Trump's Proposed "Muslim Ban"

Okay guys I'm seriously curious, do Americans actually want to ban ALL Muslims from entering America?

Now me I used really hate Islam and the whole jazz when I used to live in backwards shit town in rural Ontario. But I'm at university in the GTA and met a lot to Muslims here.

Seriously they're just like me and you. And the Muslim women Jesus they're so hot.

Pic related

Muslim women are highly attractive and sought after. I know one Arab girl with really pale skin and she's busty, she's like an angel. Seriously I'm trying to snag a Muslim girl friend they're seriously hot. They're also very family orientated and have traditional values...

Other urls found in this thread: hot/country/CA/type/op/

I didn't vote, but I'd support that in a heartbeat.

>Seriously they're just like me and you.

In what ways?

>Seriously they're just like me and you. And the Muslim women Jesus they're so hot.
No. No they're not.

pathetic shilling

I just want to ban them from entering from areas riddled with terror

Isn't Saudi Arabia's obesity rate super high?

Why work out if your body has to be covered in a loose sheet if you go outside and your husband is banging a 12 year old?

>do Americans actually want to ban ALL Muslims from entering America?

learn about taqqiya. they are not like me or you. they would cheer as isis throws you off a building or burns you alive. there is no such thing as a moderate muslim. not only should they banned from entering, the practice of this political ideology masquerading as a religion should be outlawed the world over. fuck islam.

Nah mate legit middle eastern women are baddies

Islam's prophet is a pedophile and murderer you literally cannot make this shit up. The only good Islamist are the ones who actually dont follow the religion, wierd huh





Why not just date a hot Arab? Why would someone with "traditional values" want to marry a NEET Sup Forums faggot that likes feet anyway?

Muslim women turn into land whale faster than an American and can only marry other Muslims.

>Okay guys I'm seriously curious, do Americans actually want to ban ALL Muslims from entering America?
If you have to ask this question, you haven't been paying attention for the last 2 years.

Likely won't happen but he will likely not accept any refugees, enjoy yours syrup nigger.

You fucking canadian victim, you don't know shit about muslims


also canadians who like your faggot president
is there a good way to sort you weak bitches out from the real canadians?


fuck off leaf.

hot arab girls can enter america, only if they disavow islam and become christian/agnostic.

they have to piss on a open koran and eat bacon cheeseburger to prove their worth in burgerland,

plus, absolutely no male family members are allowed to visit, and they must abort any male child they will have.

>Okay guys I'm seriously curious, do Americans actually want to ban ALL Muslims from entering America?


now fuck off

>do Americans actually want to ban ALL Muslims from entering America?
Some Americans do. Some don't.

?? Idk about France but the ones here are pretty chill, earning their degree and shit

I even blazed with this Arab girl at work. They're not terrorists just normal people

Just like all the idiots who protested today, you don't have a fucking clue what the facts are.

No, Trump does not want to ban all Muslims. Yes, Trump wants to ban people who are coming from countries where ISIS or any form of radical Islam is reigning supreme.

That is a rational, intelligent thing to want for the safety of your nation. Trump does not want us to be Europe.

Why are there so many shills on /pol now? Why do you think we don't KNOW that you're a shill?
"Guy's don't worry about the 800000 Achmeds, look at these super hawt muslims"
Also how would we know if they are hot or not, if we can't see their fucking faces or bodies?

Remove kebab?

>But I'm at university in the GTA and met a lot to Muslims here.

That's an elite sampling. It doesn't represent the average of narrow-set eyed inbred arab rats.

Who wants poor unqualified people, regardless of religion, in your country anyway?

>see flag

all muslims must be put to death

>ban ALL Muslims from entering America?
> ban travel from 2 countries in the middle east
>ban ALL Muslims from entering America
canadians are like parodies of liberals but real.

>completely dishonest and blindingly ignorant question
>clickbait random photo


Stop making the leafs look bad. Canada is already cucked and muslims are disgusting. Obviously I'll fuck their women, but everytime I see one of those gross sand niggers with their Jihadi Joe beards looking at a white girl I wanna snap.

Also they're a cancer and all that standard schpeele.

Literally just and specifically and only just extra precautions when traveling to and from a country on the terror watch list.

Holy fuck.

This isn't even Trump's idea, he just wanted to show off secret service connections during his campaign.

Fuck off, Chang.

Your homeland is doomed. Trump will destroy you before the end of the year.


>Seriously they're just like me and you.

Ah good, then it won't be the greatest sin to deny them entry temporarily while we figure out what the hell is going on! They'll understand, after sometimes daily attacks, why we must be safe! Just like I would understand!

Your fetish for sandnigresses is your problem, not anyone else's.

>sure ill fuck their women

whats the point they have no clit

Wholeheartedly agree man, the day trump stops muslim immagration cant come soon enough.

>they have to piss on a open koran and eat bacon cheeseburger to prove their worth in burgerland,

I'll do you one solid. They must be infected with trichinosis. If they survive, with treatment of course, they can stay.

