Was this really necessary?

Was this really necessary?

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was the election necessary? Everyone knowns the USA is government by a miilitary shadow government.

liberals are triggered by it, so.. yes.

no but it was funny as hell

what a crazy time to be a live

Of course not.

And if you look close enough in the pictures, you can see that the national mall isn't full all the way back.

No, but it was great. I can't wait to see what's going to happen over the next four years.

he didn't say it was full

its about sending a message.



eh, just getting his feet wet.

not like it matters, though. i never listen to anything the government says (or the media).


Nothing is necessary.

Yes, it's important to combat fake news by putting out the alternative facts.


>Was this really necessary?

the media is acting as a Democratic party super PAC
expect to see pointless shit like this every day

Counter attack the news and all they can do is defend themselves all day and cannibalize themselves day by day

This. This let the entire country know that the days when the press could lie and go unchallenged are at an end. Spicer comes in. For every one minute he gives out information he will spend 4 and a half minutes berating the lugenpresse. Every day for eight years.

We are in newspeak territory

>zooms in
>fades out

looks legit.

Yes. How else is he going to get away with the actually scary lies. This is a great starter. People will go "why lie about this? maybe it isn't a lie, maybe it is just the media" and then they'll turn off all media and only listen to Trump which makes things easier for him.

>trump doesn't come out, just some lame looking dude
>think "fuck this is probably going to be tame, boring, and some hack trying to extend an olive branch to these propagandists"
>mfw dude comes out swinging full force

Fuck I love this timeline.

I don't understand, were you trying to disagree with him? Because your video does show it wasn't full all the way back.

>mfw Trump makes Baghdad Bob the next press secretary

He went easy on (((them)))

get elected and first speech after inaug address is to berate the press for being lying shits? not necessary but god damn deserved

Denying reality
The video shows that spicer is a desperate faggot along with trump

>the press is honest guise, no agenda!

The sections had a limit on the number of people allowed in. There are thousands of people behind the white building near the washington monument.

>"Alternative facts"

>"There's no way to quantify crowd sizes"

>"This was the largest innaguration. Period."

Drumpf pls

>I dictate reality.

name an inauguration with more people watching.

not really, but nobody will remember it in a couple of weeks after stuff like executive orders and supreme court nomination takes over.

also, the crowd size of inauguration is completely irrelevant. DC is 90% democrat, so it is easier for someone like obama to fill the mall than trump, whose base lives in midwest, south and mountain west, and for whom it would be very expensive to take a trip to DC.

>Shifts the goal post from largest innaguration crowds to more people watching

please look up forced perspective

Anyone have a link? I missed it when it happened

>because more people watching doesn't make it larger.

>What is a crowd?

pls look up time stamps.

Reagan you idiot.


it wasn't and it is pretty weak to react like a narcissistic idiot about all this crap.

Reagan had more people watching on youtube? Dang, I am an idiot.

Nope, but you don't see me bitching about it.

For a first assignment I'm sure it was a little feather ruffling, and maybe that's a good thing.

be nice Germany! your time is over.

Anytime they want to stick it to the liberal fake news and tell them their shit is not going to be tolerated as told vy the commander and chief of the country they like to take advantage of so fucking much will always be great in mu opinion.

They can use a little tough love for all the bullshit they spew each and every fucking day. If more presidents looked at the fake news outlets and told them to shut their fucking whore mouths more often, my respect for them would fly up by a thousand.

>Trump's inauguration doesn't even have more youtube views than Spider-Man & Elsa fetish videos produced by India

No, it wasn't. I think it lessened the image of the White House to do a presser like this.

But whatever, Trump's President, and I trust that he's doing the right thing 99% of the time.

>8:20 am

Every time.

>Pure bullshit from the media is countered by pure bullshit by the administration
I don't like it, but I get it. Also, is there any truth to the statistics? The phrase used was "Around the globe," so was that counting most international viewers?

alliance with russia and germany is fine.
german technology and money + russian resources and human material.

Yes I hope he does this every day for 4 years


There wasn't any youtube streaming in 2008, so it was watched more people than any inauguration in history. TV ratings don't mean shit in current year.

>What are time zones

Both were taken 45 minutes before the start of the inaguration. You realize not everyone is in the same time zone, right?

he seemed wayy too nervous for his first speech. hes too focused on criticism, but he should understand he will get criticized regardless.

