Athiests, please tell me how your beliefs don't lead to degenracy in society?

Athiests, please tell me how your beliefs don't lead to degenracy in society?

Other urls found in this thread:öbekli_Tepe


still can't believe they found him that quickly. charges when?

It does lead to degeneracy. Atheism isn't for mainstream.

Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Australia and Japan all have very high levels of atheism. Doesn't really seem degenerate to me.

That's hilarious

This. Without rigid dogmatic beliefs people will come to conclusions that suit their selfish desires. Atheism corrupts idiots and geniuses alike. There are some who can handle forming their own value system. I'm apathetic towards religion and I'm a social conservative so it's obviously possible but the sheer number of degenerates speaks for itself.

I'm an atheist but abide by Christian morals. Anyone considering themselves a "secular humanist" is full of shit. Our morals stem from Judeo-Christian as well as Greco-Roman beliefs. If an atheist is too arrogant to accept that then they are a fucking neck beard. There are some cool atheists but you'll be hard pressed to find them.

Depends on where you are from. I've met a lot of good people from places in Asia and South America as well. I don't think all good morals come from judeo-christian and greco-roman beliefs. The golden rule seems to be widespread.

What belief?

It is not belief that leads to degeneracy, it is comfort and security.

I think the state replaces religion user. Laws restrict degeneracy.

Absence of rationalized madness leads to the formation of new rationalized madness, we call this madness Liberalism.

Atheism begins with the idea that we can know for sure that there is no supernatural power above our own. This is laughable, of course, one, because it claims to know that a thing does not exist without first knowing all that does exist, and two, because even if you knew every natural thing, you could still not prove the supernatural, that which exists beyond our natural senses, does not exist.

Atheism begins with the assumption that logic is the first thing. It continues by preaching that logic is all that is needed, and faith and belief are obsolete, along with hope and all other virtues derived from them.

Then it proceeds to preach its gospel without any semblance of logic at all.

With no logical foundation for morality, Atheists still persist in using words like “good” and “bad”, “should” and “should not”. I would someone who would join Atheism, just as any other religion, would first ask, “What is good?” Or rather, “What should I do?”

The Atheist answer is the most pathetic of all. The logically obvious answer is, “It doesn’t matter what you do. You will die and disappear. So do whatever you want to.” This is the thought that I think most Atheists have.

Of course, the above is simply a recipe for disaster. Moral relativity means what is good for one is not good for all, and so you end up with people who think it’s a good idea to dress up as the Joker and murder people in a theater. So we can’t have that kind of ideology, because it’s simply not good. (Note the logical contradiction here, or rather, the lack of any logic whatsoever in such a statement.)

I scratch my head at the logical inconsistencies one must embrace to be an Atheist. I laugh inside when Atheists violate their own sacred law of logic to preach and argue in the public square. In the end, I pity them as little children. They are simply too immature to really think about what logic really is, and to learn how to apply it in one’s life.

I prefer to consider myself agnostic, but I suppose I am atheist because I don't believe in any gods - I just think that it's not something a person can know either way with certainty, and none of the versions of supreme beings propounded by holy books seem plausible to me. Not a huge fan of calling myself atheist though, as it calls to mind pseudo-intellectual fuckwits who have cringe-inducing arguments with perfectly nice people about religion on the internet, thinking being right is grounds for being rude. It really isn't.

Yes, atheism can and often does lead to degeneracy. This is because most people, including MUH IQ CORRELATION atheists, are fucking idiots.

Atheists obviously believe that the bible and other holy books are false, and subsequently that the moral systems they propose are also false, and that everything to do with religion is somehow harmful by virtue of being incorrect. In short, they throw out the baby with the bath water, failing to recognise that religion has huge positive benefits for society regardless of whether or not it's true. Most atheists reject one version of absolute morality and somehow conclude from that that morality can't be absolute.

It doesn't lead to degeneracy for me because I have self control and I'm not an atheist for attention.

I have no faith in other people however and believe 99% of the population should adhere to christianity.

