The 90s seemed like such a nice, innocent, carefree time. What were they like oldfags...

The 90s seemed like such a nice, innocent, carefree time. What were they like oldfags? How did the world turn to such shit?

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People like you were born

This video synced with the "He will not divide us" (sorry mods) stream is pretty lulzy.

9/11 and Muslims didn't do much

kill yourself, faggot

I get that teenage girls have a thing for slightly-androgynous pretty boys, but I don't understand how Hanson was a thing.
I mean, they had the long hair like girls, but that guy's got some weird misshapen caveman skull

Libtards gained more power and became more vocal

The internet ruined everything. As much as I love being able to jerk off to midget porn whenever I want, it gave a voice to every degenerate (not the good type, my fellow Trump supporters) out there.

Only because you were a child during it

Them some pretty girls.
That's not even androgynous pretty boys, just full "put em in a skirt and they'll be fuckable" girly.

9/11 and the internet. Simple as that.

Touchy, feely "please only good vibes" 90s is exactly the shit that degenerated into the disgusting, anti egalitarian, PC culture that's honestly strongest amongst single Gen x'ers, who probably slicked to these feminine boys as little girls.

Seriously, OP, you are a faggot.

So the world is exactly the same, and only his perspective has changed?

internet didn't get ruined until the late 2000s when normies started using it, it was very vanilla in the 90s and in the early 2000s the internet was great.

>Implying the Jewish producers of those kids weren't buttfucking the shit out of them behind the scenes.

Funny. I graduated HS in 92. Saw the death of political correcNess V1. And tbe berlin wall fell. Was convinced we'd be in post-racial Era of harmony by now. Then Obama and PC v2 and BLM... funk those guys.

There is no use for humanity and everyones ego is lashing out harshly at the fact that they aren't special and they don't matter. Instead of coming to terms with this they act like faggots in a feeble attempt to pretend anything matters.

So basically a world wide existential crisis.

I was a child in the 90's.
Video games were fun. There was a good amount of distractions not like today where everything is an app or a commercial.

9/11 really crashed things.

This 2bph. The 90s were actually pretty lame after about '95. This first half of the 90s were GOAT years, the second half sucked pretty hard.

things went much slower before the internet. you also went outside more and talked to other people

From 1945 to 1996 every American's life got BETTER (on average). Since 1996 EVERY level of wealth, prosperity, and happiness has gotten WORSE for 99% of Americans.

1996 was also when the internet started to take off. Before that THREE networks spoon fed us bullshit and we ate it up like cum hungry whores. It was the last time there was ONE promoted music genre (grunge) and the LAST time Democrats and Republicans were nice to each other (before the impeachment).

It was the last moment of innocence (or ignorance) in America.

>DAE LE 90'S?!

No, gen x'er, it was always a shitty, weak impotent take on western culture. Our culture at its best promotes strength, self improvement, self sufficiency and modernist (as in Nietzsche) values.

The 90s and even late 80s were a cancer that spread to our brains, making us slow and deliberately weak. It's as if we simply allowed a disease to overtake us.

How did 9/11 affect you growing up (just curios)

It was whiter but most white people were filth which encouraged people's appetite for shitskins I suppose.

The 90's were only ok. It was the beginning of the "I hate my daddy" movement.

The 80's were awesome tho.

Also women wore sundresses with big, clunky shoes. It made no sense.

96 was also the year we got our PM who took away our guns after a disabled man shot up a restaurant like a veteran marine.
1996 sucked. It was the beginning of the end.

They were good I guess?

I was 2 to 12 years old during the 90s. I'm sure if you asked someone in that age range today why the present day is so shitty they couldn't give you an answer.

