Are there any good arguments FOR allowing illegal immigration?

Are there any good arguments FOR allowing illegal immigration?

Modern day slavery without the need to house them

Cheap labor

You're a fucking white male

No. There are arguments for changing immigration law so that it's easier to come here LEGALLY. There are no arguments for having laws and then ignoring them.

They've had a chance for the past 40 years. Times up

But they want a federal minimum wage so everyone will be given the same money, so you might as well hire citizens

Whoops meant that for you not myself

Cheap labor and it economic growth fueled by a growing consumer base.

I think the leftist argument is that they're human beings and should be treated like such.

IMO, they've broken the law and should not be given any constitutional rights. I don't give a fuck about feelings, you'll destroy nations if you base everything on emotion.

>But they want a federal minimum wage

No they don't

meanwhile the rich business owners who live in gated neighborhoods get rich and the normal people who experience the increased crime rate that also go along with it has no say in the matter

Whites are evil and need to be subjugated by third world mud peasantry forever.

Cheap labor just oppresses the standard of living for a citizen that would be doing the work that illegals do.

Based on what I have seen about "Sanctuary Sities" which pander to illegal immigrants, it is as though a new class of untouchables has been created, which you are asking the taxpayers to fund, so the illegals may ignore existing laws and avoid taxes themselves, while being given priority for health care, driving licenses, housing, etc.
Is this fair on those who respectfully entered by legal means?
I can't move to the USA as every nation save the UK seems to be on some list which may be offered a Green Card (last I checked anyway).

Yeah. You hate your country and want to culturally divide the population.
Alternatively if you are the head of a major corporation , you can use illegal immigration to get cheap workers to be more competitive.

Standards of living are so high in developed countries that the jobs illegals take are perceived as below legitimate citizens.

Didnt know China was the role model we should all aspire to be

The Left just wants the immigrant votes. They give no fucks about anything else. Although illegals cannot legally vote here in the US, the children that they hatch out of their muddy cunts can.

No I dont care if there going to die if they get set back they are not citizens and shouldn't be given shelter in a country they dont belong in.

no. none. get out.

Yeah, I've heard that argument a thousand times. It's nonsense. If picking tomatoes in a field paid $25 an hour, you can bet your ass there'd be loads of white people slathering on some sun block and getting their hands dirty. The employers just want the cheap labor so they can make more money.

They're great if you own a couple McDonald's franchises. White trash don't work as hard, or care as much about their minimum wage cashier job as an illegal does.

Cheap labor

Isn't it true that in places such as California, people can vote without ID. So illegals would be able to vote if that's the case?

Gain 2 Stewardship.
+5% chance of Revolt.

whats funny is as soon as they get papers and have to pay taxes they go and get better jobs...

>If picking tomatoes in a field paid $25 an hour.

Why the fuck do you think these jobs are perceived as below legal citizens? It's because of the pay, not the work. There's plenty of shittier jobs that pay loads that legal citizens are willing to do.

i'd give them one chance to leave the country. after that, i'd make them march to mexico, regardless of where they're from.

yeah but they didn't come into the country legally, so fuck off

illegal immigrants have the audacity to sue Sanctuary cities too.

Yeah and most people wouldn't be able to buy tomatos because they would be too fucking expensive

i would prefer to give them a bus ticket and a wave.

It brings diversity, and diversity brings strength

Ha, I've heard that argument before. How did slavery work out for America? 400 years from now we have a chance to reap the benefits of diversity - but that comes at the cost of destabilization for the foreseeable future.

did your wife's boyfriend tell you that one

No. Wanna know why? Look at my nation.

Legal immigrants don't do the trick?

Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year.


Cheap labor.
Saves money on border control and expulsions.
That's it. It's pretty surprising that it's actually the people who support them when they would be the first to suffer from illigal immigration since it devalues labour, brings in crime, increases traffic and parallel economy.


Undocumented immigrants will be the ones paying your pension.

The economy is a ponzi scheme. With the fall of birth rated there are less and less people coming in at the bottom. If you want growth you have to have a growing population. Best way to do that is to import people.

>when you break into a store but slip money into the till for every item you steal

sounds legit

>implying they aren't a massive net loss
Take your shitty democrat memes elsewhere.

So chump change

Tell us how much it costs for ERs to treat them, schools to educate and feed their kids

but they cost taxpayer $113billion per year in state and local costs like education, healthcare, public welfare etc.

>FOR allowing illegal immigration?
No! Just look at Germany. We're a horrific example how not to do things.