How is it degeneracy is measured in what a man does in his privacy?

>Atheism corrupts idiots and geniuses alike
TFW pride really is the greatest sin which spawns all others.

Tell me the last time a terrorist attack was carried out by an atheist.

If you can't, your claim can be dismissed.

What about the Catholic Church molestation scandals and cover-ups (to say the least)? Was that not degeneracy, sewn, cultivated and cloaked behind a very clean looking (and authoritative) system?

>terrorist attacks are the only form of degeneracy.

What are you smoking mate?

Our morals stem from our innate desire for human solidarity.

If not, why did the human race not massacre itself before religions popped up?

Does atheism always resonate well with autism?

Looking at your face is a terrorist attack

100 million people dead from communism in the last one hundred years.

Atheism has a far higher death toll.

If you believe you only have one life, and the only things to live on after your death are your name and deeds, you're going to lead a life worthy of remembrance.

That guy is just an edgelord.

>Kill over 100 million people in the last century alone
>We are not terrorists tho


i have bad news for you...

>morality without God

No you silly fedora. One of the problems atheists have is the unbelievers' assertion that it is possible to determine what is right and what is wrong without God. They have a fundamental inability to concede that to be effectively absolute a moral code needs to be beyond human power to alter.

On this misunderstanding is based a supposed conundrum about whether there is any good deed that could be done only by a religious person, and not done by a Godless one. Like all such questions, this contains another question: what is good, and who is to decide what is good?

Left to himself, Man can in a matter of minutes justify the incineration of populated cities; the deportation, slaughter, disease and starvation of inconvenient people and the mass murder of the unborn.
I have heard people who believe themselves to be good, defend all these things, and convince themselves as well as others. Quite often the same people will condemn similar actions committed by different countries, often with great vigour.
For a moral code to be effective, it must be attributed to, and vested in, a non-human source. It must be beyond the power of humanity to change it to suit itself.

Its most powerful expression is summed up in the words 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends'.

I implore you to list all these mass murders carried out by atheists.

Because atheism just means not having a belief in God. You can fit whatever system of society you want on top of that.

I have self control and am not personally degenerate but I also think Christianity has the right idea on morals and society. Frankly though i couldn't give a shit about the paranormal part of it and praying and all that shit and I also don't believe anything without evidence

>Atheism pushed by every communist society in history
>Actively kills Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims etc.
>Not Degenerate

It's almost as though there's some objective moral standard that the entirety of humanity measures itself against.

I always find it funny when both atheists and religious people use arguments like these.
>Y Religion killed X ppl
>No, but Athiesm killed X ppl

You frame the argument as if Atheism was the prime cause of the killings. In reality it was probably motivated by resource allocations, greed, or just hatred. Those motivations exist in both atheistic or religious mindsets, it is the human condition. As long as people exist it does not matter what one's beliefs are killings will continue.

Tim McVeigh

Funny enough if you want to be accurate about people's that don't have good morals you would drop Judeo from there

I have never met a Jew that didn't swindle and fuck people over for personal gain and greed

Hold on, are you claiming to follow every aspect of the biblical moral code? Does that mean you stone adulterers and folks who work Sundays?

If you're telling me that a grown man fucking himself in the ass and rubbing shit on himself isn't degenerate, your mind is already reprobate and there's no hope for you.

I can make the exact same claim but for your side. A man can justify anything as being correct so long as he believes he has god on his side.

What is right and what is wrong is subjective to your point of view. Hence why not everyone has the same moral code. If it came from god then everybody would have the same moral code.

I tend to reject the claim that a God exists because I find the evidence unconvincing and insufficient. However I still believe that killing, theft, purgery, and adultery are wrong. I have just disproved your claim.

Can you show me a similar figure for any religion?

What if you're in the middle

I recognize god the supernatural cant be proven at this time to not exist but also it cannot be proven to exist

What of someone like Anders Behring Breivik, who's (Christian) logic justified a planning a 9 year attack against his own people?

I've met Jews who seemed like good people or so I think? But it is interesting how such a significant minority of the population has such immense control over world affairs.