Dude holly valance was in neighbors not long after that come on

The internet hadn't fully developed and butt fucked everyone. If you wanted to see people you went out and saw them. Things here in the states were pretty chill, music was great, shit was cash

>90s kids idolize the 90s
>80s kids idolize the 80s
>70s kids idolize the 70s
>60s kids idolize the 60s

hmm... it's almost as if... people tend to create an idealized version of the time when they were children and completely ignorant of reality... whoa...

really gobsmacks ones' jimjams...

I swear, you Brits are the only ones who watch that garbage.

She was a total babe though 2bf

It really wasn't a nice innocent carefree time growing up in it, BUT our media was a lot less gloom and doom and people seemed more positive in their outlook. The Internet weirdly ruined this by giving people way too much information overloading so it's easier to think the world is worse off, when you can see it.

iraq war changed the direction of the world. it gave the government so much more power/expansion and sent our government into huge debt that could've been used building america. also the media basically merged with the government leading to what we've got now.

before 9/11 america to some degree had moral authority in the world (declining cause clinton and other things) but after 9/11 we went into iraq illegally and bush created a generation of liberals which allowed obama and sjw. we revolted against the stupid hardcore right wing christians and the bush party and went towards liberalism as a result.

i wanted kerry and obama twice, but i think liberals are totally insane now. i don't regret either obama choice either. mccain and romney were even fucking worse and wanted to go start a war with iran. if we never went into iraq these kind of crazy fucks wouldn't be around. previously before bush republicans were the anti-war party while democrats were all about freedumb bombing

The 90s were shit. Full pc time, degenerate AF. My school convinced me that people are nothing but socipathetic, ego driven, soulless machines, incapable of empathy and ready to betray, torture and kill for the slightest personal gain.

Really makes you realize utopia doesn't exist. Think about all the soldiers bleeding out on some battlefield in your favorit era. Nostalgia is illusion.

It was the 90s and their girls, they can sell them anything if they put it in the right magazines and on the right TV channels.


The 90s was really the beginnings of the Marxist mind set where everyone basically felt entitled to an upper middle class life no matter the quality and skill set they had and no matter their usefulness to society.

It worked well for them so now you have the rich kids getting into finance and usury and leftists getting into overpaid government jobs and the whole thing 100% relies on mass immigration to keep it going. Which is why the media and elites are so anti Trump and anti anyone who is anti mass immigration.

Before that you really had to be an engineer or doctor or something to be guaranteed of good money.

just something else, bush ran a platform saying he was against nation building. he said that cause clinton went around the world bombing people. bush inverted the republican party with neo-conservatism using 9/11 as an excuse.

so, yeah, basically the guy who is known for failed nation building ran saying he was against it. he even said it in the presidential debates with him and gore.


They make beer now, apparently. Or do some kind of re-blend thing from one of the other local breweries probably. I see this shit sitting forlornly on the liquor store shelf.

>the LAST time Democrats and Republicans were nice to each other (before the impeachment).
Some food for thought:

Funny how race relations were better under Bush than a semi-black president.

not here. 90s were the worst time in my life

I don't know if I agree with that completely.
Even though you have a point, we had a boom of shit like Doom and other gory "ULTRA VIOLENT oh yeah Big Guns!" shit that I miss.

Kinda like Japan and its controlled chaos. Order all around with chaotic nichés, although the West's dychotomy would be more along the terms of niceness x meaness.

this...also fpbp

They weren't better - black people were just more easy to ignore back then.

People like you were born, and no they weren't more innocent, there were less SJW's

the 90s were fucking amazing. We all lived in huge houses and our parents drove new cars and our moms stayed at home.

We all knew things were just getting better and better too.

Then in the 2000s came around a few of us started to get jobs. They sucked. We started to drive and our cars sucked and were old and never worked. Some of us went to school, but it turns out a degree doesn't go as far as it used to and its fucking super expensive.

Now the lucky ones of us slave away at jobs to live in tiny apartments. We still drive shit cars, we are all alone but have little interest in the opposite sex.

Reality hit hard.

Is it not big in Australia?

