I lost a political argument with some brown girl, she made me look really bad in front of my friends :(

I lost a political argument with some brown girl, she made me look really bad in front of my friends :(

You know what to do

I lost a political argument with some brown girl, she made me look really bad in front of my friends :(

It's almost like spending all day in the 105 IQ average echo chamber tthat is Sup Forums only prepares you to repeat things like a parrot and doesn't actually give you a fleshed out poltical opinion or prepare you for debate or something

>getting btfo by a woman
>who's also a darkie
Are you actually on the spectrum? Or developmentally disabled? I want to taunt your retardation, but not of it's legitimate.

No one gives a shit

What exactly were you arguing about? And how retarded are you?

What was the argument about and what did you say?

So, you only have a low IQ of 105?

It's all that's left for you


You don't seem to understand what I meant. The Syrian cock lodged in your throat must be affecting oxygen flow to your brain.

He destroyed you bro. Now you're just mad

Just normal trump stuff, i said people shouldn't be protesting until he actually does something bad and that set her off, she's my friend's gf. She wasn't like mean, she was just a lot better than me at debate desu

You need to brush up on your skills.
This is why pol needs more discussions and less buzzwords (cuck, shill, etc).

That's how they win. They don't actually beat your arguments, they just attack you personally until you look bad in front of everyone, even if you're right.


I agree. Intellectual arguments don't work on them. You basically have to say "if you hate the country so much why don't you leave?" If you want to get anywhere.

Another error is discussing politics with people who shout their opinion anytime someone says something they disagree with. Which sounds like what happened to OP

Increase your power level

If you want to develop your opinions at least read the basics in philosophy and history.
I mean if you never read The Apology of Socrates by Plato you are pretty much level 0 in political reasonning.

Any books you can recommend? Im a Telecomms engineer so i have little to none knowledge about politics, but ive been wanting to learn more about it as of late, any help will be gladly appreciated

This may be old as shit but I wonder why this stock image exists at all.

Nietzsche, Machiavelli, Tocqueville, Nicolás Gómez Dàvila, Seneca, Aristotle
Have fun

what did she say exactly that rekt you. Tell us so we can help you improve.

I pick my political arguments carefully; I don't lose

It's call read read read and not fall into the Sup Forums ideology. An ideology is like a religion: you rely on 'faith' instead of actually having factual information to construct an argument with. Intelligence alone doesn't mean shit if you don't have the facts to back it up.

Also remain calm and factual, call them of their fallacy, don't throw yourself in a yelling competition.
If they interrupt you anrgily, just point how childish and emotionnal they are behaving and that you won't debate with people who can't have a civil discussion.

Anyway 95% of political discussions are garbage and don't worth your energy, most of the time they are just low information rants basically repeating the daily kool aid on TV with people throwing ad hominem the moment they are cornered.
You will just gain enmity and strawmaning in most casse, the only persone I really care about political opinion is my girldfriend because I think you need some level of compatibility on worldviews to build something with your partner.

why make this thread dumb fuck OP if you run away and don't contribute immediately? Why?