Still has not released his tax returns

>Still has not released his tax returns

ITT let's guess what he's hiding

Other urls found in this thread:

>let's guess what he's hiding
Nothing. Other people's tax returns are none of your business.

They are when you're the president

>successful business man doesnt want to share his private business with people who want to complain about how he didnt pay for their gibs

literally nothing

If digits kek confirms NOTHING

that he isn't a billionaire

it's why he lost the lawsuit against that guy who claimed he was worth only 250 at most, Trump couldn't disprove it.

He's no longer a business man. He's the president. If he continues owning private businesses as president he's in violation of the law.

no they arent you spaz

1 he doesnt own it 2 he wouldnt, hes stated this before, hes transferring ownership so he doesn't juggle two jobs

ummmm what are his buildings, plane and helicopter?

thats just a fucking trope

its not our right

He's redirecting funds to make anime real.

There's nothing to see there, I'm betting Trump declares almost no income and defers as much tax as possible because as he says "Why wouldn't I? You let me do it".

A guy like Trump will have multiple shell corps all filtering his money with a tiny declared income

he's hiding his master plan to deport all niggers after their last chimp out over this petition - sign it now anons

And tax returns don't show how much money you have in the bank you dumb ass non country faggot



Not an argument.

xdddd something he owns isnt his worth good 1

Actually, that's exactly what it does.

Nope, its not in violation of the law.

Dude, I don't want to pay $600 this month for some SJW's Obama sex change care. I am broke and working my ass off. Fucken rainbow haired thieves.

Meh he's probably scrubbed it all already now that he's president.

Bribes. Nambla. A pittance in wealth as compared to his mouth. And money laundering

Nothing. Because he doesn't pay any taxes.

Then it would be a requirement which it isn't

Probably all his property he doesnt want vandalized

If there was something in his tax returns, the IRS would have found it

so? guess whos tax code he used?

First off, it's noneya.

Second off, liberals are dumb fucks that don't understand how taxes work when you have actual money and businesses. Look how stupid poorfags libshit reacted at the page that was "leaked" in the summer. No matter what, the media will pick it apart and find something they can lie about that liberals will buy.

No it doesn't you ignoramus. It shows your income and losses for one year.

Then I guess it's good that the IRS has a copy of all of his tax returns then, isn't it?

Why does Shlomo Goldberg and (((CNN))) need with a tax return when the most powerful law enforcement agency in the country already has them under audit?

Barron's Sup Forums posting proxy.

No, they aren't. While it has become a popular trend for candidates to do so for "transparency" points, they are in no way compelled to.

we all know ivanka shuts off the internet this time of night

a jewish council

> It shows your income and losses for one year.

Thanks for agreeing.

explain please

>one year
glad you came to your senses

You can't be this stupid

He is an entrepenure who know how to make more make more money off of his assets than any hedge fund manager could. Plus dividends and interest have little opportunity to recieve tax benefits, no write offs, depreciation, ability to claim as charitable deductions or ability to close shop and declare bankruptcy is all goes really south
>You can write off 3k in investment losses a year that it

There is no reason for him to keep more than a couple million in liquid assets

there are people who bought basketball teams 15 or 20 years ago who have operated at a loss each year but have something that went from being worth 100 million to 1 billion

Wrong again, literally no where it shows net worth

Best you will get are interest and dividends from cash on hand

Just try to find what line from a 1040 that's on

Like it matters, he will abolish the IRS.

Rich people don't pay taxes, they pay token shows of obedience to the government.

Oh look it's Juán Pablo Sandoval being a shitskin commiefornia faggot again.

SAGE and HIDE this cocksucker.


Payments to rape victims

I thought he already admitted to not paying taxes. What would he release if that's true?

I wonder how hard Sup Forums would be freaking out if Hillary didn't release hers and had won.