Let's see how long it takes for the theist to misrepresent something he doesn't understand!

>Atheism begins with the idea that we can know for sure that there is no supernatural power above our own.

Boom, first sentence and we're done already.

Atheism isn't about rejection of the possibility of some supernatural force. It's rejection of all the ones offered so far. It's a lack of belief in a supernatural force.

Not long ago actually.... Ted Kaczynski was an atheist, and what a surprise, he was a lefty, so i guess you are wrong.

Christianity (though the numbers are all estimates)


Capitalism (soon to be with the end of the oil era)

>killing Jews and Muslims
>a bad thing
Pick one


Didn't know Timothy McVeigh killed 100 million people. He was also raised Roman Catholic and took the Last Rites before execution.

no beliefs dont lead to degeneracy, beliefs lead to degeneracy

if you dont think there is a god, that has nothing to do with how much of an autistic faggot you will act like

There's a difference between a Jew and "my great grandmother might have been kind of a Jew so my family and I converted to Judaism"

...D-do people really smear poop on themselves to get off?

What the fuck?

>For a moral code to be effective, it must be attributed to, and vested in, a non-human source. It must be beyond the power of humanity to change it to suit itself.

But every single moral code in existence has been changed and edited by humanity, and the examples of those that laughably claim otherwise contain mutually exclusive moral precepts, so how are we to decide which one to follow?

>100 million people dead from communism

Low numbers, friendo. Mao killed at least 75 million just inside China during the Great Leap Forward. 200-250 million is closer to total. Communism is very bad for your health.

Saying you are religous and not living through it is not better than being an atheist and maybe even worse for being a hypocrite. There is no greater feeling than living through God with all your body, heart, and soul.

Islam in its entire history and still counting as we speak

OK, so we can't dismiss your claim from that, but I will always be able to name a theist who killed MORE people, therefore disproving that it is atheism that is the cause of the degeneration.

I'll start with Adolf Hitler.

more accurately:
it is a rejection of all that is non-falsifiable

poisoning the well fallacy

Matt 22
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

^-- That is every aspect of the biblical moral code condensed into 2 laws that we are now commanded to follow.


there is no proof of god, and degeneracy has nothing to do with god

there is degeneracy in religion, and there is degeneracy in atheism

Communism is not atheism... You realize this I hope?

Yeah, I cant understand those atheists, I mean, how much faith does it take to have no faith whatsoever lul

ha are you fucking stupid

correlation isn't causation dumb shit

no one kills in the name of no god

Who the hell could pour their poop out of a...


Never mind.

that's chocolate and oil, hot oil... I don't know why
besides this isn't as bad as you think because this atheist fuck was already known as a bisexual, so it's not like he was shoving bananas up his ass and pretending to not be a faggot

Christians, please tell me how your beliefs don't lead to degeneracy in society?

If we are ever to reach the stars whites must be preserved and inferior races and weak and mentally deficient must not be allowed to breed

For example the leftists rioting in DC yelling destroying with absolutely no goals or logic should all be quietly disposed of

Hitler wasn't a theist. Hitler hated Christianity and sought to turn Germany in a more magickal direction.

>Athiests, please tell me how your beliefs don't lead to degenracy in society?
I supported Trump

>hey atheists, please debate with me on how non-degenerate you are, as I continually shift goal posts as to what I consider degenerate or not

Nah, fuck off mate

Oh, it's this thread again. It's such a strange thing - the notion that certain political traits are inseparable. If you are atheist, you also like Islam, communism, promiscuity and whatever other bad things you can come up with. It just isn't true. I don't know if God exists, but since he is unneeded to describe the universe, I don't believe in him. I dislike Christianity because it has a bad record, but I recognize that it shaped the whole Western world and I would take it over Islam any day - Islam is a violent and barbaric religion, which lead to a ridiculous amount of wars - Shias and Sunnis are still fighting, 1200 years later. As for morals, how on earth are they connected? The bible tells to stone adulterers and quit working on Saturdays. That is conveniently forgotten today. your family, your books, your culture have a much greater on your morality than religion, which keeps you "moral" through fear of eternal punishment, like an animal. Religion is nothing more than a nice, easy to understand
fairy tale refuge from the giant incomprehensible world out there.

this cant be real

While i´m an atheist myself i´ve come to the conclusion that religion is pretty much a necessary tool to keep the world from completely going to shit.

not my claim, im just testing you're virtue signaling....L2ID

you don't need to kill people to be a society-wrecking degenerate

Adolf Hitler, Pope Urban II, Osama Bin Laden.