The same could be said back when some factions in the US hated the Catholic church. They saw the pope as an influence on the nation. While the US didn't ban Catholicism, mexico did and had a war over it.

Fuck Canada and fuck Canadian posters.

For two or three years, yes. Not permanently. Just so we can figure this out.

That's why it's the perfect beta religion.

stop musim immigration until you know you can properly vet them.*

> One post by this ID

Every fucking time...

why would i care if they enjoy it tho

Trump should only let Israeli immigrants into the US. We know they can be trusted.


kill yourself faggot

We figured out that they're awful

>earning their degree and shit

Just no man, open your eyes, people are fucking tired of arabs in France and Europe, don't act like you don't know that. They're the worse people you can ever encounter, dumb and stubborn as fuck

>They're not terrorists just normal people

They're not normal people, I actually find them worse than niggers

Most people here aren't cool with the fact that churches get tax breaks or whatever. There is *supposed* to be a separation of church and state, it was rule #1 and we broke all of our "rules" early on. It's not the same thing as sharia law.

>Seriously they're just like me and you.

No, they're not.

They're no better than Jews.

I wouldn't be opposed to it. I'd be adverse to kicking American citizens that are Muslims out though.

>t. deployed to various muslim shitholes and have seen them in their native habitat

I'm an ex-muslim, I dont just want to ban new muslim immigrants, I want all muslims kicked out.

Yes, fuck 'em.

Jews are our friends and they are America's oldest and greatest ally.


yes, complete ban. fuck them, and fuck them.

I say fly all the Muslims in for free, as long as half of every flight is filled with American liberals and no safety checks of passengers are performed pre-flight,

>This fucking thread again
Fuck off CTR, you make the same fucking "lol they're just like us and their women are hot" thread every fucking day.

Stop replying to these shitty slide threads, sage goes in all fields.

Mate when they turn your family's home town into a fucking dump inhabited only by muslims you won't be thinking they are just like you and me.

Stop thinking with your dick you twat. These fuckers also require halal slaugher houses which are just barbaric compared to your standard ones that actually stun the poor cow before it gets killed for my burgers.

why the fuck do people always talk about Saudi arabia when they talk about arabs? Saudi is like 10% and even less of the arab world and it's like the shithole of shitholes, nobody in any arab country wants to ever go to Saudi, even Syrians during the war say they would rather die in Syria than go to Saudi, it's the only country in the world that practises Sharia, it's full of homos (all the dirtiest kinds) and just generally a shit hole.

>do Americans actually want to ban ALL Muslims from entering America?
No dumbfuck he wants no Muslims in who are from high risk areas because there's no accurate background check in place to ween out potential ISIS infiltrators or ISIS sympathizers like Omar Mateen. Basically the philosophy is "if you wouldnt touch a bowl of skittles if 0.1% are poisoned then why would you take in 25,000 Syrians if you can't confirm their identities or origins?" Liberals and Cuckservatives only want immigrants because it's a quick way to boost GDP and win good goy points by saying their policies gave economic growth despite worsening per capita living standards. It's a lose-lose to bring these people in when immigration and the Homeland Security are useless.
>And the Muslim women Jesus they're so hot.
Nigger please there are more hot Japanese relatively to Arabs and Mudslimes, that's not even taking African Muslims into account who are even worse. Also western Muslims are MASSIVE SJWs and dating one is like saying your into BDSM

Checks out

Shitty b8 from a Cucknadian, how (un)surprising.

Muslims aren't like us, you've never lived anywhere backwards until you've left the 1st World, University isn't the greatest place to develop an unbiased perspective on anything, and even if all Muslim women were that hot (hahaha, no) the problems they've been causing aren't anywhere near worth the marginal chance that they'll deign to fuck outside of their race or religion.

I hope Trudeau forces you to house a smelly "fifteen year old refugee" who rapes you up the ass every night while gibbering about how peaceful his religion is.

Leave Fatima

Nothing against Arabs, it's Islam I don't like. I agree they can be quite attractive, the picture you picked with the duck lips though? Fuck off.

I also don't like Christianity/Catholicism/Judaism, but they aren't going around blowing people up and acting like victims. Well, the Jews probably are.

I'd consider myself at least a little racist, and I don't want to ban ALL Muslims from entering the country. I sure as fuck don't want us to start taking in a fuck load of "refugees" though...

Enjoy your swarthy, low-IQ sons who will identify with jihadi john and blow up your country.

>Liberals and Cuckservatives only want immigrants because it's a quick way to boost GDP and win good goy points by saying their policies gave economic growth despite worsening per capita living standards.

THIS 1000000000X are spot on about their women. Holy christ can they churn out some lookers.

But at the same time, I'm not sure there is really any group that doesn't produce some lookers. Anyone who says that is probably a faggot.

