The constitution is an outdated relic of a forgotten time that needs to be rewritten from the ground up with a modern...

The constitution is an outdated relic of a forgotten time that needs to be rewritten from the ground up with a modern outlook in mind.
There is no reason why civilians should be allowed to own and purchase semi auto rifles.
I believe the best solution would be a government sponsored buyback followed by an ad campaign focusing on ostracising the remaining gun owners.
After this, guns should be allowed to be purchased after a year long evaluation and training session. Then you will receive a gun license, which allows the purchase of single action revolvers and bolt action rifles.
The constitution was written before modern firearms were even thought of as possible by slave holding white men.

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There is a mass shooting everyday in the United States and all you can say is "wrong"? Do you not care about your fellow countrymen?

Just reverse the words "civilian" and "government, and you've got it. Government = servant. Citizenry = master.

Government officials are trained and proficient with firearms, while ideally they wouldn't have them, we don't live in an ideal world. Unfortunately, conservative policies have led to high crime. Police and government officials need guns to defend us.

The constitution is a small tiny part of your government, it is the only rigid structure that takes most of the government in agreement to amend. It secures basic freedoms required for a society to remain free from tyranny with a responsible body of citizens. It will never be out dated because the interpretation is left to a court of living justices, the enforcement is left to an elected executive, and the ways and means left to a branch of elected representatives.

>It will never be outdated

Conservative policies have NOT led to higher crime. The highest crime rates are in the large, Democrat run cities. Get back to readdit, fag.

The constitution merely reaffirms a pre-exsting right of the people to bear arms. This is a natural right that predates any nation on this planet. It is a right of all people and will always be.

>The constitution is an outdated relic of a forgotten time that needs to be rewritten from the ground up with a modern outlook in mind.
We have a method for this in place already. All you need is 38 governors agreeing to call one. Good luck
>There is no reason why civilians should be allowed to own and purchase semi auto rifles.
The right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
>I believe the best solution would be a government sponsored buyback followed by an ad campaign focusing on ostracising the remaining gun owners.
Actually, the best solution is for you to fuck off out of my country, you ungrateful cuck.

>Constitution is an outdated relic
Well if we're getting rid of the second amendment we might as well get rid of the first, right? They weren't thinking of Twitter and Facebook and the internet when they made it. The fact that anyone can say whatever they want for the entire world to see is just too dangerous, and only trained government officials should be allowed to use the internet.

Nice bait OP, made me reply

Conservative policies like trickle down and open trade have led to the degradation of American cities.

>Unfortunately, conservative policies have led to high crime.
Which is why the highest crime rates in the country happen in liberal strongholds like Chicago, DC, and Baltimore right?

The first amendment is outdated in the sense that neo nazis hide behind it. Hate speech needs to be treated like yelling fire in a movie theater.

>Conservatives gut the economy and hang the cities out to die
>Hur dur democrats did that!

>What is Chicago

A city that was destroyed by republicans pursuit for cheap labor which caused the greatest migration ever, within american borders. After they were done with the southerns that were moved there they were abandoned and left in poverty. They have no choice but to turn to crime.


>There is no reason why civilians shouldn't be allowed to own and purchase semi auto rifles.
FTFY faggot
now KYS

Handguns kill ridiculously more people should we ban them too?

Incorrect. Citizens need these weapons to kill corrupt politicians and social elites, as well as the traitors among their own ranks who would seek to take the rights of self determination and self defense away from them due to their own misguided philosophies.

Dont let facts get in the way of OPs mental illness.

If you at all enable a state power to gain control over its people, by limiting their rights to defend themselves or seek refuge from a tyrant, they will inch towards domineering the people. The government is not people who have good intentions or ideas from a vacuum. There's checks and balances in play, and interests that are not public knowledge. Not to mention century old ideas that still dominate the minds of people. Do you seriously think the world just revolves through new modern ideas and that we just accept that? No, there's centuries of play here that you choose not to see.

It's funny how when people like you push the idea of limiting people's rights, or massive reform by emotionally baiting. You're just possessed by an idea that you think is your own.

Karen?? Who told you about this place?

I like how some of you replying to this guy's very obvious satirical hyperboles unironically

You better ban all guns in that case because we can still do masshooting with bolt action rifle. In fact you should ban everything oh wait you can't OP BTFO

This is bait. Sage.