In total they murdered tens of millions with the belief that god was behind them. Atheism is not the root of degeneration.

Hey im a christian, but it should be said that our notion of morality as something that "stems from God" is not evidence based.

We have evolved to be social creatures, and as such, all out lizard brain computations about cost-benefit will include social consequences for our actions. Hating injustice is not so different from hating social ineficiency. Acting like a nice guy, doing good unto others, etc. Has a lot of rewarding social consequences.

Our brains, and the way they interpret reality based on time, space and cost, is more than enough to explain human morality.

As a christian neuroscientist im inclined to believe that God is necessary for morality the same way God is necessary for the laws of physics. Only a degenerate mad man would feel confortable creating a ton of social liabilities for himself by acting in a dumb or inneficient way, regardless of age, creedo, etc.

But culture will normalize some incredibly stupid and inneficient practices (see islam).

As musashi said, habit makes the unnatural natural, and man stops questioning himself.

Then you're a pussy. Become agnostic while the adults salvage what's left of atheism.

atheism is an integral part of the communist ideology

>There is no greater feeling than living through God with all your body, heart, and soul.

It's a good opiate, but it does have it's downs when you have to justify suffering as gift (and proof) of God's love. And this, too, can devolve into fetishism. Here's an old example from Ramon Llull's "The Book of the Lover and the Beloved", Passage 9: "Tell me, Lover," asked the Beloved, "would you be as patient if I doubled your anguish?" "Of course, as long as you doubled my love".

Personally I feel the greatest of ease to recognize the mortality of myself and all in the universe, that all is a constant change from one state to another, that the line of (perceived) control is paper thin, and yet that I can still feel, recognize, and understand suffering and dissatisfaction within myself and others, as well as have an urge and duty to live smartly and justly for myself and others.

Osama was working for CIA then mossad, and the first two rocked. You failed.

I dont really think so user. I think we have it built in our genetic code to have some sort of morality via empathy because it facilitates survival. There was a time when people didn't follow religion, yet mankind didn't destroy itself then. We have an instinctual morality to preserve ourselves as a species, much like a pack of wolves for example. But our morality then did not expand to other groups of people because we were organized in a tribal system. Once we advance as a civilization our needs increase, hence the need for religion to put a mass of people subservient to an ideology. However, with the rise of nation-states soon it is no longer necessary to have religion, because people being subservient to nationalism accomplishes the same goal. However the danger with these types of thinking is that in terms of morality it is regressive, because now humans have an us vs. them mentality which allows them to justify atrocities towards people in other groups(other religions and other nations). Ultimately atheism doesn't accomplish anything but neither does religion and nationalism in terms of morality. Both are ways to keep a population subservient. I think humans have always been moral because we all have a capacity for empathy towards other people, its just ideologies pop up now and then to exploit that empathy to include some and exclude others.

>>Personally I feel the greatest of ease to recognize the mortality of myself and all in the universe, that all is a constant change from one state to another, that the line of (perceived) control is paper thin, and yet that I can still feel, recognize, and understand suffering and dissatisfaction within myself and others, as well as have an urge and duty to live smartly and justly for myself and others.

you sound like a humongous faggot, especially because I can imagine yourself thinking that gibberish is some sort of prodound thought

>Adolf Hitler, Pope Urban II, Osama Bin Laden.
>In total they murdered tens of millions with the belief that god was behind them

Nice meme.