I would not be against him kicking CNN the fuck out and never allowing them to return. If they are just going to play games and pretend their precious imaginary world view is real and lie to the US, then they should not be let in to keep on doing it.

Declare it fake and have the FCC kick them off the air once and for all. They can go blog and bitch on tumblr with all the rest of the triggered little snowflakes about how it's not fair.

Is that like forced animation and artificial difficulty?

Those are the million women march, nice try honey ;)

timezone argument puts (((Apellbaums))) tweet at around 10 eastern. The swearing in was 2 hours later.

>huge rally
>have big tower directly in front of the president
Holy fuck that's obnoxious

this guy is a garbage speaker

i hope donald replaces him sooner rather than later

compare how far back the crowd goes in the obama pictures in relation to the brown brick house on the right and look again how far back it goes in the video


Lol Trump's turnout numbers are less than second-term Bush.

Did anyone else catch during the press conference when Spicer compared Obama's numbers by 11 AM in 2013 to Trump's all-day numbers? And then he accuses the media of being dishonest.

The trick is to care about the pres sec calling out deceptive, lying media and not care about verifying the "factual" response. The size of the crowd doesn't matter, that's not what the New York Times and others were trying to do. They wanted to show how Trump's not legitimate or is unpopular by comparing crowd sizes, in a propaganda way. Not in a factual way. The media doesn't give a shit about the facts. They just want to make Trump look bad.

But they were called out on it, immediately exposed. It was great.

Go to the tweet, it says how many hours ago it was posted. Not a conspiracy, trumpfag

>Sup Forums still doesnt understand they're the joke

there's no fucking timestamp on that video. false comparisons.

They're irrelevant here. Guy was east coast.

A Crowd is what makes 12 million Mexicans flee overcrowded Mexico

This is surely an accurate measurement. Drumpf BTFO this time!

That's where I got it. I live in MST. EST is 2 hours ahead.

That guy lives in DC

No and he made an ass out of himself. I can't wait to see this little faggot get his ass reamed by the media on a regular basis.

It was incredibly immature. And this is coming from a major Trump supporter.

yes call out the media lies everyday

welcome to the free market of ideas faggot

he'll yeah

it sets an amazing precedent of assblasted media and libshit tears

funny as fuck and I hope every other press conference is as petty as this

When the fbi investigation in to paedophiles, illegal drugs and especially tax evasions in Hollywood?

this is narcissistic beheavior, get used to it.
trump has a very weak personality, it will show in the next 4 years, i am pretty sure.
clinton is horrible too, but how do you guys get the conclusion that trump would be a good president ? maybe a good president to overthrow everything and start something new because leftist will revolt.


>Thank you all for coming guys
>See you on Monday


Dude, the election is over, we're into talking about the failed Trump presidency now. Try and keep up.

>being this fucking retarded

Fellow Trump supporter here, we can't let this man have the nuclear codes.

>tax evasions in Hollywood
Hollywood is literally built on not paying tax. Literally built on it.


If Trump threatened to put an end to this practice, the marches and liberal moaning would stop within the hour.

excuse me but the correct way to spell it is pedophiles

just because you lost the war of secession doesn't mean you have to invent your own weird way of speaking and spelling english words

>no timestamp

Sup Forums in current year.


When all the toilets in Washington are lined up on the Mall, every tourist in town marches together.

Number Two Unites Democrats, Republicans, and Mexican Migrants.

but but... drumpfs tax returns!

>literally PBS
>no this is probably a forced perspective/footage of something else

>literally zooms in at ???? time.
>the Truth.

He is not going to change anything. Just watch. Corporations run the show. Money runs the show. Trump might even mentally implode during his first term. Half of this country already hates his guts and he has only been in office like 1 day. He might have a nervous breakdown from all the criticism that will keep building because he a fragile ego. He will be a 1-termer for sure.. I actually think he will resign before the end of 2017.

Top kek

Even CNN knows it was full

literally look at the red brick house. it's safe to say it is much less than half of the obama inauguration

and he will make a conspiracy out of it, so it is not his fault of signing out.

Former Trump supporter, you know this is getting way out of hand right ? Hahaha I mean, we cant let that guy have the Nuclear Codes, am I right ?

Major trump supporter here. Fuck Drumpf

>That Hillary

How is that not the face of defeat and bitterness?