Some interesting points user to chew over especially the point sjw's being a hangover of bush's goverment,

With any culture, you have certain pictures and events that end up defining the mindset of entire generations. For Boomers, this was the picture of an American on the moon. It gave the country a sense of optimism, and the idea that nothing will be out of humanity's grasp.
9/11 was that kind of thing for anyone born in the late 80's and early 90's, and it taught us that life is a transitory, scary thing and that there's no such thing as security. Everything from the phony intel that lead to the Iraq war to NSA snooping was fueled by America's fear, and these things served to disillusion a lot of Americans about their country, ultimately leading to the crazy ONE WORLD! fucks here.
Europeans and some younger Americans don't understand why America was (and still is) kinda bent out of shape about it. It's because it began a chain of events that became more and more terrible as the years went by.

hey, Kids in the Hall
good show, man

>The 90s seemed like
>seemed like

they were fucking NOT

Look up Clinton's presidency. Carefree my ass.


We had a great president during the 90's.

Bush Jr. could have done just as well but he let the PNAC convince him to destabilize the ME.

>90's are amazing, dream of amazing future where I have everything my parents do
>2008 comes, recession hits literally the year you are old enough to get a job/car, be an adult, etc.

Thanks for the cocktease, God!

Niggers, Chinks, Mexicans and Muslims

That's what happened

>Is it not big in Australia?
I know no-one who watches it. It is the Foster's Beer of soap operas - we export it and it is popular overseas, but very few people here like it or consume it, due to its perceived lack of quality.

What do you think the coming years will be like culture wise?

Styx put a video up yesterday saying shit like how we might be entering a time period reminiscent of the 80's.

shit was cash senpai, literally

he is right though, the 80s were the fucking best! But this time start to remind me of good things again.

Before you leave well written.

Imglad you mentioned neo conservatism

Why do people think the 90's weren't shit, nigs were killing people at record rates

I think, for me anyway, I thought there were more people who thought like me. With analytics, and forums, I came to the realisation that there were very few people who cared about what I cared about. Once the internet got really going at the beginning of the 2000s, I started to slowly realise that there are a lot of people who just have thoughts that are so foreign to me, and it's a lot harder to relate to people, once you see that. I was so cheery and optimistic in the 90s, but now don't really want to be around anyone anymore.

What I'm trying to get at, is that the internet allowed us to look into each other's inner world, and it turns out some of us are very different from each other. Before that happened, it was a lot easier to just assume that everyone was thinking the same thing. Also 9/11 really changed everything. The two things together, I think, ended up getting us to where we are today. As the adage goes, ignorance is bliss. And sometimes you can still observe that happiness in people that are so old that they never bothered with the internet at all. My parents generation--the boomers for example--still seem a little shocked by what is happening. There are still retirements of the pre-millenial thinking where there was an assumption that we are all mostly good. It was really like this. It's true, people still trusted each other enough to just talk with strangers.


Sure, mega violent 80s presenting a noir scene as kitsch and tasteless as possible. Do you think this promotes touchy feely shit or do you believe it actually adequately represents the alternative?

The kind of culture I want to see is kind of an internet driven renaissance, as if Nietzsche and Kierkegaard and all my favourite philosophers that wrote all the arguments for the red pilled 100+ years before they were needed were actually alive and writing today.

Careless, casual violent 80s isn't what I want at all. It, like the oversexualisation of the 00s, is simply cheapening something that's meant to be the ultimate in impact. For instance in fiction you should only go to hell once until you're revolving the shark.

Have you been drinking petrol with abbos?

the 90s were angsty

nirvana, smashing pumpkins, pearl jam, soundgarden, ratm, etc.

it was a struggle

at the same time there were many things great about it. internet/computers were not widespread, so as kids we spent most of our time playing outside, with each other, etc. that was cool.

t. 1981 user


Oh yeah all soap operas here are perceived as trash but the UK ones are 10x depressing as neighbours so its a light soap with fit 17 year olds

>tfw people in the 90s were so holy they could unironically watch Full House

>the phony intel that lead to the Iraq war
Secret service info came from an Iraqi defector to the German BND (CIA equivalent). BND's position was clear: his info on WMDs COULD be accurate, but he could equally well lie about it. Your government made a HARD FACT out of it. Obviously they WANTED the war at all costs.