>There was a time when people didn't follow religion
wrong, stopped reading there

Guys stop, the meme magic might get too much. If this keeps up then reality will begin to tear itself asunder.

Unless this whole election was an elaborate plan to begin 4th impact and tear open a dimension so you can finally get rejected by your waifu. It all makes sense now.

I should have been more vague but on that point neither you nor I can know for sure whether people have always believed in a God. I think during the time humans operated without language, they did not really conceive of such an idea.

Wait, what?

>It's a good opiate
Hum.. so is sex and several other rewarding experiences, but for some reason the parts of the brain responsible for contemplation of the divine can bypass all that.

>but it does have it's downs when you have to justify suffering as gift (and proof) of God's love.

having to justify suffering ... wut? what doctrine are you talking about specifically?

And why the fuck does God HAVE to make a world with rainbows, unicorns and zero suffering for him to be God? Why cant God enjoy seeing people compete thro natural selection?

>And this, too, can devolve into fetishism.
This should be good

>A ton of opinions that I held when I was a fucking 5 year old.
Grats bro, you are a real intellectual. Maybe you could expand on how everyone who believes in God is a coward afraid of death and how you are so enlightened for being able to realize that.

>lives according to internal urges of smartness and justice
So, tell me, why do you feel that your feelings are worth listening to?

>on that point neither you nor I can know for sure whether people have always believed in a God
the earliest evidence of civilization that we have is literally what people built to worship their gods. Not even memeing. Therefore yes, we know for sure that as long as men existed, also existed religion.

Yes he was and yes his party was.

If he wasn't then how come in the first chapter of Mein Kampf, Hitler says he is doing God's work and executing his will in destroying the Jewish people? How come the Fueher oath that every officer in the army had to take began with "I swear to the Almighty God my loyalty to the Fueher...?" How come on the belt buckle of every Nazi soldier it says (translated) "god on our side?" How come the very first treaty that the Nazis made was with the Vatican? How come the church celebrated Hitler's birthday every year until democracy an end to it?

>There was a time when people didn't follow religion, yet mankind didn't destroy itself then.
Quite a fucking claim. Also, gotta define "destroy itself"

I wanted to comment on the rest but everything else is a pile of garbage

>The only country in Europe gayer than Italy is Greece. Italians picked up homosexuality and pedophilia from Alexander the Great who was uber gay. Julius Caesar and Leonard Da Vinci are two of the most influential gays in Italian history. The Italians are so gay that the German word for homosexual was "Florenzer", which literally means a person from Florence. Renaissance Italy let the gays make great arts and inventions while the rest of Europe was in the Medieval habit of stoning teh gays.

Thomas said "i wont believe that man is Christ until i put my finger inside the wound" (

Then Thomas found Jesus and Jesus had him put the finger in the wound and he said "My Lord!" and kneeled infront of him, and Jesus said:

"You now believe cause you have SEEN, blessed those who believe without seeing"

The point of the fable is that there are ways to empirically prove that God exists, but its a rather inconvenient path cause it involves you having some sort of "gnostic" revelation that involves you physically experiencing Christ's pain and feeling the deepest sense of shame a man can feel.

You'll believe, but you'll be broken when you do.


So you want me to believe in a supernatural dimension because of the rantings of a 2,000 year old book where half of it is lost in translation?

Of civilizations sure, but what about when we were just hunter gatherers? Would we consider what they worshipped "God" or simply nature worship?

How fucking retarded can you be. Contemplation of the divine is contemplation of the divine, regardless of how ill conceived this divine is.

wtf I hate Italy now. I'll tell all those girls I banged throughout Europe that they did a mistake, italians are effeminate fag and they shouldn't have slept with me. Thank you for enlightening me and them, user

> but what about when we were just hunter gatherers?öbekli_Tepe
>Would we consider what they worshipped "God" or simply nature worship?
lol stop moving the goalposts. They worshipped what they believed to be God, the features they gave to this god or gods is irrelevant

You're right, my bad. But my point about language still stands, would we have been able to even contemplate the idea of a deity without language?