Brazil will become world champion once more in Russia and prove again that racemixing is the way to go to the world!

Brazil will become world champion once more in Russia and prove again that racemixing is the way to go to the world!

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Get out of my country.
If digits you're wrong.

if digits OP is right

This country is doomed and no one can save it.

huehuehuehue favela monke

If digits you're all monkeys




I would be great if our people took this defeat as a lesson and stop caring so much about crap. If they'd choose to spend their energy on more productive stuff.

Please Brasil I can't stand you anymore.

Its gonna be Iceland.

ofc the aryan master team would destroy some stupid monkeys.

maybe create a subhuman league where you compare with africa etc?

How do we truly make Brazil Great Again? I love your country and it's disappointing to see the state it's in.

you dont have to worry the president that gave the olympics, wc, made the world realize we can be a great power and triggered the standpoint for unifying south america is coming back in 2018

I've pondered about this some time, Mr Bond, and I think the only solution is the country falling apart, the white south and perhaps the white southeast must become their own country. I'd advise the native north and west to also leave the garbage that is the east and northeast by themselves. No one benefits from the union, the northeast and east are supported trough welfare just like niggers in America, thus they never leave the deplorable state they are now. The south and southeast also have to pay for all the "investment" on there, the west and north are shitty and there's nothing really there, not near as much shitty as the east and northeast tough.

yes let's balkanize I am sure we can become a world power that way

brazil was never good to begin with


Bring some tribal girls please.

don't embarrass me in front of my white friends monkey.

u wot m8?

Who the fuck cares about it?

Anyway, the day is cold here even though we are in the summer.


I believe there are no aryan team anymore.

They're all "diversified"

Soccer is retarded.

No one in LA can become a real world power.


Why are you so proud of being brown?

says who USA?