
Why is this allowed? You cant just magically create money from thin air that doesnt have a physical equivalent.

Actually, you can.


Do that with gold.

Interest is the money you pay for the service of being lent money.
Those it is the lenders profit

>You cant just magically create money from thin air that doesnt have a physical equivalent.


But it should not be possible.

We don't need sharia law for this if this is what you are trying to force us upon.

There is no risk involved because the money did not exist in the first place.

Ban interest on fiat currency.

>You cant just magically create rental income from thin air

this, jews are magicians.

>But it should not be possible.
Thanks for the chuckle.

It's the central bank that creates the money out of thin air user, not Deutsche Bank when it lends you 200k to buy a flat and asks you to pay 250k over 10 years or whatever (what'd be the point of lending the money in the first place and putting it at risk if you didn't get returns from it?)

Like any other white collar job, the banking industry requires skill sets (labor) and infrastructure. That costs money. Interest helps cover this and also provides profit for (((bankers))) to expand into markets.

The alternative would be a flat transaction charge. If you took interest away, the real cost of banking would be passed along to you in fees. Some of you poorfags who don't use credit unions already know this pain.

>You cant just magically create money from thin air
uh, fractional reserve banking does it every day.

The only problem with this is that private banks are allowed to create money without ever having the same physical amount in their ownership. The logical solution to this would be to forbid banks to lend money without having the same amount themselves and only the state itself would be allowed to release more money. But guess if bank lobbyers will ever let this happen...

Thats why you earn the money.
Lets say you take out a loan of £10,000 to start a business.
Interest is 10%
You have to pay back £11,000 with your profits in payments each month.
The money you earn is coming from your profits, which come from customers, who earn their money by working or gibs. No money is being magically made you retard.
The interest is the banks profit, what they make back for letting you borrow their money, it's their profit.

>There is no risk involved
Okay please pass secondly school atleast before you post here again.
If I lend a homeless man £50,000 with an interest of 20% I will lose £50,000 and never see it again. That is a huge fucking risk.
Lending money is the risk, you may only get half if it back or none of it.

How would you emit money then? Only problem is the fact private central banks exist.
It's against interest of the country to devaluate it's currency like that because it will hurts itself.
Now that's not the problem of a person that supplies them.

In America being on welfare and public assistance cannot be used to disqualify people from credit, and the money they get from the gov cannot garnished to cover there debts.
This has created a scenario where a bunch of people who cannot afford credit get it, run it up and then cannot pay and there is no way to get the loss back from them.
So the loss is made back on the backs of people who do pay their bills.

Money is always worth more in the past than it is right now, even without taking inflation into account. That's the thinking behind it.

Because cunts dont pay back what they owe and banks LOSE money so they have to charge % to offset the capital LOSSES that scum generate. Governments force them to lend.

>buy why positive interest?
stop trying to get us to accept sharia law.

fuck these threacherous muslim hogs.

I beg to differ.
t. US Treasury

>Why is this allowed? You cant just magically create money from thin air that doesnt have a physical equivalent

I hope you are trolling here
1- ask for money to build factory
2- factory creates wealth (computer is more expensive than the weight of the materials it contains)
3- you pay the loan and part of the wealth you created as interest

they take collateral if you don't pay. E.x: art, houses, etc.

Because the tax man said so. That's why.

Yes, the bank loses out because of retarded laws.
I'm not too sure on the US but in the UK we often use cred scores to determine whether a loan should be given, people who have a good history of making full payments on time for loans and credit cards get a higher score, which gives banks more trust when they are borrowing bigger amounts and mortgages.
It sounds like the US is jewing hard working people by letting niggers borrow without consequence, surly you have repossession laws in the US so if they do borrow and can't pay then banks can legally take and sell their property to cover the cost borrowed. I know you at least have it for cars from all the daytime TV I watch on Dave of people repoing cars in the US.


>surly you have repossession laws in the US so if they do borrow and can't pay then banks can legally take and sell their property to cover the cost borrowed.
It depends on the state, the property and how the ownership of the property works.
You can also cash advance from credit here and there is not always shit to repo and sell.


You can it's called jewish tricks

Sounds like your own laws are fucking you by rewarding niggers and NEETs and punishing hard workers. This sounds very unsustainable.
Hopefully God Emperor will fix that.

The fed, debt, and interest are three of (((their))) most favored tools. Society would be better off without them. You're beginning to understand this, keep looking.

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,
Matthew 21:12 KJV

the reason jesus kicked the moneychangers out of the temple. They took pilgrims gold and would only allow "kosher" currency to be used to buy animals for sacrifice. they were basically selling people monopoly money at whatever rate they felt like, with no exchange of goods or services taking place. oldest trick in the book and why the heeb is legendary at usury.

>Sup Forums
>defending (((interest rates)))

It's dishonest. The banks are giving money they don't have and profiting off of it. They aren't doing any hard work, they win whether or not people pay it back.

this is also true. the borrower and the lender are equally reliant on each other.

If they didn't make money, there would be no banks. Who the hell would set up a business, take a shit load of risk, and not make money for themselves?

The lender has to trust the borrower to pay it back and the interest, if the borrower doesn't pay, runs off, dies, gets arrested or anything that stops repayments then they lose out.
The borrower just has to hope the lender trusts them enough to actually lend the money, if not they head to a different lender.
There is risk, but much more for the lender.

With jews you can.

You guys are either trolling or really stupid.

OP's point wasn't interest itself. It was charging interest on money that was printed out of nowhere.

That's how the central bank works.

>You want economic stimulus hmm? I know, why don't we force your government into debt (which you pay with your tax dollars).. We will print money out of thin air, and instead of just giving it to you.. we will 'lend' it to you.

>Looks like you're in 17 Trillion of debt goy, you're on your own buddy! But you still owe me the interest on the money I printed out of nothing to give to you.

The problem is interest is supposed to represent risk taken on money you own. But the central bank doesn't take a risk. Let's say it lent 3Million to the banks/government.. and they don't pay it back. Is the central bank 'down' 3M in reality? No. They can just print more. Being a private entity they can also cause the government into bankruptcy. Despite this... interest is still required to be paid on the money lent as if the central bank is somehow risking something.

I can only conclude this mechanism is some form of nation-wide debt slavery. Force the government to go into debt with imaginary money, the tax payer foots the bill with his money, which is essentially blood sweat and tears... and you've done it! You've turned imaginary money into other people's blood sweat and tears. You've essentially enslaved a country.

In the US that's to the tune of 2-3Trillion.

>but but they refund the interest rate payments back to the government!

Why the fuck would they develop a system so complex if they werne't trying to explot it? Why not let the government just pay the central bank a fixed rate sum for operational cost while they central bank prints an unrelated amount of money. Why come up with this complex system of lending the government money, taking the interest, and then paying it back?

yeah you can

take this question over to though, they'll explain better than we can

Christians were never allowed to be bankers. Jews are literally making money from thin air.