The last good decade.

Little girls like effeminate boys, and IIRC only the lead singer was a heartthrob.

this, somehow

Back in the 90's, if you wanted to jerk off to internet porn, you had to wait 5 minutes for a jpeg to load. You started getting it warmed up and once the tits load you start going, only to realize 2 minutes later that it was actually a tranny the whole time.

Jews have eaten children long before they took over. Satan worshippers they are.

See what this user wrote

That makes sense, I think I understand why you lot like it now. But to be fair, as depressing as Corrie can be, it's a darn good show.

crime peaked somewhere in the early 90s due to crack

eventually there was a heroin crisis and sudam

it wasn't peaches and cream, but yeah it was also kind of a care free time as well

It only seemed that way because the media was still focussed mostly on whites. It was a time where you could turn on the TV or radio and not be bombarded with degeneracy.

There was still plenty of foreign wars and genocides, and rioting at home. It was NOT peaceful at all, but it seemed so if you were watching cartoons and sitcoms rather than the news (which many of us did because we were kids).

>moral decay brought on by media corporations run by atheist psychopaths.

The internet + low testosterone levels + feminism

An its not the worst one , EastEnders had 2 people die in the Christmas specials and one person nearly commuting suicide

The 90s had the perfect balance between technology and social interaction. I honestly miss it.

Dem 90s feels

We will see what Trump does. I really want to know. Bush a liar, Obama a total fraud. Will Trump just be the next alphabet, big oil and (((wall street))) puppet? It wouldn't surprise me, but I sitll hope otherwise.

That's pretty heavy. I haven't ever watched Eastenders,but now that you brought it up, I remembered that my parents recently stopped watching it, because it was all so grim and mopey all the time.

Fuck the '90's

>Assault Weapon bans
>Ruby Ridge
>Hilllary in the white house
>Bill raping women
>Impeached President

You graduated and got a job. Or went to school while working the drive thru and and living with roomies.

Microsoft Office was considered tech knowledge so easy job.

Also pagers and macintosh.


Nah, 90s trannies were nowhere near convincing.

True. These were bursts, like they are in Japan in face of their concrete gray jobslaving society. The sexualization of the 00s must have come out as that too, a mix of opportunism and supposed "liberation" that started in the 60s and continued on as an illusion.

The anti-SJW movements we've been seeing are also reactions. I believe the kind of society you strive for only come during stabilization of all these social reactions, but it takes time to find the right specifications. What causes the downfall is a mystery, perhaps some groups' excesses spill and everything falls like domino pieces? I don't know.

People that grew up in the 90's are probably the most nostalgic people, because they grew during a period of extreme change.

We saw the first FPS games, the first cell phones, 56K to high-speed, DVD's. drastic changes in music and culture, everything started changing gears and going so fast while we were also coming of age. It was sort of traumatic in a way. It was a violent change.

We'll have to wait and see but he's got a short order in beating Bush as even conservatives hate him, though I have the inclination the USA won't go to war with trump at the helm

>How did the world turn to such shit?

Good times breed weak man.

Exactly. I often try to replicate that balance between technology and social interaction of the mid 90s, but it is hard when no one else does. You end up socially isolating yourself. People these days are too hooked onto technology, and it has negatively affecting their sociability and social skills.
Ironically, when people start to feel sad/lonely/stressed in current times, they placate themselves with the internet and "E-socialising", which only makes the problem worse and they're more detached than ever before.

Caitlyn stacy was the best

>but it is hard when no one else does. You end up socially isolating yourself.
This cut deep user.

Time to die.