>a trumpkin thinks he can start a meme

I would be freaking out but not because of taxes

such a risk of WW3 would be terrifying

He released 100 pages finances on his corp.
ya tard

You claimed it shows net worth, in no way does a tax return show such data. It doesn't even show the value of income producing aassets you retard. No one is agreeing with you because you're an idiot. Maybe Norway makes people get taxed in their entire net worth every year, but double taxation by the same body in the same assets is illegal here.

>ITT let's guess what he's hiding
You must be joking.

ITT: Retards who will blindly follow their "leader" without caring for transparency whatsoever. IT DOES MATTER. I wanna know his business ties, how he avoids taxes, and any shady shit he might be involved in. If you guys dont want to know these things then that only means that you are willing to shut out any bad thing that Trump might be engaged in and only focus on the good. That is called delusion faggots.

Paying hobos to fight to the death. He's a new yorker. He had definitely participated in unground bum fights of death.also Russian whores.

I'm supposed how this is a shock to a lot of people

If you were offered a deduction or credit on your taxes, why wouldn't you take it?
If you think he's wrong for doing so then lead by example and waive your standard deduction and pay taxes on your gross income this year

It's actually more of a grey area, the president can own buisnesses and such while in office, it's just that conflicts of interest muddies the waters and could very easily step into something that would be ruled unconstitutional.

Lets say he doesn't pay taxes. If you were smart enough to figure out a way or work with people who can figure that out, you'd do that too.

If his "business ties" were established years ago, his tax returns won't show you shit. Want to know how most rich people avoid tax? They buy municipal and state bonds because they aren't taxed. What an evil fuck for contributing to city and state coffers!

As an 3rd party perspective who hated Hillary and Trump with a passion almost equally, I think we're at about the same chance for WW3 with Trump as Hillary. Especially with his comments of

>why can't we use nukes? why can't we use nukes
>take out their families

As well as the shit ton of neocons he's putting into power. I think his "accidental" chance of putting us in a war is about equal to the idea that Hillary DEFINITELY would put us in a war.

but that's just like, my opinion man.

>right beside sweden

that Barron is the parent company of Trump. Barron is the matermind all along.

>ITT let's guess what he's hiding- 60 posts and 8 image replies shown.
Literally nothing of note.

Hes just hiding them to fuck it retards who keep screaming about it like its a big deal. In 6 months he will probably release them for shits and giggles and leftie media will throw a temper tantrum.

>what is the right to privacy
Do you want to see Donald's dick too? Do you want to see his personal bathroom too?

Are you one of those faggots that thinks there's a field for "Russian spy payments" on a 1040?

When your balls drop, you too will have to pay taxes.

Nice to see a rational person on this board. I think we will definitely have a war in Iran, whether that translates to WW3, we shall see.

So whats wrong with releasing his tax returns. There is some shady shit going on, he literally has no reason not to release them otherwise.

>>why can't we use nukes? why can't we use nukes
>take out their families

Read up on Nixon's madman theory. Nukes are worthless unless the enemy thinks you'll use them, so he pretended he would utilize them to bring the commies to the negotiating table.

>I think we will definitely have a war in Iran
Hillary lost.

Micheal Flynn and Deputy Secretary of State John Bolton both want confrontation with Iran. Exxon Mobil has oil interests in that region and Exxon Mobil CEO is now secretary of state. Trump himself is super against the Iran Deal and has allied himself strongly with Israel who wants us to go into war with Iran. Look man, I know Hillary lost and I didn't even vote for her. But I look at the facts and it paints a bleak picture. I'm happy for you that you find enjoyment in a Trump victory but I hope one day you will get your head out of your ass.

money from the bogdanoffs

Because he's not required to, was being audited, and had legal counsel recommend not releasing them during an audit.

Can't believe Americans itt (trumpcucks) have become literal cult sheeple that can't dare question their leader. What have you become, a bunch of collectivist retards with no self awareness or individuality. Just thirst for your bull Trump's semen.
