I've been worrying about this for a while

I've been worrying about this for a while.

Is it socially or politically degenerate to be a daily Oxycontin user....if it's legitimately prescribed to me, makes my life so much better, and I'm a functional and well mannered member of society?

I've done significant research into the drug, and found that it has absolutely zero long term negative effects on health - the only people who fuck it up are those who abuse it and overdose while mixing with another depressant like alcohol or benzos.

Oxy literally made my life worth living...but I don't want to be considered degenerate.

It's pretty degenerate. It's an opiate, and if you've been taking it for more than a couple of weeks you are likely both physically and mentally addicted and dependent on the drug. Not much different than a heroin addict.

Very little pain requires long term daily OxyContin use. American doctors have gone insane with prescribing it for any pain (although there's been some changes recently).

What exactly are you using it for?

What is it prescribed for?

look into kratom OP if you want to get off the oxys since real opiate addiction sucks, you could OD and most people who get addicted originally get prescriptions for pain, injuries, surgery etc

I'm definitely physically dependent on it. If I miss a dose, I start to have hot flashes and feel nauseous...

I was prescribed it after all other options had been exhausted in managing a spinal injury, which came from being stabbed in service.

It's helped my social anxiety almost as much as the pain...so I probably am mentally. Dependent at this point too.

But if it's a lifetime prescription to treat my two biggest flaws, is that really such a bad thing? I hate it when I see stories about opiate users robbing and murdering for a fix..land feel shitty about being one...so I go back and forth.

>Oxy literally made my life worth living
it can also make your life hell too if you get addicted

stay safe faggot and try not to od

Of course it effects your health. It's unnatural. But it's nothing is inherently degenerate. If you take opiates in the morning and spend the day working your hands to the bone, providing for your family and generally behave as you see as a good person then don't worry. Degenerate is more a lifestyle than any one single action.

This will lead to an addiction however and that's going to bring about degeneracy.

not degenerate at all, millions suffer from chronic pain and opiates are proven 100% effective at pain relief for thousands of years

Countless people have gone on to heroin buying it on the streets in unsafe areas in unknown doses when their prescription gets cut off.

It's almost the same feeling as heroin. Make no mistake you are an addict. Tons of heroin addicts say that heroin has the same benefits that you list about oxycodone.

I used to inject heroin and oxycodone and i know exactly what you are talking about. honestly i probably never would have stopped if i had a lifetime prescription. it does make life better for some of us.

The problem is you wont feel much in terms of emotion. that part of you will be seriously numbed. Also taking a shit sucks. Ive had to use a goddamn butterknife to pull some hard shit out before

Stop letting anonymous government agents and bored nerds on the internet tell you what to think and how to live your life.

What the hell kind of flag is that you degenerate?

NAH Dude shit. I started on pain killers move to Xanax and literally don't remember months. Still pulled a 3.7 GPA tho. I'm completely sober now. I don't drink, drugs, nothing. Except the occasional vyvanse for school.

I tried Kratom and it did very little in helping with the pain relief...I have permanent nerve damage from being stabbed in the spine.

I read that almost all overdoses come from either people intentionally using high dosages, and mixing it with another depressant to potential energy the high...or people who had initially been prescribed, got taken off the prescription and started fucking with heroin and fentanyl (varying strengths, unable to measure dosage etc.)

With the NHS I've got a lifetime prescription and I don't fuck around with taking extra pills for recreation...but it still worries me that I'm missing something...I spend most days Googling it.

Although, again, my life has changed so much for the better since starting to take it...

It's not supposed to be used for your mental issues, you are abusing it by definition. Answer honestly: do you really NEED it for the pain? Or could you do without?

Opiates are designed to be used in the short, acute stage. As your body becomes more dependent on the drug you will require larger and larger doses until your doctor cuts you off because he knows you're abusing and you have to switch to heroin.

