So, what's the story with Fillon? Do you think he will win? I have no media sources except for German and English ((((((media)))))). What are the chances of Le Pen actually winning? Is France as cucked as Germany?

>Is France as cucked as Germany?
>Not cucked
They're French, take a wild guess.

>What are the chances of Le Pen actually winning?
thanks to the runoff system close to zero

Why are you answering for them? Do you live there?

Is there a way to vote that she does make the second round?

Knowing the disaster of French politics a little, I can tell you that Marine will never win, because if she makes it to the second ballot, all Frenchtards will "unite" against muh fascism becuz muh democracy (top fucking kek) and elect whomever is against her.

Yes, that's how fucking stupid about 80% of them really are.

He is in the "moderate" right since the beggining. They are the one who started this immigration thing. Since they continue to push for more immigration to break the population and lower the wages, possibly to raise housing prices too.

He don't give a single fuck about workers or French, he is the right hand of the globalist puppet master.

All you have to know is that he is one of the mans behind white genocide.

Not stupid, brainwashed. So few people go on part of the internet with free speech, they only have mass media and friends who think like them. And mass media tell them to ostracize anything that can lead them to think for themselves.

Yes, with 50%+1 valid votes.
Or if she make this score on the first round, there is no second round.

Also she is not some sort of savior, she is as corrupt as others and want to get her share of the cake, but she is the only one for reasonable immigration.

Are normies starting to pick up on this fact?

But I'm not clear on your system: if the majority of the population wants one person to win, this person will most likely not be represented of voted for in the end, as the other groups will go against him or her... is this correct?

Burgers are a disgrace to the rest of the world

I guess you have the same kind of choices as Germany does then. How is the sentiment about immigration - are most everyday people for or against this, or don't care?

Yes absolutely, that's what I call being stupid, because being brainwashed is a product of disinterest, and if you suddenly pretend you do your part against "fascism" by voting against Le Pen while you don't care about politics the rest of the damn year is downright stupid. You guys ought to opt for direct democracy.

The system works if there is a majority of voters. But that is not true of Le Pen, she's not at 50% yet.

Unless there is another Islamic happening in France she is very unlikely to win.

Fillon is a middle ground between far right and the true cuckservatives like Sarkozy.

He is a practicing catholic with 5 children. Think of him as the French Mike Pence.

Sure, he's not Trump, but he's the best alternative French people have at the moment.

People from the immigration (now 30%) vote for whoever have the most "terre d’accueil" policies.
Normies think we should be nice to everyone and let people live their lives now and have little time for politic.
Then there is people who got their share of the diversity.

I wish we could ban minarets the way you did.

He is the equivalent of the CDU and he will probably win unfortunately

He is the French Jeb.

We will win, Geert will make right-winged babies with Frauke and Marine and create a new Dutch Franco-German monarchy to spread around.

The time will come, brother.

No the French Jeb was Juppe

Fillon is friend with De Villiers I think. Pretty red-pilled on Islam and immigration if you ask me.

And he has more culture than Le Pen, who is pretty much a degenerate.

this was a super fedora move, i'm not fan of islam, but state mandated atheism is just reprehensible. The swiss will be openly anti-Christian soon enough.

Ah, ok, Thanks. I have a better picture now.

The Neo-National Front has nothing to do with the old National Front. This party is simply a sovereignist and progressist party. A party chaired by progressist woman. The Vice president is a degenerate and ridiculous homosexual. France and the West can not be saved by this putrid democracy.

Uncultured American give us his opinion again.

Minarets are not even needed in Islam, only fanatics want them. Its only purpose is to show this is a land of Islam.

62% white
more then 50% of newborns aren't white
you're an expert in cuckoldery

Don't fool yourself, in countries like Switzerland and to a much lesser extent, France, "secularity" is a code word for "christian roots/islam gtfo".
I may be dreaming but a bunch of recent laws in France were like that (we allowed Christmas crib in public buildings, banned the "burkini", there is still pork in canteens without any "halal" replacement, all this because muh secular state). Of course you'll stil have the leftist degenrates to spit on chritianity, but stuff like this still give me a little hope.

Marine Le Pen est une pute jacobine et laïcarde, je ne voterai pas pour elle ni pour Farid Fillon.

62% ?
75% is more realist.

It does not detract from the fact that the French population will disappear.

Fillon is a worthless Putin apologist and he will get utterly demolished in the elections. He is a pathetic example of the French white flag policy.

Un camarade français lucide.

La République n'a aucun avenir en France, la plupart des Français n'ont aucune confiance en la politique.
Nous ne sommes pas un peuple de républicains comme les Américains.

Say what you want but at least they have guns, actual freedom of speech and actual white supremacist movements.

>Marine Le Pen est une pute jacobine et laïcarde
Évidemment mais à un moment il faut choisir le moindre mal... Parce qu'à ce compte là à part une insurrection armée je vois pas ce qu'on peut faire.

You sounds like a polish

62 is the American number. Official.

Fillion is popular among old people, he is the establishment
Marine's chance of winning still are difficult to estimate but 'look good'
Fillon stole the 'religious' vote from Marine but still repels the youth and the poors
Fillons chances to reach the second round get thinner, while Marine is nearly 100% assured to reach the second round
For the moment a Macron/LePen second round is more plausible than a Fillon/LePen second round
BUT voting intentions change very fast in that election
Marine will reach the second turn, too soon to tell what will be her opponent

La république mortifière s'écroulera d'elle même.
Elle n'a rien de grandiose et a détruit la France. Détruit le christianisme catholique et ses valeurs morales. Détruit la langue française en instaurant un "français standard" aseptisé et sans saveur.
Détruit la diversité des provinces, en interdisant les langues, en baffouant les coutumes et traditions. Remodelant les entités historiques en des régions sans identités. Que crève cette république décadente.

C'est aussi la gauche républicaine qui se faisait la plus grande avocate de la colonisation
La plupart des "avancées sociales" (principalement celles de 1936) sont dues à des royalistes (qui sont assez ironiquement perçus comme régressifs) qui n'ont fait que rétablir les droits dont profitaient les travailleurs sous l'Ancien Régime.

Please non-french or non-residents, stop thinking you have a clue about what's going on

Ça doit être vrai pour les métropoles, mais sur l'ensemble du territoire, ce chiffre me paraît élevé.
La forte population des grandes villes doit jouer sur les statistiques au niveau national.

Also she says she has much better chance to win against Macron than against Fillon. Because the ideology clash would be much more visible.

La république a supprimé les corporations. Réduit en esclavage le travailleur français. Aujourd'hui nous avons des avancés sociales, un confort de vie très élevé, à quoi bon vivre dans un société sans identité, sans valeurs morale saines, sans esthétique ( destruction de l'art ), sans grandeurs.

You sound like a french fry