You could be a serial killer of them pretty easily I'd imagine. They don't have any documents or even proof of existence right? Good meaning they are not killing legal citizens and adding to the murder statistics.

Don't forget increased identity theft, forged documentation, and welfare (if not by theft or forgery, then by next generation legal citizens, still under the care of illegal immigrants).

This nigga gets it

So the argument is that we should ship in a subclass to work jobs at wages real citizens won't, and that we should do this because it will keep less viable products competitive in the market?

That's retarded. There are plenty of things that are expensive exactly because of the labor that goes into production. If a product can't survive at market-determined wages and prices we don't say "fuck it time to bring back slavery", we either let it shrink to be a rarer, costlier commodity, or someone finds a cheaper way to produce it within the system.
There's a reason the south developed less with slavery than the north without. This kind of thinking stifles progress and ruins the labor market.


You had your chance, now you have to go back.


We are paying the wages regardless. Only the channel the wages go through changes. Instead of wages going directly through employers, the wages now go through more expensive welfare programs.
It is subsidized labor, the government favoring illegal immigration.

which is less than $1000 per illegal which isn't shit

That too as well as increasing the demand for housing and scarcity for affordable housing, decrease land value wherever they go, pauperize any area where they settle...
are we still forgetting things now?

>diversity brings strength
How? I've never heard this one actually explained. The way I see it only breeds the division. How can having tons of isolated micro communities within the nation be strengthening?

But they have a chance


i think its more of a live and let live situation
like, yeah you came here illegally but if you're contributing to society and not being a criminal then deportation is kind of needlessly cruel

>Race to the bottom,

And no mention of loan defaults and other wasted resources like emergency room care that should be a normal doctor's visit. The list can go on and on.
It is abuse of a system not meant to handle the effects.

yeah but deporting them costs about $12500 per immigrant

Sweden ends.

The guy you responded to with this isnt going to get it. People like him are full retard and he probably voted for killary

They cost us $100 billion / year though you dumbass faggot

>>diversity brings strength...
> the Jews.
They always leave out the second part of the phrase. There's your answer.

Send the country of origin a bill.

Undercutting your competition by using illegals and since you can't file any records of paying illegals under minimum wage you can also ignore safety standards and ignore paying into any 401ks for your illegal employees

Here you guys go,

Illegal immigration is exploitation. The US and EU scalp the best and brightest from other countries that really need those people. The economies of those countries can't function properly either because because their labor force is in another country. Lesser developed countries cannot resolve their issues because the people who can affect change are missing. The immigrants are used as cheap labor even though our countries have minimum wage laws. These people are paid less so that liberals can have the standard of living they want while drawing a profit. Immigrants would rather stay in their country rather than being forced to labor in another country for someone else's benefit.

>But illegals pay muh sales

I pay that too. Along with my state income tax, federal income tax, medicare....

There is no argument for legal immigration either. Immigration rewards failure and punishes success. Immigration allows those who have contributed to the downfall of their country to move to a new nation that was created and maintained by another people. It undermines and displaces culture. It muddies generic heritage. It removes responsibility to maintain your own nation's history while dragging your culture somewhere it does not belong. Immigration should be illegal everyone, everywhere. Keep nations pure so every people of the world have the freedom to carve their own destiny outside of foreign influence. We must not meddle in evolution of subspecies, for it is the survival of the fittest, and allowing weak men to join strong nations, it will only collapse the great empires of the world.

That's nothing compared to what is being spent. The losses still exceed the taxes brought in.

Do you like rape and murder? Because that's all you will get.

Good! Just make sure that you cut off federal funding before they settle, see how these cities feel about immigration when it's on their dime exclusively.



Fuck off back to mexico paco

Cheap slave labor is about the best you'll get.

But, that's not really a "good" argument.

The only immigrants you need are highly qualified workers, people who benefit the nation instead of raising the burden.


skew opinion polls

A welfare state can't sustain itself with open borders / illigal immigration.

Since the west has a far higher quality of life, more income on avarage, etc it will only be the enemies who win and europeans/americans who will suffer.

Immigrants will be thrown into the sea soon enough as we'll steamroll all shitskin nations who have nothing more to give to humanity or this world other than barbaric pedo cult medieval fairytale based bullshit.

First we'll put these traitors and woman into place and then send a postcard signed to all nonwhite nations: "Get ready to die".

SoCal 3rd gen legal spic here .

There's still a site you have to register on w/ social sec number and at least where I went (demographics probably around 25 black 35 spic 20 Asian 20 white) we had to show ID .

But yes, I'm sure it can be abused in some areas