Seen in 1000 times in my line of work.

been on adderal most my life. i feel ya

>t. junkie

I know more people who are dying or suicidal from untreated chronic pain than people who have suffered from opiate addiction. I do believe that lots of people fall for it, but I can only think of 3 open addicts I've known. More people I have known kill themselves from poor medical care, generally around chronic pain from a verified diagnosis. Lots of doctors don't treat for pain and the weak go to the streets or tough it out or don't and kill themselves.

Consider yourself lucky and focus on safety and quality of life.

>NAH Dude shit. I started on pain killers move to Xanax and literally don't remember months. Still pulled a 3.7 on AllMusic tho. I'm completely sober now. I don't drink, drugs, nothing. Except the occasional vyvanse for the studio.

I use heroin

I find it made me less degenerate. I have no sexual urges and can socialize normally

You're an addict


I definitely need something for the pain...I was suicidal before. Before the prescription I had to get daily injections and take a cocktail of non-opiate painkillers. I asked them if effectively paralysing me would take away the pain, and if they'd said yes...I would have did it the next day,

Yeah, I've lost 90% of my sexual urges too..I can still get hard etc. it just doesn't dominate my thoughts.

If you're actually willing to sacrifice quality of life in order to not be considered "degenerate" by a bunch of fucking idiots on a taiwanese fruit manafacturing forum you're a fucking retard. If it's not harming you, you do you OP.

opiates are the absolute worse. even lightweight faux opiates like tramadol cause instant physical addiction. You will never be able to get off that shit

tramadol is pretty bad because it lowers your seizure threshold and fucks with your serotonin levels

I wouldn't worry about it.
The only downside
It's the constipation
Taking a dump it's very important
Believe me

Please get help man. I was prescribed Adderall at 14, and now my brain is fucked. Pharmaceuticals are a dirty industry, do not slip into their clutches.

>you gotta think about what will happen in a shtf situation and you aren't able to acquire any more. get off now while you still can or one day you'll be in for hell.

Stop looking for vices to avoid, and concentrate on being productive. For instance, someone who is in shape, works a productive job, exercises regularly, eats well, reads, and gets high/medicates once or twice a week is WAY less degenerate than a lazy, jobless loser who brags about avoiding drugs and drinking.

>instant physical addiction
Such a thing doesn't exist, you're a fucking retard.

>absolutely zero long term negative effects on health
>I'm definitely physically dependent on it. If I miss a dose, I start to have hot flashes and feel nauseous...

Pick one.

That's my major worry...but I discussed it with my doctor and he said that as far as he's concencerned, it's a lifetime prescription. NHS doesn't really take you off anything, unless you request it or are obviously abusing it...and obviously, I'm paying barely anything for it. £6 a month.

It's how most people become all-out druggies. Ignore your high school DARE propaganda. Weed isn't the gateway drug, Oxy is.

I don't understand how you can have a lifetime prescription to oxy. How long have you been taking it? Have you not developed any tolerance? Have you not had to have your dosage bumped up?

The main problem with opiates is that, while theyre a very clean drug and a godsend in low dosages, they have a hellish tolerance mechanism and the same dose should quickly lose any therapeutic value

You'll be using heroin in no time.

As long as you get clean stuff opiate addiction isn't that unhealthy. Compared to alcoholism it's almost harmless. Withdrawal sucks, but it won't kill you. The majority of junkies however are addicted to all sorts of shit like benzoes which are pretty dangerous.

What about when the NHS isn't around? I wear contact lenses and my biggest priority right now is saving for laser surgery, even though they are no hassle and covered by my extended coverage at work. Some day I might not be able to get them or access to a sterilized water source. I'd probably end up adapting but for the first month (the most critical time of any such situation) I'd be severely handicapped.


Kill yourself you degenerate loser

>Is it socially or politically degenerate to be a daily Oxycontin user....if it's legitimately prescribed to me
100% yes, you're a junkie go die

I've been in it for 3-4 years now. I don't know if it has really made my life better or worse. I slow tapering right now. I want to remember what it feels like to be happy without medication..