathsquads and establish a dictatorship

can you imagine how further we'd have advanced if every company didn't have to have it's own RandD dept? what a waste of resources

I don't disagree with that at all, unemployment for a couple of months. If someone is in a dire situation, they get additional help, and can systematically check off dollar by dollar. That's not what we got though, and on top of that...there's an incentive just by it's existence that people on the left exploit because people like (((free))) goodies. So it's hard to balance it and prevent it from growing.

lol this dumb fucking Boomer just accidentally pointed out the inherent coercion in capitalism

"get a job or starve"

These threads are made by antifa to try and change /pols mind. They never work and always end up with the commies getting btfo like the miserable fags they are. Seriously, what kind of retard would think for a second that anarcho communism would work?

People work hard and pay into the social security and health. We also have a social contract of solidarity between the rich and the workers, so even working Joe can afford health care and does not living in unliveable conditions, while also giving insentives to improve your living conditions by working more and getting better education.

Eternal burger posting. Really retarded and disgusting.

That's a detail question. And the consensus in a country with a welfare state is that you should always have more money, when you work than when you don't. But a life of human dignity should be the reality for all your citizens.

That's a problem of multi-culturalism then, not of the welfare state per say. And "If you don't work, you don't eat" is too absolutist. Also why see a bigger problem in the unemployed who get their 800€ and the working class in your society, who are not net-tax payers and get more out of the state than they pay in taxes, but not with multi-billionaires who exploit the system so much, they cost society millions upon millions?

yeah, the left's push to create martyrs out of welfare queens is a real problem because it denies room for compromise.


Noam Chomsky.

Hells bells user just bring back testing to private jobs...the (((need))) for college would be cut in half at minimum. Let the companies test their own workers in. Your RandD point is right on though, there is soooooooo much that could be done. We would be dealing with blade runner type of tech right now if not for all these stupid policies. people

the jobless are the surplus pool of labour. If everyone had a job, it would not benefit the capitalists as they would have to compete and pay higher wages and give better benefits

when capitalists can easily replace you, they don't have to give you anything but the minimum.

the point of welfare is to pay off the surplus pool so they don't pillage the capitalists.

Welfare is one of the most important ways capitalism is maintained by the state (the state always serves capitalism in the long term)