Why are you so afraid of women being equal?

Why are you so afraid of women being equal?

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Women are equal in western society, and that still isn't enough.

what do you want

Diversity and gender quotas for the President's position

go to saudi arabia and protest there
go to your local mosque and occupy it
go find an actual patriarchy to fight

Well, you were equal, but you made sure to do away with that. You are busy proving RIGHT THIS SECOND that you are no longer willing to earn "equality" and for some reason you think that grants you rights to superiority. Tell you what, I grant you equal whatever that I have. Now come compete with me bitch.

Because of lowering the standard, that is the problem, when you lower the standard, everyone suffers.

what does that mean
"we want one black or female president every 8 years"?
thats hilarious

They want superiority, not equality

>They want superiority
with no accountability or responsibility on top of that

I like traditional gender roles more, thank you

Women are not just treated equally in modern society but they are given advantages over men in many things. What do they want?

Because the liberal idea of equality is bait to install a Marxist government

EVERYTHING! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE it's complicated. Muh. Muh. Muh. Muh hormones.

> equal
> a person or thing considered to be the same as another in status or quality.

Most people consider women to be in the same status and quality as men in the United States. Nice try OP

even kids know trump sucks. Sup Forums absolutely BTFO.

The same reason the greeks did.

Positions should be given out based on skill rather than being born as Asian or being born with a pussy

Is that a single mom in the Background?

Hmm. Dad went for cigarettes and still hasn't come back huh lil guy?

If women want equality then fine, lets move to unregulated capitalism and no welfare or public school or fed. Let men and women be equal and let market sort it. Stop having governmetn steal from men and pay women 2-100x more than they are worth as we have now. Women should be expected to buy half of drinks and dinner.

I'm not afraid, they're just not equal. Pretty much every institutional barrier preventing "equal" competition with men has already been removed for them, but they just want to complain and be taken care of.

I'm not. Women are equal. They have been for quite a while now. Trump has done exactly nothing to infringe on any of their rights. If Trump actually does something that takes their rights away, then fine, go protest. But the protests today are very premature, it's just an excuse to rally against Trump.

Why aren't they protesting against Islam? Go protest at the Saudi embassy, go protest at mosques, go protest Muslim treatment of women both in their home countries and in the west.

I'm not afraid, I'm frustrated that so many people have had all of their political beliefs shaped by CNN, HuffPo, Jon Oliver, and Facebook.

Because pic related, They just need to face some hardship.

>in car
>turn on sports talk radio
>both stations prattling on about womyns march
>mfw i have no face

>Dissent is patriotic
Here we go again, like clockwork. A republican is in office, so it's acceptable to protest again. These same people spent the last 8 years calling republicans crybaby losers for not agreeing with Obama

a fear of the downfall that falsehoods inevitably bring

Denying that there are zero differences between men and women makes you a sexist, but equality of opportunity hasn't worked for them, so now they need to force equality of outcome to make reality conform to ideology.

>men of qu lity do ot fear equalit


This. Anything perceived as not equal, such as the supposed wage gap, is simply the natural unfairness of life and Capitalism. The idea of total equality is called Communism.
Your boss isn't obligated to decide that you deserve a raise or promote you over some guy. It all seems work related anyhow, it's not like anybody's telling women they can't go out and be whores. They might get shamed for it, but since when did guys not get shamed by women for the same thing?

I don't know why women decided it was their turn again. Gays can get married and they act like they've been patiently waiting in the wings to address all these blatant injustices. If anything, it should be trannies' turn.