>from Ontario
so am I. I have a few chill muslim friends. the problem is what they are telling you is different than what they are thinking. I cant go to my one friends house anymore because the last time I went his father spit at me (im a jew, he reprimanded his dad for it) and cursed at me in Arabic. I have this strong fetish for arab chicks now because I hang out with them but the minute they find out im a jew its a no go zone. one malay muslim chick I was friends with for 8 months and we had a fling compeltely ditched me when i told her I was a jew.

not to mention most of my muslim friends still want a palestine despite my efforts to educate them on how corrupt it would be and detrimental to the israelis. whenever i mention homosexuality or god its the same old "your relationship with god is yours and theirs, god will deal with everyone accordingly in the end" which is basically a ncie way of saying "gays will burn and although you and me are cool, im sure you will burn also"

its not worth it in the longrun so I support the ban. mostly to deter terrorist muslims but the latter also works

Eat shit muhammad.

Spreading Islam should be punishable by death.

islam is very red-pilled but their society is very backwards

MIDF fuck off

You're part of the problem then. Developed countries shouldn't be letting in a single immigrant from muslim countries.

Arabs are hot but my kids are going to have blue eyes you cuck. hot/country/CA/type/op/

Fuck off, leaf slider.

Friendly reminder to put sage in all fields.

if you think treating women like slaves and hating jews is what it takes to be redpilled, then youre 13 and should gfto

I believe they too convert oxygen to carbon dioxide, but I may be mistaken

What about abbos?

I know you...
I have argued with you before.
You first showed up when the CTR crackdown happened back in october...
you write the same way EVERY THREAD
>look guys im you
>but seriously
>lets all be libtards.
>cause their hot/funny/silly/cute/look at that butt.

STFU and stop pretending to be one of us.


>im a jew
Finally, an uncucked Canadian.

You will be spared on the Day Of The Rake. Trump will harvest all the Changs.

I stand with Israel.


Can Chinese have blue eyes?

hence why i said their society as a whole is backwards you fuckin chav

Ask if they are in favour of the Charter. If they ARE in favour, they are not your friend.That is the document that enshrined multiculturalism in Canada.

>Okay guys I'm seriously curious, do Americans actually want to ban ALL Muslims from entering America?
>Seriously they're just like me and you.
No they aren't. Say what you want about modern feminism but Muslims treat women worse than fucking dogs. Women regularly get killed for being raped or driving cars in Muslim countries. I think a woman's place is taking care of the family and everything but fucks sake Muslims treat women like fucking animals. That and their culture is garbage since they use shitty technicalities in Sharia Law to do shit like pass around little boy prostitutes in their countries or fuck their 5 year old daughters. Ever wonder why there isn't a single world class collage in the Muslim world? Because they're fucking savages.
>And the Muslim women Jesus they're so hot.
Who gives a fuck? This is what makes me think you're a shill. Shills constantly share pics of hot hispanics or hot muslims with '>Trump wants to deport this'. Who gives a fuck? That's not an argument. Do you think we're a bunch of 12 year old boys who are going to see a picture and go 'Oh man Trump wants to deport a woman with big titties and that makes me wee-wee hard. I guess I'm a ShillForHill now!'


Indian here, fuck muslims. There isnt one place in this world that doesnt have problems with them.

I would suggest that there be multiple wide range of psychological tests & other tests going on when they apply for a visa to come to western countries. If there are some flags then they shouldnt be allowed.

If theyre religious in any way or if they have any link to people who have suspicious(terrorist) connections in any minor detail then a big no. Mandatory programs where they have to take integration classes.

Its one thing if you dont want to drink beer or eat pork but to demand that people or businesses serve them is ridiculous.

guys don't blame he goes to a Canadian University

I'd think the same way if i didn't read books outside of the course outlines

Yes. Not only that but I wish all Muslims in America right now were deported.

As a Norwegian I would LOVE to ban all muslims from entering Norway.

So do niggers but we know how unlike us they are. You go suck off a hairy goatsmelling dick you cuck.

The fact that most of the refugees seem to be military aged men is a red flag.
Why would you support people fleeing from hard times and leaving women and children behind to start a new life?

>The fraction of a percent of Muslims I have met are totally cool guys, the third worlders still living in the 11th century must be cool too
You're an idiot

Islam is incompatible with western society and representative government.

islam should be banned from all countries

whereas islamic "countries" should be nuked

Ithis canadian has been making threads that always revolve around "meet muslim women in university andfuck them" for months.

It is always a canadian who makes these threads.

It's pretty bullshit because for every one muslim girl who is willing to fuck a non-muslim and from a family rich and progressive enough to allow their daughter to go to university, there will be at least 5 muslim men more likely to commit rape, more likely to commit terrorism, who will want the islamification of your country.

the large majority of muslim girls do not get involved with non-muslim guys.
in order to get just a few muslim girls who would be willing to integrate socially you'll have to put up with a fuckload of muslim men, who will probably have5 kids each in the future.

not worth it at all
he is right that middle eastern girls can be very hot though.