Mfw trumpfafs can't even defend themselves anymore

>mfw trumpfafs can't even defend themselves anymore


Go back to Kikebook with that shit.

Christ, next you'll post a pic of yourself eating dinner and making a stupid pouty face.

>This much damage control over repealing a broken and economically disastrous healthcare system

Nice personal anecdotes too. No, I don't care about your faggot friend dying from leukemia. I don't want to subsidize a stranger's bad genes, especially if I'm forced to.

How much did mother Russia pay you to post that? $0.10?

low IQ scum

>mfw you contract prostate cancer

I hope you fucking die.

cringiest shit I've seen today

Defend? Dude trolled you with one sentence. Look at all the useless shit you posted after one post from him.

Seriously, kill yourself.

Ope.. u got me!!

I have had cancer for 8 years, and Obamacare has actively hindered my ability to get treatment and has spiked the cost of those treatments. The only thing good Obamacare has done for me is allow me to buy private insurance without worrying about my preexisting condition.

The rest is horrifically inefficient and very poorly operated as a result of the rush to implement it before it could be opposed. Obamacare was not the solution to America's healthcare system; it was rubbing dirt in an open wound and expecting it to heal properly.

>mfw he has God

>mfw he has God

If I was a serial killer I would be murdering my friend. Who sends that many txts with no response? What an annoying cunt, makes a guy wanna kill...

>expecting someone to read that shit

Damn dude, you have a huge dick. I'm impressed by how hard you BTFO that Drumpfkin with all your responses. You are the coolest AND the strongest!

he rekt you

OP is a fag


Ha idiot lib gets slayed

>knowing the difference between education terms is important when you want state run schooling.
>some kid having a sickness means all people have to pay for him
>wanting a liberal run position ended is no different than occupying that position and chaning its course
>having the launch codes lets you nuke any time you want

This is what libs believe.
Appeal to emotion every time.

I thought the joke in this thread was the autistic text wall by the yellow sender but apparently that is you.

Off yourself you weirdo.

You're both fucking idiots.

OP got fucking wrekt

Cuck of the day

Op confirmed for autistic faggot who faggot who can't even win a textual screaming match they started for no reason

No counter point?

Fake. Either way you're a moron. Trump's strategy of replacing politicians with CEOs will work. They don't need to know this shit themselves, they just do what CEOs do; they hire and manage the people who do know. Teachers are teachers and not world leaders for a reason.