How to deal with pedophiles

>Pump them full of drugs that kill their sex drive
>Implant a tracking chip into them to track their every move
>Give the chip a feature that sends and alert to any mobile phone in the vicinity

Straight up child molesters will just be thrown out of helicopters.


All of the above




define pedophile

Yesterday some 16 year old Welsh girl on Snapchat told me Im creepy and to leave her alone, and that Im disgusting and old enough to be her father, only after I told her my age (20)

Just kill them all, why waste money castrating them

>using snapchat and the likes

To the helicopters with you, kanker neger

Why is he wearing Captain Planet outfit?

hoe kom ik anders in contact met meisjes, wafelbakker. ik leid een eenzaam bestaan

>a sixteen yo girl magically can consent at 18

What if the dos deal with you first faggot?

marrying a 9yr old is fine
consent at 14 is fine

If it's someone who fiddled with a prepubescent child beyond a reasonable doubt and was convicted, either life in prison or execution is the way to go. Supposedly prisoners hate pedophiles.

Pedo apologists incoming
Molesters indeed out of the helicopter
Pedos should simply get no platform and not be allowed to work in professions where they can prey on children


>pedos vs molesters
Just shoot them all and let Satan sort them out.

>hoe kom ik anders in contact met meisjes
At the church of course

ik heb geen bejaardenfetisj

>Nooit haar blonde manen aaien
>Nooit haar appeltietjes kneden
>Nooit haar geurige pruimpje besnuffelen

Hoe overleven jullie dit, anons? Ik krijg al jeuk als ze 't een paar uur druk heeft met werk enzo...

kanker op normie reee