She dabbed

She dabbed.
She whipped.
She said she loved hot sauce.
She opened that pickle jar.

And America still didn't vote in the first woman vice president.

What else could she possibly do for you ungrateful fucks?

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but she literally DID THE DAB. she DID it on tv. how can these drumpfkins not see that it is her turn? she LITERALLY DABBED. that is POTUS material right there #pantsuitnation #shesmypresident #yaaasqueenslay



if she put on a dildo and ass raped all the starving african and chinese children then maybe she could have won my vote

Maybe if she acted real and didnt do and say these silly things to pander

Open 2 (two) pickle jars

What is dabbed and whipped mean?

dont forget the midget in the mexican or cuban tv show she was on

politicians are gay cunts

I liked her weekend at bernies impression, fuckin dead on to the sunglasses. Maybe a little inappropriate at the 9/11 memorial though

>vice president

What are you going on about? Were you trying to be too-clever Brit?

that's not
how you open a jar of pickles

you have to pop 'em

She could have acted like a true European instead of using post-modern multicultural cancer.

She could have "REEEEEEEE"ed a bit and forced Colonel Sanders to give up those secret herbs and spices for god-tier tendies.

Literally all city people voted for Hillary. Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump or Bernie.

Turn herself in to the authorities and admit to fucking children to death before eating their corpses.

>7 years from now
>republican party has ivanka running
>suddenly everyone forgets about the incredible need for a woman to be president

The least she could have done for us.

She also learned the language of the people.

PokemonGo Fuck yourself

my god people actaully okd this shit

Not lie through her teeth before and after the email fiasco, endangering relations with Russia (which the USA of all places should be trying to fix)?

Could you imagine how she must feel like a complete asshole.
Trump was like fuck all that, they're all a bunch of assholes lying to you.
And they were all like look at us be assholes lying to you.

drop dead

nigger speak for some trivial thing whites have been doing for centuries but with "attitude" (i.e. hallucinating some jungle beat is playing just in your head and gyrating to it to some degree)

usually the white version of this is merely standing still and being dignified and not acting like an animal

it's vacuumed sealed
pop pop
i can't even open this
this is real, this is happening